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How many weeks will Gallen get?

How many weeks for Gallen?

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Poetry in motion...


I remember watching origin as a kid and seeing them punch on all game. It was FAR worse than one little fight per game like it is today.

I didn't turn out to be a serial killer or walk the streets at night looking for a fight. It's part of the game and all the do-gooders saying it's bad for kids/parents etc need to f**k off back to fumbleball with the all the othe piss weak merkins.

I think your glancing over the fact that your "one little fight" is by the captain against a guy not fighting over some airy-fairy claims and without punishment (He is on report for the tackle not the fight).

If your so in love with punches regardless of justification or reason maybe your watching League for the wrong reasons. Perhaps MMA or boxing is more your thing?

Ronnie Dobbs

Easily your best post ever.

f**k QLD! Weak merkins is there anyone in your filthy state that can throw a f**king punch?? .


Edit: How the dragons going Ronnie?? hahahaha

Not even close and you know it.

Dragons are toast. Sowie soon to be your problem and not ours and that makes me feel much better about things.


First Grade
I had no problem with the biff. The swinging arm with clenched fist to a player being tackled before it was a bit rough, but par for the course with Gallen and Origin really.


QLDers are the biggest sooks on the planet....

Gallen punched the pi$$ out of Nate "forehead" Myles dead on, not from the side, not from the back. Dead in front.

Suck it up QLDers. You got beat. Simple.


Origin is different and always should be.

A few punches between two monster humans in the heat of battle....no problem.


First Grade
He didn't talk at all, he just stood there and gallen threw a couple at someone that wasn't fighting back.

Myles never got the chance to throw any punches. Because other players broke it up. Someone always has to throw the first punch to start a fight. In this case it was Gallen and he was also quick enough to land 2 more. As soon as Myles pushed Gallen he was shaping up for a fight. If Myles is too slow to realise that then its his own fault he copped three punches to the head without being able to defend himself.

FMD you would think after 7 straight series wins Qld fans would have forgotten how whinge but they lose one match and it all comes back. Like riding a bike I guess


So you can't remember when women couldn't vote?

I stopped reading when I realized you were dribbling shit.

Have a look back, I may have made some spelling or grammar errors that yuo can call me on too. More quality contributions to the discussion from you can only be a good thing, right? By all means keep missing the point and being a pedantic merkin :lol:

Edit: I actually made some in this post, thats easy enough for you. I won't even correct it so you have something to quote me on.


Gal belted him, then again. Then again. A few years of anger at grubby maroon tactics coming out there. They'll be after him next game and I bet he can't wait.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Where is the consistency then?

it's rugby league there is no consistency!!!

tate should have been binned last year, as should gallen this year, but just cos the refs f**ked up last year doesnt mean they should f**k up this year. if hodges runs behind his own player to score another try via a shepard it shouldnt be allowed just ebcuase they f**ked up and allowed it last year....

i dont have much of a problem if 2 players are shaping up but when one has their hands down and just starts getting punched its a problem. mcguire did it for brisbane against allgood for parra earlier this year and mcguire was rightfully sent to the bin and charged for striking.


I had no problem with the biff. The swinging arm with clenched fist to a player being tackled before it was a bit rough, but par for the course with Gallen and Origin really.

That's a bit rich, isn't it? Gallen's no angel but Myles, Smith, Thaiday, etc have been doing the exact same sh*t for years now...they're all massive grubs

Walt Flanigan

At the end of the day it was a great Origin moment IMO. Some say it was irresponsible from a captain but I think it's exactly what you want from your Captain. Giving it to Myles over all the grubbery he's been dishing out. He'll have a ton of respect from the boys playing under him after that.

Lets face it, if Cam Smith did something similar, Queenslanders would all be messing their pants over it.

Jason Maher

Adds a bit of spice to game 2. You know the Maroons will be looking for a square up in front of their own fans.


it's rugby league there is no consistency!!!

tate should have been binned last year, as should gallen this year, but just cos the refs f**ked up last year doesnt mean they should f**k up this year. if hodges runs behind his own player to score another try via a shepard it shouldnt be allowed just ebcuase they f**ked up and allowed it last year....

True, but I fear that the next player who does something like this won't get off as lightly. Of course wrong decisions in the past shouldn't keep happening simply because they occured in the past, I just have little faith in consistency going forward.

i dont have much of a problem if 2 players are shaping up but when one has their hands down and just starts getting punched its a problem. mcguire did it for brisbane against allgood for parra earlier this year and mcguire was rightfully sent to the bin and charged for striking.

This was the part that put it over the top for me.


All good points actually, I'm not against the biff, just thought Gallen's actions warranted a send off and since he didn't get it the refs may swing from leniency to strictness for next game to compensate.

Jury probably still out if it would actually turn people off the game - maybe it will have the reverse effect and attract people to watch Game 2 to see if he gets he's comeuppance.

Meh who knows...