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How long do we have to wait?


None Frenzy I ain't a bettin man your assumption is so far from the truth - I am not pissed because of losing money you twat I am pissed off because the sharks are useless and continue to disappoint their fans oh but you would be one of those that are optimistic - theres always next year and the following year and the next year ................................. and then theres next decade, next century .................... blah blah blah.


I'd change codes before I did that Inferno - add to the pain of the shark losing yet again in the finals all the ridiculous ref decisions this year and the fact they can't even agree as to what legal and whats illegal in this game well - Union looks pretty bloody good!


Anyway I'm out of here - I only wanted to vent my frustration re the sharks appalling loss the other night and the opinion of a frustrated fan! This is the first time I have been on this or any forum this year as I have better things to do. To all you die hard Sharkies fans all the best but I am afraid you will have a long wait .......... only 35 years for me and still waiting.


None Frenzy I ain't a bettin man your assumption is so far from the truth - I am not pissed because of losing money you twat I am pissed off because the sharks are useless and continue to disappoint their fans oh but you would be one of those that are optimistic - theres always next year and the following year and the next year ................................. and then theres next decade, next century .................... blah blah blah.

Ha HA how little you know.


Waz going but saw your last post Frenzy - "How little do I Know" mmmm well I know this 47 years no premiership - Fact - believe it or not! I reckon we will make the half century - thats got to account for something doesn't it?


I repeat, how little you know. You're arguing for arguments sake and have no idea who you are having a go at.

Maybe you should entertain yourself with some of my old posts.

I've got 6 years on you as a Sharks fan sunshine and you won't find any fluff in me.

Best to do your homework on other posters rather than come in here on hit and run sniping missions. You're only making yourself look stupid.
Of Course 2009 will start, i will believe that the sharks should win the comp like every year, i expect nothing less, not winning is failure.

Then come the end of the year, and out trots, well there is always next year, this time we trotted out lack of speed and crucial injuries, and everyone says 2009 is our year.

So next year what happens if Gallen & Barrett get injured near finals, and we lose, i bet we will say we had players injured and thats why we lost, all clubs get injures it what heart and courage that gets you through.

We had no speed out wide this year, so what in offseason will change with say Covell, check Melbournes first try out, when everyone is at full speed he is 3-5 metres up on Turner, and you would swear Covell gave up, how far behind he was when Turner scored so what is Covell going to do to fix that.

Zappia has Bird suspended, what he is going to do there, if Bird is prven innocent he just be reinstated immediatley with out asking a sponser, they dont run the club, if the dont like leave.

So many complained about Noddy not performing, ironically he has won a premership, and we replace him with a player Barrett that choked so often at the Dragons you would swear he had chicked bone in his throat.

We have Simmons who played every game this year, and somehow he went backwards.

Next year of course i will say we can win it, but come the end of the year, the posts will read 2010 will be our year, and this is from a supporter that loves the sharks, and has had his heart broken by them each year, this year it hurt even more


SSB we could form a new club within the club.

Something like an Old Farts Farkall Club.

You reach a certain age following the Sharks you automatically get membership.

So as we slowly start falling off the perch and unfortunately some of us - well a lot of us have already fallen off the perch.

I reckon that it would be fitting that the Old Farts Farkall Club should dispatch a designated official to any funeral arrangements and as the casket is getting lowered or steered into the flames the designated official should flop it out and urinate on the said same deceased members casket at that appropriate time.

It could be a last symbolic gesture to show solidarity and how pissed off we are that we have not won a comp yet.

Declared Idiot #88

Just a thought but worthy of consideration I think.

30 Year Sharkie

SNIP .. I am pissed off because the sharks are useless and continue to disappoint their fans

Yeah I'm pi**ed off too at the way we lost. But we are far from useless and have offered the fans a real glimmer of hope this year. With some judicious buying we could just be up there.

Seriously, this year has seen the top two a class above the rest - that's just the way it is. A few teams, us included, have punched above their weight and shown something that I sincerely hope we turn into the real deal in the next few years.

30 Year Sharkie

Quigs .. happy to sign up for OFF, but perhaps before we codify the bylaws we should check that your suggested tribute is legal in all states...


Bugger the legality of it all. That would strip the tribute of all its sincerity if we had to have our last wishes played out according to the laws of the land and the NRL.

Wouldn't it be great - your last act as a soon to be decaying carcuss was to bring the game into disrepute.

Declared Idiot #88
Quigs i agree we have been pissed on when alive for supporting the sharks and never winning, why not in death.

Maybe the other option we get cremated and ashes either released at shark park so we can then continue to suffer in the after life.

Or release ashes where Harold went for his swim, maybe he can pick them up one day when he returns


First Grade
I don't know what this guy is on about... according to Reefy everything will be fine because we don't have Kimmorley anymore. His 6 years were worse than the 35 that preceded it!


First Grade
I went to the first game at Sutherland oval. Ive seen guys like XBox come and go, so good luck XBox , go for the netball or Rugby but I recon you wont be able to stay away .You will always look for the Cronulla result in the paper or on the South coast Tv news .

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