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I love Pokerstars

And occassionally...someone just drops chips into your lap...

*********** # 2 **************
PokerStars Game #70708612731: Tournament #467669817, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2011/11/18 8:33:09 AEST [2011/11/17 16:33:09 ET]
Table '467669817 2' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: audiyoo (2652 in chips)
Seat 2: TERRY1614 (6823 in chips)
Seat 3: Ghera74 (3030 in chips)
Seat 4: wages78 (3450 in chips)
Seat 5: Teen2312 (8641 in chips)
Seat 6: leedsrounder (3583 in chips)
Seat 7: stilletjes (2955 in chips)
Seat 8: necum.ru199 (2736 in chips)
Seat 9: coopster_001 (2970 in chips)
necum.ru199: posts small blind 15
coopster_001: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to coopster_001 [5s 4s]
audiyoo: raises 45 to 75
TERRY1614: folds
Ghera74: calls 75
wages78: folds
Teen2312: calls 75
leedsrounder: calls 75
stilletjes: folds
necum.ru199: calls 60
coopster_001: calls 45
*** FLOP *** [6s 3c 2s]
necum.ru199: checks
coopster_001: checks
audiyoo: bets 450
Ghera74: folds
Teen2312: calls 450
leedsrounder: folds
necum.ru199: folds
coopster_001: raises 1350 to 1800
audiyoo: raises 777 to 2577 and is all-in
Teen2312: folds
coopster_001: calls 777
*** TURN *** [6s 3c 2s] [Jd]
*** RIVER *** [6s 3c 2s Jd] [7c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
coopster_001: shows [5s 4s] (a straight, Three to Seven)
audiyoo: shows [Kh Kd] (a pair of Kings)
coopster_001 collected 6054 from pot
audiyoo finished the tournament in 2747th place
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6054 | Rake 0
Board [6s 3c 2s Jd 7c]
Seat 1: audiyoo showed [Kh Kd] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 2: TERRY1614 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Ghera74 folded on the Flop
Seat 4: wages78 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Teen2312 folded on the Flop
Seat 6: leedsrounder folded on the Flop
Seat 7: stilletjes (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: necum.ru199 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 9: coopster_001 (big blind) showed [5s 4s] and won (6054) with a straight, Three to Seven

I could have just smooth called the bet on the flop but I pushed just in case someone was sitting on a flush draw.

BTW, his re-pop all-in was instant.

He played it poorly, his raise pre-flop from out of position was too small, should have been bigger to try and isolate. His big raise post-flop was poor again, his small raise pre-flop meant that with 5 other players in the hand, he was likely to be up against flush and/or straight draws. He should have tried to keep the pot small post-flop instead of committing it all instantly.
I'm so f**king sick to death of being beaten by draws.

Some dopey twinkie today re-raised a post flop all-in for all his chips with a gutshot and stars promptly paid him off.

Twice today I've flopped a set only to be rivered by flush draws.

And I've only played 3 f**king tournaments.

Why the f**k do people automatically put their chips in with a f**king flush draw, nothing irritates me like that does. Do they think they're better than a one in 4 chance of winning the hand if they're behind when the chips go in, which they almost always are?

Dense merkins.

Back to this f**king shit today.

Played 10 or so tourneys and in every single one I was outdrawn by some thick merkin. Any f**king Ace, no matter how geniused, beat any f**king big pair that I had. Three times flopped a straight only to be re-raise all in by some dopey merkin with a flush draw who promptly hit their cards.

That's what shits me most about stars, that a f**king draw is worth more than a made hand. Dirty merkins.
It's f**king never ending at this toilet.

This hand is absolutely typical of stars. Be the low stack at the table and you have f**k all chance of winning even with a dominating hand.

Rigged shithole.

