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Greg Bird charged and released by Sharks


Whos the f*wit who brought up the AFL" code of conduct" up, not worth the paper its written on. Like you suggested they never follow through on it.

it wasn't a defence or otherwise of the AFL it was merely an illustration of a clause that exists in the AFL (and most other professional leagues worldwide, NFL, MLB, etc etc) and a wonder that the NRL might possibly have the same sort of clause buried somewhere that would allow the NRL to act without waiting for the outcome of a court case. Whether the AFL use it or not, or how they use it, was not the point.

so before you attack me you under educated troglodyte, try using the single brain cell you might have and don't read things into a statement that don't exist.


The Herald has been told that a third party may have sent the offensive text messages from Bird's mobile phone

hmmm of course it wasn't him. Seems pretty consistent. be a man and take responsibility for your actions


Story time.

Coolum Pub has a smoking section at the front of the public bar, which means that it's adjacent to the main road off the car park, to which has now become the scene of the occasional outburst of SPS (Small Penis Syndrome) a.k.a Wankers leaving in there hotted up ve-hickles and smoking it up a.k.a burning rubber a.k.a wasting money.

While having a few drinks at the Cooly pub with the afternoon crowd last Friday, this one tosser tries to do a burn out right in front of us, then gets out of the carpark onto the main road and has another go, the crowd responds with comments of disgust, disbelief, laughter and the "wanker" calls that go with this ridiculous act of masturbation.

Now a bloke who was there to witness this in the crowd, who I know as a fairly decent hard working lad, nice bloke to talk to yadda yadda, made a comment to his mates along the lines of "what a dickhead" etc then proceeds to get in his car not 5 minutes later and repeats the act on the main drag.

30k hotted up late model Ford ( I dunno the make, not a car enthusiast) loses it infront of everyone, and ends up stacking it into the nearby palm trees across a pathway that people and kids use to walk, ride thier pushies along on their way home etc. Total right off, embarrassing act of stupidity.. cops on the scene in less than 3 minutes, blows .055, no insurance. f**ked up royal.

Now I hear that this tool has just gained his license back from 3 prior infringements in a motor ve-hickle, and basically has ruined his chance at obtaining another one for many years to come.

The point being, He could have killed someone, he was witness to the jeers of the crowd from the previous dickhead, and he's financially f**ked for a good while to come. I don't get it, I'm definitely no saint and have done some pretty stupiud things that I have regretted in my time but what is this madness in society today?

I went to the Hoodo Gurus concert last night and every person needs I.D to get into a place to go see a band, you can't enjoy yourself without some monkey, that has the social skills of a kindergarten bully, frowning down upon you from some sort of collective genius authority, that is now ingrained at nearly all social outlets that serve a cold beer.

I dunno, this Bird thing reflects a society of youth that has no respect and is way out of control, and trying to be controlled by useless bureaucratic political correctness funded by insurance companies and big company policy that couldn't give a flying f**k about the regular joe.

I might be getting on in years but where is the respect for your elders and the boot up the arse that I used to cop to keep me in line, the very thing that landed me on my feet from my youthfull foolishness?

Mr Saab

Mate I am not upset at all, typical saab bringing qld - nsw rivalry into a topic that does not need it, nor warrants it. The comment was a stupid/irrelevant one IMO.

I was just making a comment that people who said Bird was the next Wally Lewis were kidding themselves...f**k origin...f**k nsw....f**k Qld......


And f**k you..

El Diablo

Post Whore


By Jessica Halloran and Edmund Tadros
March 4, 2006
THE texts are "rude" and "crude" and model Lara Bingle has been shocked by the messages sent to her from the mobile phone of Sharks footballer Greg Bird.

Bingle, who is the face of Tourism Australia's controversial new $180 million "so where the bloody hell are you?" campaign, met Bird at Cronulla great Steve Rogers's funeral.

And it's since their first and only meeting in early January that the 18-year-old model has received "five or six" rude messages from Bird's phone.

Bingle would not elaborate on the content of the messages yesterday but has indicated they were unsavoury.

"They were just really, really crude messages," Bingle told journalist Michelle Kierghran.

Her brother who has viewed the text messages said they were very inappropriate.

Bingle thought if she did not respond to Bird's text messages they would stop.

She has not received any messages for four weeks.

Bird has, through his rugby league club, vigorously denied that he sent any harassing text messages. Sharks spokesman Rob Willis said Bird was now back with his "old girlfriend".

"Greg's thrown up his hands," Willis said. "He says he's done nothing inappropriate. There's been nothing obscene written. There's been no harassment."

The first message was an innocent greeting. Bingle then allegedly sent a reply, the only text she has ever sent Bird.

The Herald has been told that a third party may have sent the offensive text messages from Bird's mobile phone.

But it is unclear why a third party would send multiple allegedly abusive messages from his phone.

Bird's career has suffered recent setbacks.

In 2004, Bird was suspended for 10 matches and fined $15,000 by the Sharks for kneeing Souths winger Shane Marteene.

A year after the suspension Bird said: "I know that it's time to stop mucking around, to stop being that kid. It's my fourth year this year and it's time to really step up."

However, Bingle's career has been blossoming in recent weeks.

Last month, Tourism Australia announced that Bingle was the main face of the new $180 million campaign to entice international tourists to Australia.

There was a minor uproar about the line which includes "bloody" that Bingle says while standing on a beach in her bikini in the advertisement. The line is: "so where the bloody hell are you?".

Her modelling agency yesterday was trying to downplay the text message drama.

Priscilla Leighton-Clark, owner of Priscilla model management, told the Herald: "It's nothing … this is all just so unbelievably ridiculous - a storm in tea cup.

