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Help for fitness please.


Even though at the moment I am a little taller than most of my age to play prop, I have the build and am looking to get a lot fitter and healthier (that's my goal at least) so that I can play for a Brisbane team in the front row in the future.

Could I please have some tips on how to achieve my goal?

Oh by the way, I am not obese. I'm just a little unfit and want to improve it further.


I don't know where you are at, but the obvious starting point is the begining, and that is diet.
First thing you need to do is get the fuel mix right.


Some basic 'rules'

  1. You need to eat every 2-3 hours in order for your blood sugar levels to stay even.
  2. You must eat within an hour after waking up in the morning. This jump starts your metabolism for the day.
  3. You need to eat at least 5-6 times per day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack, bedtime.
  4. Each meal should include one protein and one carb. The protein should be lean and the carb should be complex.
  5. You need to eat the proper amount of calories per day for your goal.


So something healthy like an all natural nut bar or something would do the trick so I coulde eat properly during school at like breaks?


So something healthy like an all natural nut bar or something would do the trick so I coulde eat properly during school at like breaks?
Nuts are OK, but a bar like that might have sugar and fat, and you really want to avoid having too much of those.
Just plain nuts would be better, and not peanuts if possible.

A chiken sandwich on wholemeal with no butter (a bit of advocado instead if you need it) would be the sort of thing that would give you protein and complex carbs.

You can get a calorie counter booklet at any newsagency that will let you work out foods you like that give you the right fuel for training.


Thanks a million mate. Yeah its fairly good luck I spose that I don't really like white bread, or I prefer wholegrain/Wholemeal alot more.

Mark Rudd

The guy's unfit and you give him diet advice?

Get off your lazy arse and run you fat f**k.

THAT is how you get fit. FFS.


The guy's unfit and you give him diet advice?

Get off your lazy arse and run you fat f**k.

THAT is how you get fit. FFS.

Yeah mate, that's really productive... My bad, sorry for using the forums in the correct way. I guess asking for advice isn't the right way to get it.
Seriously... think about what you said.


The guy's unfit and you give him diet advice?

Get off your lazy arse and run you fat f**k.

THAT is how you get fit. FFS.
He didn't say he was unfit, and he didn't say he was fat - the opposite in fact.

He said he wants to train hard and aspires to be a sportsman - and the first thing you need is good nutrition.
Get that right, and the rest is a lot easier.


Staff member
Even though at the moment I am a little taller than most of my age to play prop, I have the build and am looking to get a lot fitter and healthier (that's my goal at least) so that I can play for a Brisbane team in the front row in the future.

Could I please have some tips on how to achieve my goal?

Oh by the way, I am not obese. I'm just a little unfit and want to improve it further.

Do you have access to a gym?

Playing prop forward youd would want to increase your strength in the main body parts eg legs, chest, shoulders, back. Look at 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps per exercise to achieve this, a good 90sec to 2 min rest between each set. Probably no more than 6-7 exercises in total per session. Get a personal trainer to guide you initially if your not sure but you would include bench press, seated rows, dead lift, squats, shoulder press, upright rows etc...

Always do core work after a gym workout (range of stomach exercises)

Cardio wise, Interval training is real good to get a good sweat going and get fit. One example would be on a rowing machine would be basically going full hog for a minute, then rest for a minute, then repeat 10 times (20min total or a bit longer if your fitter) You can do these intervals on most cadio equipment. Keep a log of how you do eg in the rowing example how many metres you have gone in that 20 min session.

A good stretch before and after any exercise session is a must
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Thanks, I'll see if I can have access to the school's gym or just apply at a local one.

For conditioning, I was thinking Skipping... I know this is more Boxing orientated, but has anyone tried it for Footy?.. I mean, it couldn't hurt right?


First Grade
Skipping is a good way to get your heart rate up quickly...

Boxers use it for this reason, plus it increases foot speed and coordination - so it would be beneficial for football skills.


Skipping is a good way to get your heart rate up quickly...

Boxers use it for this reason, plus it increases foot speed and coordination - so it would be beneficial for football skills.

I thought it might be beneficial.

Mark Rudd

Me fat?

Nah. Just a VERY average guy that can squat 150kg. Good morning 100kg x 10. Deadlift 150kg X3.

I do hill sprints twice per week and play touch footy for an hour - hour and half every week along with 3 whole body workouts per week squatting, pulling and pushing every session.

And I think my numbers are piss poor and my fitness levels are piss poor even though I'm nearly 35.

Yeah, eat well. But if you want to be fitter for RL, start running!!!

No easy way.


Thanks for the tip anyway Mark. Even if you did call me a fat f**k at first. I spose you don't know me so it's understandable.

I went for a run this afternoon and it was fairly good so that should help out, I'm going fairly well keeping to Roopy's eating plan he gave me. Am yet to apply for gym membership but I think i'll ask a trainer if I can go on afternoons.


Me fat?

Nah. Just a VERY average guy that can squat 150kg. Good morning 100kg x 10. Deadlift 150kg X3.

I do hill sprints twice per week and play touch footy for an hour - hour and half every week along with 3 whole body workouts per week squatting, pulling and pushing every session.

And I think my numbers are piss poor and my fitness levels are piss poor even though I'm nearly 35.

Yeah, eat well. But if you want to be fitter for RL, start running!!!

No easy way.

Good one hero. You're 35 but ripping on some young bloke still at school asking for a bit of advice. You're not an average guy, you're a f**ken douche



"Edit: Don't know why this posted the message, but I don't see the delete button anywhere so yeah... ignore this post"
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