PokerStars Game #70821564122: Tournament #471624631, $1.08+$0.27+$0.15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2011/11/20 11:34:26 AEST [2011/11/19 19:34:26 ET]
Table '471624631 5' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 2: Kunle-7 (7180 in chips)
Seat 3: IceamiGO (4204 in chips)
Seat 4: czajnik (5895 in chips)
Seat 5: zlatanwise (7128 in chips)
Seat 6: coopster_001 (1499 in chips)
Seat 7: bastinazo87 (3670 in chips)
Seat 8: DrDree (22789 in chips)
Seat 9: Rvk24 (9087 in chips)
Kunle-7: posts the ante 25
IceamiGO: posts the ante 25
czajnik: posts the ante 25
zlatanwise: posts the ante 25
coopster_001: posts the ante 25
bastinazo87: posts the ante 25
DrDree: posts the ante 25
Rvk24: posts the ante 25
bastinazo87: posts small blind 125
DrDree: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to coopster_001 [Ks As]
Rvk24: raises 250 to 500
Kunle-7: folds
IceamiGO: folds
czajnik: calls 500
zlatanwise: folds
coopster_001: raises 974 to 1474 and is all-in
bastinazo87: folds
DrDree: raises 2026 to 3500
Rvk24: folds
czajnik: folds
Uncalled bet (2026) returned to DrDree
*** FLOP *** [7d 5d 9d]
*** TURN *** [7d 5d 9d] [4c]
*** RIVER *** [7d 5d 9d 4c] [Js]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
DrDree: shows [Jc Ac] (a pair of Jacks)
coopster_001: shows [Ks As] (high card Ace)
coopster_001 is sitting out
DrDree collected 4273 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4273 | Rake 0
Board [7d 5d 9d 4c Js]
Seat 2: Kunle-7 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: IceamiGO folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: czajnik folded before Flop
Seat 5: zlatanwise folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: coopster_001 (button) showed [Ks As] and lost with high card Ace
Seat 7: bastinazo87 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 8: DrDree (big blind) showed [Jc Ac] and won (4273) with a pair
I stopped bothering posting hands because it's happening so often, it's the norm, but I had to post this one, the first $1 re-buy I've ever played, and it'll be the f**king last.

*********** # 2 **************
PokerStars Game #71148670044: Tournament #470944633, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2011/11/26 16:54:35 AEST [2011/11/26 0:54:35 ET]
Table '470944633 49' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: texacan23 (2700 in chips)
Seat 2: Mitj76 (5855 in chips)
Seat 3: doublehead (2000 in chips)
Seat 4: PAT PIERSON (2955 in chips)
Seat 5: Gericault09 (5605 in chips)
Seat 6: Luchonet (4050 in chips)
Seat 7: coopster_001 (2800 in chips)
Seat 8: tundrajack (11460 in chips)
Seat 9: sokoll888 (1150 in chips)
PAT PIERSON: posts small blind 75
Gericault09: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to coopster_001 [Ad Ac]
Luchonet: folds
coopster_001: raises 1200 to 1350
tundrajack: raises 1200 to 2550
sokoll888: folds
texacan23: folds
Mitj76: folds
doublehead: calls 2000 and is all-in
Gericault09: folds
coopster_001: raises 250 to 2800 and is all-in
tundrajack: calls 250
*** FLOP *** [9s 9c As]
*** TURN *** [9s 9c As] [2s]
*** RIVER *** [9s 9c As 2s] [9d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
coopster_001: shows [Ad Ac] (a full house, Aces full of Nines)
tundrajack: shows [8d Ah] (a full house, Nines full of Aces)
coopster_001 collected 1600 from side pot
doublehead: shows [9h 7h] (four of a kind, Nines)
doublehead collected 6225 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7825 Main pot 6225. Side pot 1600. | Rake 0
Board [9s 9c As 2s 9d]
Seat 1: texacan23 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Mitj76 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: doublehead (button) showed [9h 7h] and won (6225) with four of a kind, Nines
Seat 4: PAT PIERSON (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Gericault09 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: Luchonet folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: coopster_001 showed [Ad Ac] and won (1600) with a full house, Aces full of Nines
Seat 8: tundrajack showed [8d Ah] and lost with a full house, Nines full of Aces
Seat 9: sokoll888 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Same f**king tournament, low-stacked, f**kwit puts in a big raise out of position with A/2, I call with A/k suited and he flops the f**king 2.

