I have to agree here, Channel 9's coverage has been disappointing this year. Not just the ad breaks after a try has been scored but other stuff as well. Im sick of tired of ad breaks after a try, cause we miss the replay of a try even though it was a good try that deserved a replay. And doesnt it happen at the grounds as well, I think Parramatta stadium had to put up with Channel 9's coverage in the Parra/Manly game, not showing a replay until 5 minutes after a try has been scored.
Also I think the commentators have been poor too. Gould has been annoying with his tactics, its like he invented Rugby League and yelling too much. "NOOOOOOO, YOU CANT DO THAT".
Also I think 1 sideline commentator is enough, fair enough if it was the Grand Final but you cant have too many. I like Matt Johns as a commentator but I think its pointless whenever they cross to him, he's excited I know but if they want him so much have him in the box with the rest of them. Get rid of Gould. This has been disappointing, hope they improve it.
Give me Warren Smith and Laurie Daley anyday.