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How is Anthony Mundine not considered racist?


Aboriginals in Australia can not be racist. Here's why, couldn't be bothered explaining it myself so I'll quote from this website.


That article says that minorities can be 'prejudice' against other races but it's not necessarily 'racism'. There's obviously a lot of arguments for and against this, but I believe its true that minorities can not be racist, thus Mundine can not be considered racist.

You are a goose


Aboriginals in Australia can not be racist. Here's why, couldn't be bothered explaining it myself so I'll quote from this website.


That article says that minorities can be 'prejudice' against other races but it's not necessarily 'racism'. There's obviously a lot of arguments for and against this, but I believe its true that minorities can not be racist, thus Mundine can not be considered racist.

well according to your definition
then Johns wasnt racist, because he was not oppressing inglis in anyway
unless you count his urging to stop inglis from scoring an oppression......

and mundine CAN be racist
if in his boxing group (those in his employ) he has no white australians and has denied perfectly good white australians candidates because of their colour
then he is being racist according to your definition.....

or is racism only reserved for white australians
so only white dudes can be racist because they are the majority according to the system

just trying to take what youre saying to its logical conclusion

Eels Dude

It's all about minority groups... I also disagree with Joey's comments but a lot of these minority groups seem to think if something doesn't go their way it's prejudice. Imagine if the city of Sydney organised a Heterosexual parade promoting and celebrating the theme or heterosexuality, the gays and lesbians would be up in arms.

Accusing others of being rascist like Mundine is without backing it up is a form of rascism in itself.

Let's look back at when Lleyton Hewitt complained to an umpire in 2001 because he thought an African American line judge was favouring James Blake because he was also an African American. Hewitt copped open slather for months in the media because he was racist, when all he did was suggest someone ELSE was being racist without saying anything racist himself. Mundine does this all the time yet never gets accused of such things because he's in the minority group when they are exactly the same situation.
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First Grade
well according to your definition
then Johns wasnt racist, because he was not oppressing inglis in anyway
unless you count his urging to stop inglis from scoring an oppression......

and mundine CAN be racist
if in his boxing group (those in his employ) he has no white australians and has denied perfectly good white australians candidates because of their colour
then he is being racist according to your definition.....

or is racism only reserved for white australians
so only white dudes can be racist because they are the majority according to the system

just trying to take what youre saying to its logical conclusion

Yeah I;m not commenting on Andrew Johns here, just giving the reason why I don't think Mundine can be considered a racist.


Rhodes said that there are times when a minority could take racist action against a white person.

"The chances of that occurring against a white person is very small. But I won't take the step to say that it's impossible," she explained.

For example, if a white person had a black employer who demoted him because the employer hated white people, Rhodes said she probably wouldn't consider that racist.

"In a classical sense, you were the victim of racial discrimination, while not necessarily racism," she said.

So yeah, I guess he could be maybe in that way, but really a boxing group is pretty insignificant in the whole run of things.

Also, white Australia doesn't just have the majority population, it has the complete majority power.
Mundine's half aboriginal and half white. He can say anything he wants regarding race issues in Australia as far as I'm concerned.


Regardless of the official definition of racism , some one like Mundine continually being critical of non-indigenous people is only pouring petrol on the situation .
Mundine's comments are always designed to galvanise indigenous people towards an "anti-white" attitude.
Indigenous people may have legitimate issues but Mundines extremist ravings are not designed to help the situation !


It was absolutely hilarious when Mundine said that he was a better footballer than Brad Fittler and he should be the NSW 5/8th but they won't pick him over Fittler because he's black. Got nothing to do with Fittler being the more experienced and far better player.

If there was an ingoal cartwheel/rolliepollie competition Mundine and Blacklock would have been first picked.


Anybody who thinks that Aboriginal's aren't still opressed in Australia really are kidding themselves. Suggesting that they have all the opportunities that white Australians have is just not correct.

I agree with Hellteam in that minority ethnic groups really cannot be classed as racist as they have no power to enforce that racism. People can spin the term 'racism' however they like to suit there argument so you never really get anywhere with it.

Mundine, however, is a brainless f**king idiot and I am always suprised when he can string a sentence together. Didn't he convert to Islam?? Is that so that he can try and emulate Mohammed Ali?? I would have thought that being a proud indeginous man would have prevented him from taking on the religion of another culture.


Mundine isnt a racist so much as he is a f*cking idiot. To me he seems like he's trying to create an oppressed identity for himself, more than he actually believes it. Every time he opens his mouth he's trying to tell everyone how noone likes him because he's an Aboriginal and everyone else is racist crackers and other indigenous Australians should all back him because he's sticking it to the white man.

Mundine is part of the problem. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. He is fuelling race division in Australia, and people are buying into it.

Oh and one thing about the above definition of racism. You can talk all you want about power relationships but if Mundine dismisses people as white "crackers" and identifies them as the enemy in his mind before he even talks to them, if he meets a anyone of another ethnicity and immediately holds a prejudice to them based on that, that is racist.

Complete f*cking idiot. I'm just annoyed the media continues to think he's a source of legitimate information. The poor, oppressed, proud indigenous boy who emulates African-american gangster culture and gets paid in millions.


Anybody who thinks that Aboriginal's aren't still opressed in Australia really are kidding themselves. Suggesting that they have all the opportunities that white Australians have is just not correct.

I agree with Hellteam in that minority ethnic groups really cannot be classed as racist as they have no power to enforce that racism. People can spin the term 'racism' however they like to suit there argument so you never really get anywhere with it.

