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Gus can shove his "Origin Experience" up his arse


First Class Cricket: State v State
State of Origin: State v State

Test Cricket: Country v Country
Test Rugby League: Country v Country

Fairly analogous...
We're talking about quality. Not technicalities.

Twice you have asserted this but still not shown me how I took you out of context. Maybe your communication was unclear to begin with. Clarify your point.
You replied to the second half of my sentence with talk about the 2005 thrashing - That sentence was addressing mid-year ANZAC Tests. How stupid are you?

No: Fact. The pool games take roughly a month to complete as there are either (short) 3 pool games, or (long) 4 pool games before the final. One game a week: roughly a month. Maths not your strong point per chance?
I didn't question your arithmetic, douchebag. I questioned why you're replying to my points about build-up (meaning public interest) with nonsense about the finals of Test series being a month after the tournament starts. You, not for first time, misinterpreted what I said. Can you actually read?
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Big Pete

How you can say what you have in the first paragraph and then turn around and say that about Prince is beyond me. Prince mis-timed two passes to Crocker in the first half alone. His kicking game was disgraceful apart from maybe two kicks all night. Hunt had nothing to work with. Prince had everything to work with, and still failed to do anything creative. Hunt's job wasn't to spread the ball. It was to run; he's a ball runner. Prince had non communication with his runners, didn't know when to run or pass, and was about as dangerous as Trent Waterhouse.

Cop that Waterhouse, y'know we might be butting heads a bit but anyone who pays out on Trent is a mate to me.

And please, Prince enabled Queensland to spread the ball and gave them the width to actually trouble NSW on the fringes, an area Queensland excel in. Hunt wouldn't of done that because as you said he was a ball runner...and a mighty poor one at that as a five eigth.

Prince may of miss timed a few passes here and there...but he definitely threw quality ball around to help Queensland to eclipse their record for their highest winning margin.

Well that's just not true either. Pearce's kick to the posts almost produced a try. Folau made a great break down the sideline and only Anasta covering the grubber that followed, prevented Slater from scoring. Not to mention Inglis making a break in the first half which should've lead to a very simply draw and pass try. And the NSW set that followed Slater's try, was excellent; first Cooper made a break down the left. The offload from Mason in the 75th minute nearly saw a try to Cooper again. Smith's kick only minutes later, when the Blues were all lining up for a field goal attempt, also nearly lead to a try. And some of the interplay of passing from QLD in their own end, was clinical.

How any one can watch that game and say it wasn't great quality, or that neither side looked like scoring, is beyond me.

Sounds like I better watch the game again, I haven't watched it in at least since 2009 and that was my general feeling that NSW weren't going to score no matter what they did and Queensland were crippled without their starting halfback out there.

Also just so you know it's the only Origin game from 05-10 I haven't watched this year so before you start jumping on my back on the other games I did actually watch them this year.

LMAO. You want to claim that pass? :lol:

:? What's wrong with that pass? It was fine and wasn't 'pedestrian' like you made it out to be.

In a team that had dominance in every single facet, he did one good play all night, and even then it was against woeful QLD defence, namely Lockyer, Berrigan and Wesser.

Didn't know Wesser played in 2005.

Also Berrigan was a fine defender, just ask GI.

And that's besides my point, you were trying to make out that Anasta was a bad support five eigth in which he isn't. When he was playing on the back of Johns he played well and helped the side.

When Hunt played on the back of Thurston he limited the Maroons and compromised their attack, which was my point.

With that said, I owe it to myself to watch that game again and see if my second opinion of it was true.


First Grade
You replied to the second half of my sentence with talk about the 2005 thrashing - That sentence was addressing mid-year ANZAC Tests. How stupid are you?

Not as dumb as you sweetheart. I was only ever talking about international finals - you know the big pressure high intensity conclusion to a series. For some godforsaken reason you keep bringing up a tangent of mid year tests when they have zero relevance to the issue. How thick are you?

I didn't question your arithmetic, douchebag.

Yes, you did. And you're wrong.

I questioned why you're replying to my points about build-up (meaning public interest) with nonsense about the finals of Test series being a month after the tournament starts. You, not for first time, misinterpreted what I said. Can you actually read?

God you're ignorant. Its a retort about your whole origin has the greater preparation and time to bond together. I said that's false - the World Cup and Four Nations squads have a longer and uninterrupted bonding and fusion as they work for a single post season goal. I read well - can you actually think with clarity?
Now if you're point, was as you now say about public interest, then I retort - since when does the level of public interest dictate the quality or the intensity of the football being played. As you state - there are some very flat origin matches. I have witnessed some great club and test matches games with limited crowds. You're falling for your own red herrring.

I feel sorry for you Maroon - you clearly carry a caravan of knowledge but have a nifty 50 motor scooter of processing power to tow it with.

I'll clarify that comment for you; you know a lot of information but you seem too thick to process it clearly.
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Face it Maroon faithful, Origin has been on a slow, yet steady decline since 1995. The media hype is still there (and in turn the crowds), but the quality of games are absolute sh*t now. It's only slightly more exciting than City Vs Country.

NZ vs Aus is where it's at. Even this year's anzac test was better than all 3 origin games combined.

Big Pete

Face it Maroon faithful, Origin has been on a slow, yet steady decline since 1995. The media hype is still there (and in turn the crowds), but the quality of games are absolute sh*t now. It's only slightly more exciting than City Vs Country.
Not true at all.

1998, 2002, 2003 and 2005 are as good as any other series. Heck 2007 was a pretty damn good series.

I'd probably say Origin has been in decline since 2005, possibly even 2003.

Also game three was better than the Anzac Test.
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First Grade
The so-called decline coincides with the Blues inept performances ... it takes two teams to tango and at the moment it's all one way traffic ... mixed metaphors aside, the Maroons shouldn't have to put with a mediocrity label just because the opposition is shyte.


NSW will be back this year. The selectors can't get this one wrong. the f**king team picks itself.

Big Pete

I reckon the Maroons team this year was better than the Australian team...

Still plenty of contentious selections Adam, your front row in particular is of concern with only one player really putting their hand up.

Big Pete

I reckon the Maroons team this year was better than the Australian team...

Still plenty of contentious selections Adam, your front row in particular is of concern with only one player really putting their hand up.


TLL, Weyman, Snowden, Mannah. Or something.

Never to be picked again - White, White, White, White, Cross, Poore, assorted other nuffy powderpuffs that I can't recall.

Big Pete

Weyman hasn't done anything in Origin.

Snowden hasn't really proven himself just yet.

Mannah looks promising but again hasn't really proven himself just yet.

I'd hardly say the team picks itself at this stage, especially when one of the most important positions in the game has yet to see anybody really stand up (TLL the only exemption).
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Gould is a complete idiot, only out done sometimes by Voss's irrelevant grandstanding and Ray Warren's senility.

The sooner Ch9 is wiped from the game of RL the better.