The shit I'm seeing at the moment is f**king near impossible.

*********** # 1 **************
PokerStars Game #71149215264: Tournament #470944633, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2011/11/26 17:25:51 AEST [2011/11/26 1:25:51 ET]
Table '470944633 49' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: berniebob25 (7325 in chips)
Seat 2: Mitj76 (14370 in chips)
Seat 3: doublehead (21310 in chips)
Seat 4: PAT PIERSON (5140 in chips)
Seat 5: Gericault09 (9205 in chips)
Seat 6: Brazinauskas (7375 in chips)
Seat 7: coopster_001 (2715 in chips)
Seat 8: jonnybowler (10875 in chips)
Seat 9: primitivo26 (15470 in chips)
berniebob25: posts the ante 50
Mitj76: posts the ante 50
doublehead: posts the ante 50
PAT PIERSON: posts the ante 50
Gericault09: posts the ante 50
Brazinauskas: posts the ante 50
coopster_001: posts the ante 50
jonnybowler: posts the ante 50
primitivo26: posts the ante 50
PAT PIERSON: posts small blind 200
Gericault09: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to coopster_001 [Kh Ah]
Brazinauskas: raises 2000 to 2400
coopster_001: raises 265 to 2665 and is all-in
jonnybowler: folds
primitivo26: folds
berniebob25: folds
Mitj76: folds
doublehead: folds
Gericault09: folds
Brazinauskas: calls 265
*** FLOP *** [2d 6c 3d]
*** TURN *** [2d 6c 3d] [Js]
doublehead said, "see you coops"
*** RIVER *** [2d 6c 3d Js] [9c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Brazinauskas: shows [2c As] (a pair of Deuces)
coopster_001: shows [Kh Ah] (high card Ace)
Brazinauskas collected 6380 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6380 | Rake 0
Board [2d 6c 3d Js 9c]
Seat 1: berniebob25 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Mitj76 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: doublehead (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: PAT PIERSON (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Gericault09 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: Brazinauskas showed [2c As] and won (6380) with a pair of Deuces
Seat 7: coopster_001 showed [Kh Ah] and lost with high card Ace
Seat 8: jonnybowler folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: primitivo26 folded before Flop (didn't bet)


In this mornings Sunday Storm ($11 buy in 100k+ participants, 1m guaranteed) I was in trouble early. Went all in chasing the straight, 2 outs on the river and I hit it. I used that bit of luck to get to the money. Finished in the top 10k.

It is random. Slowly now: r-a-n-d-o-m. AA can lose to 72. You can have triple aces and lose. You can have a high card 4 and win.

This game involves a combination of skill and luck. Sometimes you will have bad beats. Sometimes you will have a string of bad beats. This morning I had 2 or 3 bad beats until I was nearly gone, had to rely on a fluke bad win to get out of trouble.

It happens, the worst player in the world can beat the best on his day. Stop whinging at the software because you have a bad day (or several).
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In this mornings Sunday Storm ($11 buy in 100k+ participants, 1m guaranteed) I was in trouble early. Went all in chasing the straight, 2 outs on the river and I hit it. I used that bit of luck to get to the money. Finished in the top 10k.

It is random. Slowly now: r-a-n-d-o-m. AA can lose to 72. You can have triple aces and lose. You can have a high card 4 and win.

This game involves a combination of skill and luck. Sometimes you will have bad beats. Sometimes you will have a string of bad beats. This morning I had 2 or 3 bad beats until I was nearly gone, had to rely on a fluke bad win to get out of trouble.

It happens, the worst player in the world can beat the best on his day. Stop whinging at the software because you have a bad day (or several).

