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Grand Theft Auto IV


First Grade
Wheelsy...go online....kill lots of people.....

So good.

I've had the game for nearly 2 weeks...I am at 6% of the single player mode. Last played it in single player on the weekend.


First Grade
DeeGan said:
I still haven't been able to properly get a good go at this game due to work and the like - but - I did read a review the other day suggesting it will take 40hrs to finish JUST the story mode not including the little side missions.

Any truth to that people?

I'd agree with Caged Panther, you can do it in much less if you focus just on missions but if you take in the whole gaming experience then I did it in round the 40 hour mark and it still says I'm only 65% of the way through.

Wheelsy said:
It's a bit sh*t to be honest. Far better than San Andreas, but still nothing on Vice.
He makes all this coin, but what is there to do with it? Can buy a couple of cars, and a new suit.

That was my feeling when I first played the game. Barely touched it for the first week and felt ripped off but once you give it a decent run and start going through the missions it's probably the most addictive game I've ever played.


First Grade
i didnt say that...i said some people get killed and then get up and limb away..besides if i rate something better thats my choice..just like you chose to be an ass.

fc..seriously...your annoying.


guys having played the Australian version...the only thing cut down is...and its massive..


they hit the ground and there items fall..then 30seconds later..they get up and walk away limping then they just vanish..

its kinda annoying since it feels like all you do is KO people.

Ahem. I believe yo usaid that

ol i had the australian version for nearly a week!

go try and kill the cops..they lay there...then get up and walk away..

They dont die..

Heck one mission, your working for this unknown guy who tells you to go to a russian dudes house and get him..you go there he isnt there, you check his laptop and it says his at the chemist or some crap..you go there and have a car chase, he dies cause of my awesome driveby shooting..then 20seconds later he drives off!

They dont die, ill bloody take footage of it if you want.

They hit the ground, you can beat the crap out of em then they walk away.
And that.

Seriously, you're an idiot.

No one dies in the game and just magically gets up unless the paramedics show up... you made the statement and now you are saying you didnt.


Post Whore
2k2, watch more closely i know exactly what you're talking about
occasionally someone will get up, stumble around before falling to the ground and dieing, tbh i think its a nice little touch, gives the idea that the gun shot wound isnt instantly fatal... i love watching them stager around until finally dropping dead


First Grade
Sometimes they do survive and Niko will say "Don't make me finish you off!", they are just badly wounded so they might be able to get away, put a bullet into their head while they are down and you can sit there all day, they won't get up.

It's the same in my US copy.


Post Whore
Yeah I know what you mean - you shoot some guy, their energy circle is drained, they fall to the floor and you think, "He's dead."

Next thing you know, you hear a moan from his direction, you turn around and he's wriggling on the ground in agony.

Personally, I think it's a great touch.


Staff member
I just saw the most epic police shootout ever witnessed by man. It was me against a bunch of thugs in a house (forget which mission but you have to chase some guy in a cop car for a while before he stops). I'm stuggling big time to beat this one because the cops seem to always see me when i'm firing at the thugs. So what i did was resist firing and let the thugs try and kill me while i'm hiding behind a car. The foos don't realise i've phoned the cops about 20 times and the street is soon littered with patrol cars and cops. It was dead set epic, 40 odd cops against a group held up in a house. I completed the mission without firing a single round...

I also soon realised how unco these cops are. it took 40 of them about 10 minutes to take down the first bloke on the patio but after that all you see is cops streaming into the front door. For some f**ked up reason though, i get 2 stars for doing nothing. I walk in to survey the damage and out of nowhere i get this message telling me to lose the fuzz or some sh*t. Thank f**k for body armor cos it was 1 on 40 at that stage...


Dunno what was so good about that Three Leaf Clover mission- sure it was fun shooting a sh*t load of cops, but it was not nearly as hard as people have all made out to me. Shoot a few cops, drive through few barricades and you're home in one attempt.


First Grade
Sometimes they do survive and Niko will say "Don't make me finish you off!", they are just badly wounded so they might be able to get away, put a bullet into their head while they are down and you can sit there all day, they won't get up.

It's the same in my US copy.

I stomped a dude to death (why? I don't need a reason...its GTA) and left his carcass in the gutter. I went up to my room, saved the game (6 hours elapsed) and went outside and his body was still in the gutter.


I am still only at 12% done in single player. I can't get enough of multi-player. I've got a great group of mates who are awesome to play team death matches or other co-op games.

I can't help but notice a few things that suggest that some guys are using cheats online but apparently there are none. I snuck up on a dude and seriously unloaded a clip from an AK47 into his head from behind. I watched his health ring do nothing. I even reloaded and shot him again. Nothing happened.

It wasn't like I was missing him. I was shooting from about 20 metres away with the zoom on...I tried shooting his body and head but nothing happened. His body shook with the impacts but he didn't die. Then he turned around and shot me once with a pistol and I died. He was Level 4 as well.....I am only Level 2 but closing in. Need another $15K.


I reckon people have to be cheating. i seen a bloke move at an incredible speed towards me on foot.

also. i snipered a guy in the eye and he kept just kept shooting.

as for the game..

Im up to the last mission. ive copied my save file so i can do both versions.
will be interesting to see which is better.


First Grade
Yeah last night I was playing Turf Wars with an inept bunch of idiots who had no idea.

I watched the other team, as a group, run at super speeds across the road and mow down my team in about 2 seconds.

I ended up just legging it and got hunted down like the dog I was. I did manage to corner one dude and I hit him directly in the chest with a rocket launcher. He certainly got tossed...but got straight up and fired one shot at me with the pistol and I died.

Not cool.


First Grade
Where can i get pissed in this game? Im still in the very early stages of the game, I go back to the irish pub where the darts are or even the stripclub and i cant seem to get a drink? lol.

As for the online cheating, I was playing free play last night and this prick who i had just whacked comes back at me not 2 mins later in a helicopter lol. Great fun though, awesome game.


First Grade
As for the online cheating, I was playing free play last night and this prick who i had just whacked comes back at me not 2 mins later in a helicopter lol. Great fun though, awesome game.

Where were you? As in what map.

There are choppers all over the place (although I can't find the chopper with rockets...there is one, I've seen in in multiplayer), especially if you are playing near the airport.

Choppers are fun but pretty useless as the guns are hard to target. I find plowing into guys on the ground with the heli blades gets good results though!!


I like to use them as transport. I played a 60 minute team deathmatch and spent half the game ferrying snipers to the roofs of buildings in a chopper......


Staff member
Just finished "Three Leaf Clover". What a fun mission, reminded me of that shootout in the movie "Heat". They even give you the guns they use. It wasn't too hard tbh...