MG should replace Chief on the panel IMO. Chief can make the odd appearance here or there...but shouldn't be on the show on a weekly basis...he's just dead set boring, worse then Hank Hill (King of the Hill if anyone has seen that show).
They also need some more guys on the panel, bring on a different player from a different team to join the panel IMO, would work, shows the player has some character and thus make the show funny and allows the viewers to learn what the players are like.
Joey Johns is always a great addition to the show IMO.
Tommy R...should have his odd say on the game here or there, have the odd bar setting as well, him and Matty Johns, would provide some entertainment.
And yeah keep Vossy and allow him to do a piece on what the players do.
Axe Dare devil dudes (I think they're doing that) and axe No Talent Time unless you're allowing NRL players to have a crack at No Talent Time, not just random fans.
Just my 2 cents.