My opinion would be to get these guys on board and help out with all aspects on a part time basis.
I'm and I'm sure Guru and Bert dont want to be assisgned as backs or forward coaches, they want to be part of the culture.
Fitzy just wants to save money. We know they cleared the office a bit with getting rid of a few people to free up a bit of cash.
The Dragons still involve their greats. Chook Raper attends a few Red V gatherings after home games and the club even flew up Reg Gasiner and Chook for a Legends promo on the Gold Coast before the Dragons vs Titans game this year.
Even a segment on parratv with old footage, etc
The club gives our icons season life tickets but do we see our legends at many home games?
in an ideal world, it would be great, but can we afford to bring extra staff into the football club after they retrenched 6 people only a couple of months ago, wouldn't that be seen as slightly hypacritical. Ref: Delboys post.
And as I said before, I totally agree and we should be doing St George, Canterbury and Souths are doing by involving their greats but they're not on their payrole, this to me, is a completely different issue all together.
As for PTV, I sent them an e-mail about this 6 months ago but they obviously weren't interested in giving us a regular "where are they now" or a special segnment dedicated to past players and greats.
well, in regards to who I see, in the past season just gone i have noticed Eric Grothe senior, Bear O'Reilly, Wally Wynn, Gerard, Mark Laurie, Neil Hunt and even Steve ella for one match which isn't bad going for a club that doesn't do a great deal for it's legends.