Mundine, however, is a brainless f**king idiot and I am always suprised when he can string a sentence together. Didn't he convert to Islam?? Is that so that he can try and emulate Mohammed Ali?? I would have thought that being a proud indeginous man would have prevented him from taking on the religion of another culture.

With all due respect, they are given EVERY opportunity to succeed in Australia much the same way as everyone else (except everyone else does not get it for free). Unfortunately they don't make the most of their opportunities. But I agree that they continue to be discriminated, much like everyone else who isn't white unless you live in Bankstown where you are discriminated because you're white.


With all due respect, they are given EVERY opportunity to succeed in Australia much the same way as everyone else (except everyone else does not get it for free). Unfortunately they don't make the most of their opportunities. But I agree that they continue to be discriminated, much like everyone else who isn't white unless you live in Bankstown where you are discriminated because you're white.

With all due respect, are you suggesting indigenous people have the same access to healthcare and education that mainstream Australians have? If a race of people is decimated and oppressed for 200 years it takes more than some centrelink payments to get them back on equal footing with their oppressors.

Who the f**k would go anywhere near Bankstown??
With all due respect, are you suggesting indigenous people have the same access to healthcare and education that mainstream Australians have?

Why does the question "are you aboriginal or Torres straight islander"
always appear if they dont.

To me it says they get MORE.


With all due respect, are you suggesting indigenous people have the same access to healthcare and education that mainstream Australians have? If a race of people is decimated and oppressed for 200 years it takes more than some centrelink payments to get them back on equal footing with their oppressors.

Who the f**k would go anywhere near Bankstown??

Have you worked or even been in the Communities, because you are wrong about education and to lesser extent heathcare.When i was there everthing is free, when i am home i have to pay.
Opportunities have to be taken up it is easier to sit at home and watch other people work, as most just wont leave.
Some have a go and should be/ are applauded for it.
Over a 20 year plus period i have seen massive problems that really would make Joey's situation seam almost irrelevant.
The government has NFI how to handle this and i will say this openly throwing money at this is not the answer they have bee doing that for years, and all the communities do is employ some one like me to do it.


Why does the question "are you aboriginal or Torres straight islander"
always appear if they dont.

To me it says they get MORE.

Life expectancy some 20 years less than white Australians. Appaling literacy and numeracy figures.

I've seen diseases and malnurition in Aboriginal people I thought I would only ever see in third world countries. Service delivery in rural area is significantly different to those in urban areas.

Did you ever think that the question regarding indigenous descent may be for statistical purposes?


Quite possible but the question ONLY seems to have become more prominent in the last 20 yrs tho.

Meh. 40 years ago, if you were aboriginal, you weren't counted in the cencus. You were considered fauna like kangaroos and possums. Times change, what's your point?


Aboriginals in Australia can not be racist. Here's why, couldn't be bothered explaining it myself so I'll quote from this website.


That article says that minorities can be 'prejudice' against other races but it's not necessarily 'racism'. There's obviously a lot of arguments for and against this, but I believe its true that minorities can not be racist, thus Mundine can not be considered racist.

Ridiculous here is the definition for racist:

A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

  • Zimbabwe is arguably one of the poorest nations on earth yet are extremly racist towards "WHITES". Killing, evicting white farmers and no white politicians ridiculed, banned and defamed from any role in elections.
  • China as a majority is in poverty yet they have superior maths skills in comparison to many other nations, can they not be racist (think of Tibet).
  • African americans are from a lower socio-economic background yet are superior in many sports: basketball, sprinting, gridiron etc. This superiority can be used against any other race by an individual as a form of racism.
  • Brazilians have poor economic performance as a country and as individuals yet dominate soccer or have arguably more musical/dancing abilities than various other cultures. This superiority can be used against any other race by an individual as a form of racism.

Yet can't by your definition can't be racist.....:roll:

Every race/culture/identity has strong points and weak points. It is the people who exploit their own strengths or exacerbate others weaknesses who are racists. They can come from any walk of life.


First Grade
Ridiculous here is the definition for racist:

A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

  • Zimbabwe is arguably one of the poorest nations on earth yet are extremly racist towards "WHITES". Killing, evicting white farmers and no white politicians ridiculed, banned and defamed from any role in elections.

  • China as a majority is in poverty yet they have superior maths skills in comparison to many other nations, can they not be racist (think of Tibet).

  • African americans are from a lower socio-economic background yet are superior in many sports: basketball, sprinting, gridiron etc. This superiority can be used against any other race by an individual as a form of racism.

  • Brazilians have poor economic performance as a country and as individuals yet dominate soccer or have arguably more musical/dancing abilities than various other cultures. This superiority can be used against any other race by an individual as a form of racism.

Yet can't by your definition can't be racist.....:roll:

Every race/culture/identity has strong points and weak points. It is the people who exploit their own strengths or exacerbate others weaknesses who are racists. They can come from any walk of life.

There's so many different definitions for racism that it's not funny.

But I'm not saying that black people around the world can't be racist. I'm saying in AUSTRALIA, ABORIGINALS can't be racist. You need to have POWER to be able to be racist, which the Indigenous population doesn't have. In Zimbabwe, the black population are in power.

I don't know why you bothered to make points about sport or music (maths? huh?), it's pretty irrelevant to be honest.


Read the part on the definition of a racist and you might get why i mentioned individual or cultural achievements or superiority in various forms.


First Grade
Read the part on the definition of a racist and you might get why i mentioned individual or cultural achievements or superiority in various forms.

I did, I don't agree with that definition. It has nothing about 'power' in it.

Just because African Americans are better at sport in the USA (if you say so), that doesn't give them power over anything (except Sport). Who cares?

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