"Laura met the guy, only ever saw him once. That's it. End of story. There's no relationship, never [has] been. Never will be," she added.

The guy is trouble.

i think that ended up being Birds girlfiend who wanted Bingle to leave them alone


Staff member
it wasn't a defence or otherwise of the AFL it was merely an illustration of a clause that exists in the AFL (and most other professional leagues worldwide, NFL, MLB, etc etc) and a wonder that the NRL might possibly have the same sort of clause buried somewhere that would allow the NRL to act without waiting for the outcome of a court case. Whether the AFL use it or not, or how they use it, was not the point.

so before you attack me you under educated troglodyte, try using the single brain cell you might have and don't read things into a statement that don't exist.


First Grade
one wonders.

i suspect his ethnicity may be a factor, political correctness and all. I don't think he has much future.

Altho Krakeour was de-regged for that bashing in Perth. :?

Apart from the fact you disporoved your own theroy, race has nothing to do with it. If player who was in a car that shot at police which later led to a murder and a president who fleeced the Australian public of near $1 billion dollars werent considered worthy of a ban then no-one is

To AdamKungl, may not make a difference in terms of his short-term NRL career but surely you can see the diference between throwing a glass across the room in a fit of pique or standing right in front of some-one and stabbing them.

Will make a huge difference if it goes to court.

Hell my wife would be doing 10-20 right now if throwing items across the room was a serious offence. :?

Special K

yeah bird was cleared in the end over that whole thing.

Even Bingle said it wasn't him after a while. If you search around you will probably find it
A bit of talk on here about players having to be responsible when out on the lash and how it comes with the money, fame etc. Surely some of the blame in a few of cases has to be spread to the airheads that go in looking for an altercation with these overpaid league stars. All this talk of rugby league being a working class game yet players cant go out with these working class people? Cmon, when in NZ on several occasions I've seen high profile international players out having a drink, at times well past what would be deemed responsible for a professional footy player. None of these guys were getting approached or harassed, and were quite happy to have a yarn, albeit and rather intoxicated one. Where do people get off thinking that because they see these people on tv or support their oppositions club they can approach and abuse? Now I'm sure that its only a small minority of dickheads that do this, but for all those people, you are ruining it for everybody. Every time I see a league player I would love to be able to approach him and ask something on my mind or give a little friendly banter. Now players just dont want it. Do we want to be able to mingle with our heroes or will we eventually force them into a life of private socialising like Hollywood stars are. I am in no way suggesting that players are angels but throwing bolts at players, making monkey chants, fighting in nightclubs, what is this? It's downright poor form from losers with no chance of getting anywhere in life. Why doesnt this happen in any other sport in Aus? Why is it that a girl getting glassed by a player bring attention to the way idiots treat their woman, when this happens week in week out in every state? Rugby league is directly represented by its fans and reflects its standing amongst the rest of society, and time after time it comes up short.

Girl, hope you recover fully

Bird, I hope you get 7 years.


First Grade
Be interesting to know if he threw the glass or had it in his hand. Would make a massive difference in regards to intent.

No it wouldn't. It is the same as firing a gun randomly into the air. If you hit someone with the bullet, you intended to fire the weapon, and you knew the consequences or the potential that it may hit someone.

If he 'intended' to throw the glass, that's all that matters, because he would know the risk is there that it would hit the victim.

However, it may mean more leniency at the sentencing.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Text controversy
Article from: The Daily Telegraph


March 04, 2006 12:00am

AUSTRALIA'S new face of the nation has found herself at the centre of a text message controversy involving a Cronulla Sharks player and his girlfriend.
The 18-year-old who was beamed globally as the face of Australia's new multi-million-dollar tourism campaign said the text and voice messages began soon after a wake for Sharks legend Steve Rogers.

"'[They were] really quite rude," she said. Cronulla Sharks player Greg Bird and his girlfriend Stacy Sulway confirmed to The Saturday Daily Telegraph they had sent messages to Bingle.

But they strongly denied any suggestion that the messages contained inappropriate remarks. Ms Sulway said she was unhappy that Bird, 19, and Bingle had been exchanging messages and asked it to stop.

"I have been friends with Lara since we were little,' Ms Sulway said.

"It wasn't meant to be abusive but I strongly asked her to leave us alone. I think I said I wish I never met you."

Bird said he did not have a relationship with Ms Bingle.

"I didn't send any inappropriate messages from my phone," Bird said.

"My girlfriend sent a message to Lara asking her to leave us alone. It wasn't even my phone."

"I didn't even have a relationship with her. We had exchanged some text messages.

"It put a strain on my relationship so we stopped contact. That was over six weeks ago.

"I am remorseful if this has caused any stress and feel no ill will towards Lara. Everyone should just move."

Radio 2GB reporter Michelle Keighran said Bingle had told her during a 10-minute interview that some of the messages were crude.

"She said she ignored them, hoping they'd stop," Keighran said.

But when The Saturday Daily Telegraph spoke to Bingle yesterday she said the controversy had been blown out of proportion.

She said had only received "one" message from Bird.

"It's just upsetting. It's really blown up I can't believe it. I mean, I only met the guy once. I think it's just because he's some big footy player everyone cares," she said.

Keighran was last night confused by Bingle's change of story.

"I can't believe she's denying it now. I spent about 10 minutes on the phone with her and she said there were several messages and they had been crude," she said.



First Grade
i missed a few pages of reading, but didn't the broncos sack two guys last year for king hitting someone on a night out on the drink? the broncos sacked them before the court case? you know the short guy? and another guy who legged it to NZ after the incident, can't remember their names.