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Hayne escapes suspension, no such luck for Gibbs

What will really grind my gears if Hayne is cited and charged, will be the sheer inconsistency of the judicial process, and its approach to "big games".

It is no secret that the refereeing and the match review committee relax their standards a little come State of Origin time. I mean, look how light they went on Thurston for kicking a player in the head.

Friday nights game was promoted by the NRL and the media as a blockbuster. It had 35,000 fans. Both teams treated it as such, and as a result many are calling it the match of the season. Of course, it was going to be tough. In fact, some would go so far to say it was "Origin-esque".

So, if all of a sudden the NRL want to make an example of Hayne, in light of all of the above and the dubious nature of the complaints (ie/ there appears to be not much in them), then I think they will look very stupid indeed.

But then again, it would not be the first time that has happened.


Post Whore
Can the match review committee even do anything about an incident that occurred outside the boundaries of the match??? (ie - after the siren).

Ellis is a pinhead - trying to injure somebody after the siren, and he ends up hurting himself :lol:

There was nothing in it - and that's confirmed by the fact that they have requested 'additional footage' - clearly the standard footage has shown that there's nothing in it.

This little Tiger went to market
This little Tiger went home
These little Tigers went 'wah wah wah wah' all the way home....

Grow up losers!

i'm sure the 5 seconds after the match would be reviewable by the match commitee - the ref needs to blow fulltime

ellis had every right to tackle hayne - and tackle him as hard as he wants - hayne did his little dance and thought about trying to score another one, so he's fair game even if he then submits .... but if ellis is gonna go at him then he's gotta be prepared to have hayne fall on his head also - cuts both ways

what sh*ts me that the NRl are so keen to try and find something - going looking for more video when the usual video shows nothing ... it feels like a parramatta video ref decision - "can't see anything there, lets find some more angle to try and f**k them over" .... I don't think the footage on the tv coverage was in-conclusive, it just showed hayne barely contacted him and didn't make any motion to try and elbow him - but i'm sure if we can find just the right angle and freeze frame it at just the right place they'll be able to pin something on him - NO TRY!


Least we know where some of the supporters get it from.


Question is... can we do it with out JH.

I think we will most likely do Panthers, but I don't think we can do with out him for the remainder of the matches.

I would really like us to win Friday without JH, as it will shutup a lot of those "Parra are a one man team" comments. I know we can do it, however it depends on whether the team believes it too. These comments are coming from Panthers supporters I know mainly.

I guess whatever happens, happens.

If we bow out this week, I will still be ecstatic with our result this year compared with where we were half way through the season.



I seen the incident quickly this morning and didn't see anything wrong with it, however it was just a quick glace. Just for all the people talking about after the siren, the siren isn't the end of the game the refs whistle is.
this happens every year when the Tigers season ends who ever ends it gets bagged and accused of foul play to take the heat of Sheens and his players.


Staff member
Hayne was attempting to break the line after the siren and Ellis made a fair tackle on him, which was neither hard or a vicous tackle. When Hayne dropped down on him he did look to use the forearm and i think by him standing over mouthing off afterwards tells me something happened. It didnnt look like anything hard enuf to warrant Ellis laying there like he did tho. I dont think it warrants a suspension but it was a cheap shot that wasnt nessasary and Haynes should be more careful in future as dumb crap like that cost be costly to him and the team.


whinging Tigers

be interesting to see if he gets suspended for a few games if he starts negotiating

if his manager wants to play silly buggers and we've made him a good offer then we should tell him to look elsewhere and use the money on others

I agreee with you.

Far out Jarryd is only 21, why doesn't he just sign a long term deal with us thats obviously going to be a huge offer?
And if he signs now etc. wouldn't that be in his best interestss? to be signed up and have his future soughted out?

born an eel

if the tigers want to use the media to try and unsettle our charge to the semis, we should be telling anyone who will listen that Burt could be out for the season because of gibbs knees in the back. The judiciary always react more if they think a serious injury has occurred.

All we have to do is leave to the end of the week and say test have cleared him to play.


I watched the game again on Saturday with the benefit of being able to pause & rewind. Both incidents were nothing incidents and I would be very surprised if the NRL were prepared to rub out their star attraction for either of them.

Of the two the Morris one was the only one that could even possibly rate a discussion.


How is that post still there? Seriously?

well its made news in today's SMH with the threat that we could be without Hayne for a week pending the outcome of the match review committee so even if it seems absurd that he could be cited, I for one will be keen to know that he's in the clear at some point later today.


Post Whore
well its made news in today's SMH with the threat that we could be without Hayne for a week pending the outcome of the match review committee so even if it seems absurd that he could be cited, I for one will be keen to know that he's in the clear at some point later today.
i believe bigfella was talking about a different post stupid which has been removed
if the tigers want to use the media to try and unsettle our charge to the semis, we should be telling anyone who will listen that Burt could be out for the season because of gibbs knees in the back. The judiciary always react more if they think a serious injury has occurred.

All we have to do is leave to the end of the week and say test have cleared him to play.
Like when Manly got Moimoi suspened based the fact that they told the telegraph that Kite was in hospital and suffering migranes and would be luck to play again that season then after Fui got suspended on the Wednesday night Kite was a late inclusion for that weekend.


Hayne was attempting to break the line after the siren and Ellis made a fair tackle on him, which was neither hard or a vicous tackle. When Hayne dropped down on him he did look to use the forearm and i think by him standing over mouthing off afterwards tells me something happened. It didnnt look like anything hard enuf to warrant Ellis laying there like he did tho. I dont think it warrants a suspension but it was a cheap shot that wasnt nessasary and Haynes should be more careful in future as dumb crap like that cost be costly to him and the team.

Ellis was trying to pick him up and backslam him into the turf.

Hayne didn't let that happen (too strong for Ellis) - and so they ended up tumbling onto the ground and the way they fell some bone of Hayne's happened to land on Ellis head and hurt him.

Hayne gets up and says "you loser Ellis, why you trying to be a hero after the siren has gone and you've got no chance of winning - reeks of poor sportsmanship mate"

Ellis lies prone to try and get Hayne in trouble - if you can't hurt them, try something else?

You see - there's an alternative explanation to Hayne standing over him and mouthing off. It's probable that Haynes forearm was near Ellis' head when they landed, and it's probably that Hayne was trying to push away and stand up and celebrate the victory - Ellis probably trying to hold him down [big hero] - no doubt Ellis' got a little hurt, probably more offended that his attempted superman slam failed so dismally.

Nothing in the incident, go watch the footage...
It's complete sour grapes by Sheens.

Agent Mulder

Are they talking about when the siren went and Ellis laid on the ground like a big girl?? f**ken hell nothing in it.

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