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How long do we have to wait?


OH YEAH 2009 is the year - well I won't hold my breath!
I really thought the Sharks would do it in the 80's and even some of the 90's when the likes of ET, Sparkles etc were around back then we had soem awesome talent and we still couldn't win let alone get into a grand final (discounting the super league fiasco). Last night just brings back shattering memories of getting into the top 8 and flopping in the finals - some things never change.
Disappointed with last night's result but happy with the team's achievements this year, considering the players we had. Pace definitely needed in the backline and a quality playmaker to go the extra step. We all know the weaknesses, Sticky made them competitive and instilled an improved work ethic.


I love the optimism - yeah next year is our year 09 - hate to say it guys but your dreaming I've been saying that for 35 years and still waiting til next year!!! Its always next bloody year!

30 Year Sharkie

Yeah like all fans I was gutted with our capitulation on Friday. IMHO however to say the team "sucks" and is an embarrassment is a bit strong ..

I wore my shirt with pride yesterday and all of the children have asked Santa to add Sharkie gear to their booty this year, so from the Club's point of view at least the year wasn't a complete loss ;)

I'm a lot more positive going into next year than I was going into this one. Not convinced Barrett is the answer, but there are signs we are working towards the big one.

30 Year Sharkie

I love the optimism - yeah next year is our year 09 - hate to say it guys but your dreaming I've been saying that for 35 years and still waiting til next year!!! Its always next bloody year!

Yep, and if I am lucky enough to be given that long, I'll still be here in another 35 years ...

(BTW Xsharks, you weren't one of the "boys up the back" in the old tin stand in the mid 70s were you?? ;-))


First Grade
(BTW Xsharks, you weren't one of the "boys up the back" in the old tin stand in the mid 70s were you?? ;-))

Geez, I reckon quite a few of us might have spent some time at the back of that stand during the 70's. Ahhh, the streamers, "Steve Rogers is God" banners etc.

Good times.....

Dave Q

At the start of the year, the realists were saying that the Sharks would make the eight but none of the games academics would have imagined a top 4.

It was always supposed to be a building year with a finish in the finals.

As a group, my view is the players out-performed as did Ricky and his staff. Theres a lot of excitement around the new players coming. Next year promises a fresh and vibrant injection of talent into this years achievements.

If someone had told me three years ago that the Sharks would be were you are now ( strong across all levels) I would have laughed.

There were no false promises, you should be very proud of your club and everyone involved.

Harold......he's coming back.

Hold your line Sharks, dont blink now!
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Staff member
I don't think you guys can regard seasons as 'your year'.
At this point in time I would take the positives away from the year and that gives next year plenty of promise..buy there's other teams on the way up,too.

I think this is the last we'll see if the Manly/Storm dominance though.


If all things go according to plan I reckon I might have at least 26 years left in me. Now I can't guarantee that my mental facilties are going to be up to their current high standard for all of those 26 years.

So lets take off... say three years....... just in case.

So if me maffs is right I have 23 good years left.

So you blokes tell me when it will be.

All I know is that in 23 years if I hear one Adelaide St George Illawarra Dragon fan sings to me 64 years and won farkall I will kill them.

Declared Idiot #88


I was going to respond to XBox , but he/ she has probably gone off to support one of the other top teams . I would recomend Manly to him, their colours are attractive , they win most times and will prbably win the GF or XBox ( if your still looking) you could go Storm for the above reasons as well . Both teams are benchmarks for exccellence in the NRL. Both will satisfy your hunger. But deep inside we wont let you go. The first glimse of the blue sea as you head into Cronulla,the sea breeze off the point on a summers day, the sand under your feet at Wanda, the Blue , Black and White under lights on a Friday night. Good luck XBox who ever you decide on following but Im pretty shure your welcome back hear anytime . Even by a feral like me.

Dave Q

No doubt the pain and discomfort is still pretty high after such a recent loss.

But as time passes, the wounds will heal a bit and you begin to look forward to another year.

Thousands of fans have lived and died following the sharks, it is your job to carry the torch aloft, to do whatever it takes, to keep trying until the day when you right all of the wrongs in this game committed upon you, and when you validate and honour those fans who have come before you and create a platform for the future.

It will be a rare and precious moment. In some ways I am even a little envious that you will have this profound and meaningful experience.

I for one am proud I was born in the shire and from afar I enjoyed this wonderful landmark season from the sharks.

Roll those sleeves up, 2009 started the second after Ricky shook Bellamy's hand after the match.

Stuart will not leave the sharks without a premiership. He will deliver, love him or hate him, thats the calibre of the man. Failure is not in his vocab.

Never say die homelanders. They wear the black white and blue.

Accredited idiot #142.
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QUOTE BY CITYSHARK : "I was going to respond to XBox , but he/ she has probably gone off to support one of the other top teams . I would recomend Manly to him, their colours are attractive , they win most times and will prbably win the GF or XBox ( if your still looking) you could go Storm for the above reasons as well . Both teams are benchmarks for exccellence in the NRL. Both will satisfy your hunger. But deep inside we wont let you go. The first glimse of the blue sea as you head into Cronulla,the sea breeze off the point on a summers day, the sand under your feet at Wanda, the Blue , Black and White under lights on a Friday night."

I take it you are referring to me Cityshark? Its Xsharks by the way in case you are unaware of how to decipher the English language. By the way how old are you your spelling is atrocious?

I guess that I was supporting the sharks and going to all their games in the 70's when you were probably in nappies or maybe not even on this Earth yet. As I said in another thread wait for 35 years and then tell me how you feel when your one and only dream is for your side to win just one god damm premiership and all they do is give you false hope!! As for your comments re supporting Manly and the Storm well just ridiculous and not worth responding to. When I said " I am over it" did I mention at all I was going to support another team ..............ah No! I think I would support a change of codes before I did that like........... womens netball or something at least their pretty to watch!

Re the Blue sea and point at Cronulla - mate lived their for years and wouldn't go back if you paid me - I think I will stick with the uncrowded, unpolluted beaches of the south coast - you can have your lights at Cronulla on a Friday night I am happy to watch them lose on TV saves me money and repetitive frustration.

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