Hahahahahaha.I agree with Thurston on one thing. I do hate Queenslanders!
Yeah, lets turn it round to Sydney v Queensland..cause that is all we nuff nuffs understand!
Yeah, lets turn it round to Sydney v Queensland..cause that is all we nuff nuffs understand!
Quality bump. Funny reading the start of this thread in full knowledge that a Sydney team won the GF that year and it is looking increasingly likely that a Sydney team will win this year.
Once upon a time there was a great country called Australia but they put a line in the sand and called one people New South Wales and one people Queensland. Both shite names, I might add. So these two peoples destroyerd the great game of Rugby League through their jealousy, pride, wrath, anger, pettiness and lack of ability to have any common sense.
If the so called people in the know had just left it all as one state; we wouldn?t have any problems in both having to have a peeing competition every time they need to bend a banana.
Qld clubs know they get treated worse in sydney, fact of life. nrl want?s them to be successful, but not to the point of winning the comp ? just enough to keep up crowds & ratings which ar abysmal in nsw. just be honest & go back to caling it the sydney rugby league comp & give souths/roosters (gus gould?s foundation clubs) a gf now, don?t bother to let the others play.
melbourne never got a look in until it was 14-0 against souths, started to come back & that penalty when billy slater ?scored? was a joke. took away any momentum. It?s all about SBW (nice story from gus to make him politically acceptable after his dog act on the bulldogs) & russell crowe (mrs burgess is not a bad sort is she rus). how many burgei are too many? Hate manly with a passion but the 20 minutes of offside by the roosters at the end ensured they got belted.
?N? rl is a misnomer, why would a perth team bother coming in to get shafted. give us 2 more Qld clubs, dump the joke cronulla bunch & you can shaft more of our sides ? that will make up for origin. also, how does an ex shark get to referee them in a sudden death final (talk about dracula & the blood bank).
Only a 25% chance... even though they beat them this year in their only encounter?Newcastle are 0% chance of beating the chooks, Melbourne are about 25% chance. The other side of the draw is all Sydney so chances are it will be Roosters v another Sydney club. Smaller chance of Melbourne v Sydney club and inifinitely remote chance of Newcastle v Sydney club. If I was a betting man, I'd put my house on a Sydney team winning this year.