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I did, I don't agree with that definition. It has nothing about 'power' in it.
Just because African Americans are better at sport in the USA (if you say so), that doesn't give them power over anything (except Sport). Who cares?
Education much?
Main Entry: power
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: control, dominance
Synonyms: ascendancy, authority, authorization, birthright, clout, command, connection, diadem, direction, domination, dominion, hegemony, imperium, influence, inside track, jurisdiction, law, leadership, license, management, might, moxie*, omnipotence, paramountcy, predominance, prerogative, prestige, privilege, regency, right, rule, say-so, sovereignty, steam, strength, strings, superiority, supremacy, sway, warrant, weight*, wire
Antonyms: inefficiency, subservience, surrender, weakness, yielding
Mate, I live in New York for 8years, where black kids "own" a basketball court but have no power in their country (USA) they attack any white kids playing on it/with them. If that isn't racisit i don't know what is.
I'm saying in AUSTRALIA, ABORIGINALS can't be racist. You need to have POWER to be able to be racist, which the Indigenous population doesn't have.
Going by you logic as well Aboriginal Australians cannont be racisit towards Italians, Americans, New Zealanders etc?
Racisim is a 2 way street and it can manifest itself in many ways. An Aboriginal might not have any power in your eyes but in his own (Anthony Mundine) he can think he is gods gift. Racisim can be directed at any race by any other race, it doesn't have to be justified for it to occur.
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