:shock: How can Bunniesman be right :shock:

Stop your whingeing like a little b!tch EA
Who the f**k are you?

f**king numpty, if I want the opinion off something as stupid as you I'll fart into my hand and ask that.

bunniesman is quite possibly the most geniused poster at LU, and I include all the Union and AFL trolls and even you in that.

And what he said is bollocks. Even a blind dog will find a bone occassionally.

This shit happens in almost every tournament I play. The amount of times I get my chips in with the worst hand is miniscule yet the amount of times that shit happens is phenomenal. I'd post them all but it's pointless posting it when it's only nongs like you reading it.

Pokerstars' software is rigged to get rid of the small stacks at a greater rate than actually random cards would do.

$4 tourney today, J/10 in the BB, flop is AKQ rainbow, bigger stack raises, I re-raise, he re-pops, I go all-in, he shows A/Q... has 4 outs, rivers an A.

Standard pokerstars.
And I'm not talking out of my kick here, I am $1,500+ up at Stars.

Skill is a waste of time in online poker at anything other than the higher levels.
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Who the f**k are you?

f**king numpty, if I want the opinion off something as stupid as you I'll fart into my hand and ask that.

bunniesman is quite possibly the most geniused poster at LU, and I include all the Union and AFL trolls and even you in that.

And what he said is bollocks. Even a blind dog will find a bone occassionally.

This shit happens in almost every tournament I play. The amount of times I get my chips in with the worst hand is miniscule yet the amount of times that shit happens is phenomenal. I'd post them all but it's pointless posting it when it's only nongs like you reading it.

Pokerstars' software is rigged to get rid of the small stacks at a greater rate than actually random cards would do.

$4 tourney today, J/10 in the BB, flop is AKQ rainbow, bigger stack raises, I re-raise, he re-pops, I go all-in, he shows A/Q... has 4 outs, rivers an A.

Standard pokerstars.
And I'm not talking out of my kick here, I am $1,500+ up at Stars.

Skill is a waste of time in online poker at anything other than the higher levels.

And you just keep proving what a dumb f$%king merkin you are by playing at a site you think is rigged have a :cry: you big f$%king sook get over it or get out.

Laugh a minute site.

PokerStars Game #72761368572: Tournament #489527474, $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (600/1200) - 2011/12/26 10:21:45 AEST [2011/12/25 18:21:45 ET]
Table '489527474 9' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 4: coopster_001 (34616 in chips)
Seat 8: Devastator06 (100384 in chips)
coopster_001: posts the ante 125
Devastator06: posts the ante 125
Devastator06: posts small blind 600
coopster_001: posts big blind 1200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to coopster_001 [Ah As]
Devastator06: raises 4800 to 6000
coopster_001: raises 12000 to 18000
Devastator06: raises 22000 to 40000
coopster_001: calls 16491 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (5509) returned to Devastator06
*** FLOP *** [Kd Th Tc]
*** TURN *** [Kd Th Tc] [7h]
*** RIVER *** [Kd Th Tc 7h] [4c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
coopster_001: shows [Ah As] (two pair, Aces and Tens)
Devastator06: shows [Ts Ad] (three of a kind, Tens)
Devastator06 collected 69232 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 69232 | Rake 0
Board [Kd Th Tc 7h 4c]
Seat 4: coopster_001 (big blind) showed [Ah As] and lost with two pair, Aces and Tens
Seat 8: Devastator06 (button) (small blind) showed [Ts Ad] and won (69232) with three of a kind, Tens
This hand has probably cost me $1,000.

