Josh Reynolds and Luke Brooks say otherwiseMoses and Norman is easily the best halves combo in the comp
State cup...Moses and Norman is easily the best halves combo in the comp
Moses and Norman is easily the best halves combo in the comp
No. No other pairing even comes close to Thurston and Morgan
For sure........and i only root super-models.Moses and Norman is easily the best halves combo in the comp
No f**king shit.No. No other pairing even comes close to Thurston and Morgan
Agreed.Moses and Norman is easily the best halves combo in the comp
I was amazed no commentator ever said, "Sailor is all at sea out there."I predict many halves will be at sixes and sevens this season
A lot of 'seamen ' jokes could've also been used, but sadly, they weren'tI was amazed no commentator ever said, "Sailor is all at sea out there."
While this is a fair point, and as you say will be interesting to watch,, I don't think it will cause anywhere near as much issue as Morgan/cronk. Morgan is more of a right side player like cronk, and Thurston is more left side.Whilst they are undoubtedly the best on paper, it will be interesting to see how they combine. Morgan played insane footy at the end of last year however the team was his, now he’ll have to take a backseat to JT. He will now go from getting the ball everytime he wants it, to getting it when JT lets him. For Australia I thought he was pretty average as Cronk was the dominant play maker.
The two best players doesn’t always equal the best combination.
Whilst they are undoubtedly the best on paper, it will be interesting to see how they combine. Morgan played insane footy at the end of last year however the team was his, now he’ll have to take a backseat to JT. He will now go from getting the ball everytime he wants it, to getting it when JT lets him. For Australia I thought he was pretty average as Cronk was the dominant play maker.
The two best players doesn’t always equal the best combination.
I think the smartest approach would be to keep Morgan as main playmaker and letting JT chime in whenever he wanted (it would save JT as he gets older and would allow a more gradual transition as JT leaves), however that might be more than JT is able to do; after a career of leading, it might be hard to step back.
For me, the reason Lockyer and Johns were so good was because they could fill both roles and they knew when each was needed. That meant they could step into any team and moderate their own game accordingly.
Happy to be proven wrong, but I havent seen this same trait in JT. He seems to have just one gear; he is great at it, but its the team that needs to adjust to him. I dont see him change his style between the Club and rep teams....