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Grimaldi earning no income


Yeah we can't have a FOGF or FOCF, only other clubs can hate players.

I love Grimmers, but if he wants to play for nothing then thats all he can do- good on him.


Raider_69 said:
its not their fault
but on one hand you got SBW getting paid 400k odd a season to warm a seat in the stands half the season, whilst on the other Tony Grimadli plays his guts out and gives his heart and souls to you club, doing his best for minimum wage, 30k maybe 40k if he is lucky... Why not ask SBW, Mason, O'Meley, Ryan and Matua to take 2k each off their cap and give the Grimadli family another 10k to make ends met?

whats 2k to mason, sbw, matua, ryan and shreak? they'd all be on at least 250k each, some of them with only themselves to support, no wife or kids... if i were them, i recon i could spare 2 or 5 k to help a mate and a team mate out

Why should they take a pay cut to support a player the club obviously deems not worth the dosh? If they took a pay cut, it would be to keep someone the club actually wants to keep.


im sure he could go to another club and make way more then what he is making at the dogs. im sure if he wanted an esl club would pick him up with no problems, but he stays at the dogs out of passion, loyalty and a love of the club, something that is very hard to find these days and for people to think anything different of this they are just dead sh*ts.

Big Pete

Very loyal player. Reminds me of Craig Stapleton who was playing on minimum wage for Penrith and had to work another job to support his family. Not a world beater but a good asset none the less and a lot of teams would enjoy to have a player like Grimaldi.

I can't forget his strip on Hunt.


haha that strip last year was one of the funniest things i have ever seen on a footy field. I was basically laughing the whole way as he ran to the try line, and then for 5 minutes afterwards.

sh*t some people are so quick to jump on Mason and Sonny's backs about this..they probably didn't even realise he was playing for the minimum wage. And next year that will be 55k, which is a hell of alot more than most other jobs you can get. And any bet this kind of thing happens at other clubs where there is players on the minimum wage and others earning 400k. Look at souths. Its not like it is the players faults because the club wants them more, its all the club. We offered grimaldi another year and he is happy with that so he will be playing on. Grimaldi is a champion it would be great to get another 2 years out of him


Post Whore
Pando said:
Why should they take a pay cut to support a player the club obviously deems not worth the dosh? If they took a pay cut, it would be to keep someone the club actually wants to keep.

i think you underestimate the amount of work grimadli does for the dogs in a standard game. I think he is one of the most under-rated players running around, if we wernt well versed in the back row as it is, i would be keen to have him at canberra

but as mattg said, next year min wage will be 55k, which is more then most i know get so he should be able to make ends met from that


plus lately since Reni has moved into the starting lock position, grimaldi is starting at hooker and getting substituted for corey hughes throughout the game. he isn't working as hard especially in the past few weeks and has slipped a few places down the top tackler's stats. But you can never underestimate the amount grimaldi does especially in defence. If he was young and more "SBW like" he would be one of the games superstars.


Club loyalty is awesome, but this is 2006. Clubs are not loyal anymore, nor are most players. Grimaldi shows all sorts of class doing this, but when he has a family to support it's delving into stupidity. He could easily get 6 figures from a lesser club. If he wanted to uproot his family, he could get even more in England.

It's not other players responsibility to make sure their teammates are getting fair pay.


First Grade
Grimaldi lives in my area. I see him at the local shopping centre every now and then with his kids.

I don't know what it is that Pando doesn't like about him. As far as I can see, Grimaldi hasn't given any reasons to not like him, and every reason to like him. He's been a terrific clubman, and a much needed player. The fact that the club doesn't need him now isn't his fault, or the club's. The club has to look to the future. The club did try to give him more for helping out with the young fellas, but the NRL knocked it on the head. Obviously the club wants him, he's just not a priority.

The fact that Grimaldi chooses to stay on and play, as well as help out with the young kids says a lot about his character. He's a qualified PE teacher, and the fact that he likes to help out with the young fellas puts him in good stead for life as a PE teacher.

tommytomlin said:
Club loyalty is awesome, but this is 2006. Clubs are not loyal anymore, nor are most players. Grimaldi shows all sorts of class doing this, but when he has a family to support it's delving into stupidity. He could easily get 6 figures from a lesser club. If he wanted to uproot his family, he could get even more in England.

I think it's commendable, and sets a good example for his kids - that money isn't everything. He knows he has a career waiting after football. He lives in a pretty nice area, so I don't think they're struggling too much. His parents are probably helping out with repayments on the house, but if they're happy to do that for a year or two, then so be it. As long as his kids aren't being neglected, which they don't appear to be from what I see.

He's already spent 3 years playing in England, so I'd say he's not keen on uprooting his family to go back over there.



Pando said:
Why should they take a pay cut to support a player the club obviously deems not worth the dosh? If they took a pay cut, it would be to keep someone the club actually wants to keep.

Sothe club dont want him?
Dont look like that to me....seeing as hes in the f**kin team each & every week.


Pando said:
Grimaldi can go teach PE if he likes. Won't be missed.

You're a dick. It's because of people like you that Bulldogs supporters are given the stereotype of being wankers.

Grimaldi is brilliant. What a loyal bloke.


PARANoIR said:
You're a dick. It's because of people like you that Bulldogs supporters are given the stereotype of being wankers.

Grimaldi is brilliant. What a loyal bloke.

Pack of f**kheads. Grimaldi has played about 3 games where he shined, apart from that he's an also-ran.

The thing that amazes me most, is supporters of other teams getting behind him, when nothing good is said about our players who actually do anything.

You're all waiting for the next scandal.

f**k the lot of you.


not every player in a game has to shine, which is what annoys me about people not admiring the efforts of players such as grimaldi. He consistantly makes about 40 tackles per game, alot of them saving tries and filling up holes in the defence. Every team needs some good defensive players and thats what grimaldi provides us. He also has his 1 on 1 strip which is effective alot of the time. I think the dogs have a great balance of attacking players such as Mason, Sonny, O'Meley, and then we have players that specialise in defence such as Ryan, Grimaldi and Hughes. Not to mention Maitua who is a bit of both.


Exactly Mattyg...theyre called the workers, something pando obviously has no idea about- him being blinded by the flashy players and those that "do something" on a field....only the team mates and coaching staff appreciate them, and fans that can read a game...theyre the type of player thats noticed when theyre not there.
innsaneink said:
This is so wrong....but as has been mentioned it happens everywhere.

Mark O'neill was another in this boat, not sure but he woulda been on an average pay, not the most skilled but busted hishump every time he took the field, and one of the nicest blokes you'd meet.
But he'd been treated like royalty by Wests compared to Grimma

about 70% of the people on the tigers board basically tunred there backs on him there was only a few of us sticking up for him its so sad since he works hes a** off people just dont relize what he done cause they looks at the stats and see hes low metre count :roll:

every team should have a grimaldi or a mark oneil


cant believe hes on min payments.. wats that.. 35 40 k? surely willie and sbw can drop 10-15k of there superstar salaries to help him out...

thats disgraceful.. i mean he loves the dogs etc.. surely the bulldogs should look after there own.. some things are bigger than the game and family survival and just basic living should not be placed below a game..

his effort doesnt not match the amount of money hes being offered.. and like others said.. he could have gone to many clubs and got good money.. souths etc would have paid a nice sum to get him...

i commend him.. but when u contrast this against people chasing money for there personal living like roy etc.. u cant really blame them.. if roys looking at Grimaldi and seeing him struggling to survive as a footy player.. no wonder hes lept at the chance to earn top dollar..