> *********** # 3 **************
> PokerStars Hand #72978665480: Tournament #474163217, Freeroll Hold'em No Limit - Level III (40/80) - 2011/12/30 9:19:38 AEST [2011/12/29 17:19:38 ET]
> Table '474163217 303' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
> Seat 1: milkmeda69 (7060 in chips)
> Seat 2: arielcba34 (5990 in chips)
> Seat 3: feizi66 (2190 in chips)
> Seat 4: Xi Borg (1330 in chips)
> Seat 5: coopster_001 (1340 in chips)
> Seat 6: Mommacita43 (1730 in chips)
> Seat 7: Americo01 (1210 in chips) is sitting out
> Seat 8: tocado22 (2740 in chips) is sitting out
> Seat 9: arash_erami (1580 in chips)
> tocado22: posts small blind 40
> arash_erami: posts big blind 80
> *** HOLE CARDS ***
> Dealt to coopster_001 [Jd Jh]
> milkmeda69: folds
> arielcba34: calls 80
> feizi66: folds
> Xi Borg: folds
> feizi66 is sitting out
> coopster_001: calls 80
> Mommacita43: folds
> Americo01: folds
> tocado22: folds
> arash_erami: raises 160 to 240
> arielcba34: folds
> coopster_001: calls 160
> *** FLOP *** [2d 6s 2c]
> arash_erami: bets 240
> coopster_001: raises 860 to 1100 and is all-in
> arash_erami: calls 860
> *** TURN *** [2d 6s 2c] [7s]
> *** RIVER *** [2d 6s 2c 7s] [5c]
> *** SHOW DOWN ***
> arash_erami: shows [5s 5h] (a full house, Fives full of Deuces)
> coopster_001: shows [Jd Jh] (two pair, Jacks and Deuces)
> arash_erami collected 2800 from pot
> coopster_001 finished the tournament in 4845th place
> István54 is connected
> *** SUMMARY ***
> Total pot 2800 | Rake 0
> Board [2d 6s 2c 7s 5c]
> Seat 1: milkmeda69 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
> Seat 2: arielcba34 folded before Flop
> Seat 3: feizi66 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
> Seat 4: Xi Borg folded before Flop (didn't bet)
> Seat 5: coopster_001 showed [Jd Jh] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Deuces
> Seat 6: Mommacita43 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
> Seat 7: Americo01 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
> Seat 8: tocado22 (small blind) folded before Flop
> Seat 9: arash_erami (big blind) showed [5s 5h] and won (2800) with a full house, Fives full of Deuces

Frigging joke of a site.
And just to add fuel to the fire.. this dopey merkin had been raising with shit constantly, so I take him on and what happens?

The f**king usual.

*********** # 1 **************
PokerStars Hand #72968481640: Tournament #488386275, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (40/80) - 2011/12/30 6:32:34 AEST [2011/12/29 14:32:34 ET]
Table '488386275 99' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: PezotiN (5915 in chips)
Seat 2: coopster_001 (2193 in chips)
Seat 3: Lloraras00 (11555 in chips)
Seat 4: limb01 (3610 in chips)
Seat 5: Nyyperi (3295 in chips)
Seat 6: Uffz(FA) (6549 in chips)
limb01: posts small blind 40
Nyyperi: posts big blind 80
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to coopster_001 [Ts Th]
Uffz(FA): folds
PezotiN: calls 80
coopster_001: calls 80
Lloraras00: folds
limb01: raises 320 to 400
Nyyperi: folds
PezotiN: folds
coopster_001: raises 1793 to 2193 and is all-in
limb01: calls 1793
*** FLOP *** [3h Qd 8h]
*** TURN *** [3h Qd 8h] [7s]
*** RIVER *** [3h Qd 8h 7s] [9c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
limb01: shows [6s 5d] (a straight, Five to Nine)
coopster_001: shows [Ts Th] (a pair of Tens)
limb01 collected 4546 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4546 | Rake 0
Board [3h Qd 8h 7s 9c]
Seat 1: PezotiN folded before Flop
Seat 2: coopster_001 showed [Ts Th] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 3: Lloraras00 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: limb01 (small blind) showed [6s 5d] and won (4546) with a straight, Five to Nine
Seat 5: Nyyperi (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: Uffz(FA) folded before Flop (didn't bet)


That awesome moment when your opponent raises after the flop, you have rags and misclick and accidently reraise (most of your stack) when you were meaning to fold and he...folds. You go onto win your $7 sng largely due to that.
I've just done what anyone with brains does at pokerstars when they get a decent roll going, I cashed out...

