Every single top dog of every single electricity company.
Steven Conroy
Andrew Hilditch
James Sutherland
Everyone who has ever worked on Dancing with the Stars. Not the contestants so much but the judges/hosts etc.
Rob Brough
That O'keefe pencil from Deal or No Deal
Kyle Sandiarse
I dont hate anyone involved in League, except maybe from the media ... Roy Hardley, Shitfield and Wilson for just being absolute cockheads. They're all legends mainly.
Anyone involved in AFL
Actors/rock stars who truly believe they shit they spout ie George Clooney (See South Park Smug Cloud episode) and Bono (this turd thinks he IS the United Nations).
Rupert Murdoch
American rip-offs of British comedies.
Justin Beiber and the merkin's fans too.
Man I could go on for hours