Some people are worried that we will lose more top notch players to the NFL but I think it could work in reverse.
It could show Americans (& other nationalities) that there is another football code & ya don't need to be 250 lb to play it.
Its showing them that there's another nursery for players to help franchises be successful. They will be able to pick up mature players with the basic skills to suit a few positions.
You don't need to be 250 pounds to play Flag football (gridiron) in the park on a sunday or at a family get together . What some don't realize is that at that level,in that format, the game is actually fun ,fairly safe and not a risk to injuries needing time off work ,careers etc---- possibly even more fun than touch rugby league in some peoples opinion.
For quality professional Rugby league to flourish it needs a nursery of kids whose heroes are Rugby league players, who want to play rugby league , not AFL, Yawnion, NFL,or Succer, How many of you who are excited by Haynes NFL exploits actually could sit through the 4 or so hours of an actual Game to see the 2 minutes or so of spectacular athletic feats it admittedly does offer ?