I left a few dollars so I can play 25 cent SnG's and the odd tourney and I'll hit the freerolls again and build it up again in spite of that toilet..


I cash out $100 everytime I get upto $135. I generally play $3.50 SNG's until I get past $70 then I play the $7 ones.

On the rare occasion I'll play large tourneys but that's such a crapshoot. I mostly do it just for practice and to test my patience. So many idiots. Statistically even if in those big tourneys you go all in only when you have a monster and something like 90% odds to win, eventually that 10th idiot who calls will get lucky. I've never done better than get just into the money in them.

SNG's is where the profits are to be made.
Site is a f**king joke.

This shit just never ends.

It takes away his straight on the turn and then rivers the dense prick a f**king two outer.

PokerStars Hand #73243509349: Tournament #494272741, $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2012/01/04 10:53:38 AEST [2012/01/03 18:53:38 ET]
Table '494272741 8' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: darou (3570 in chips)
Seat 2: gabism (14125 in chips)
Seat 4: m738 (12202 in chips)
Seat 5: makoveichuk (14000 in chips)
Seat 7: MitsosOSFP (17476 in chips)
Seat 8: fisherwom646 (25160 in chips)
Seat 9: coopster_001 (3414 in chips)
darou: posts the ante 25
gabism: posts the ante 25
m738: posts the ante 25
makoveichuk: posts the ante 25
MitsosOSFP: posts the ante 25
fisherwom646: posts the ante 25
coopster_001: posts the ante 25
fisherwom646: posts small blind 125
coopster_001: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to coopster_001 [Ah Ac]
darou: folds
gabism: raises 500 to 750
m738: folds
makoveichuk: folds
MitsosOSFP: folds
fisherwom646: folds
coopster_001: raises 2639 to 3389 and is all-in
gabism: calls 2639
*** FLOP *** [6h Kh Ts]
*** TURN *** [6h Kh Ts] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [6h Kh Ts Qd] [9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
coopster_001: shows [Ah Ac] (a pair of Aces)
gabism: shows [9d 9c] (three of a kind, Nines)
gabism collected 7078 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7078 | Rake 0
Board [6h Kh Ts Qd 9s]
Seat 1: darou folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: gabism showed [9d 9c] and won (7078) with three of a kind, Nines
Seat 4: m738 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: makoveichuk folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: MitsosOSFP (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: fisherwom646 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: coopster_001 (big blind) showed [Ah Ac] and lost with a pair of Aces



Bad beats happen. And they happen more on Pokerstars than in real life. Doesn't mean PS is rigged. It's because you play a shitload more hands on PS in a quicker amount of time.

In RL you play one table and hands take much much longer. In PS you can play multiple tables and shuffling is done instantly and everyone plays quicker.

As well as that, in RL people are too embarrassed to call with dog hands to chase the 2 outer or whatever because everyone will laugh at them if they miss it or get mad at them if they get it. The anonymity of online = braver dumb people.

Btw, a 2 outer has nearly a 1 in 10 chance of happening after the flop. And about a 1 in 25 chance of happening on the river. And then when you have something like a 5 out bad beat the odds are much better again.

And on top of all those facts you have the issue of selective memory. You don't remember every single time the bad beat DOESNT happen.

PokerStars is a legitimate company that would not open itself up to a billion dollar class action lawsuit for the sake of a miniscule fractional increase in profit.

If you truly believe what you're whingeing about you should do two things. A) Contact the authorities in the relevant jurisdiction and file a complaint. B) Contact a lawyer and get intouch with all your fellow conspiracy theorist idiots on the internet who think the same way and lodge a class action lawsuit.
Next tourney, same shit and again, I called the river card.

PokerStars Hand #73245639330: Tournament #494286013, $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2012/01/04 11:39:30 AEST [2012/01/03 19:39:30 ET]
Table '494286013 6' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: sam.samuel.1 (24867 in chips)
Seat 2: trick7476 (14802 in chips)
Seat 3: lnfish (4970 in chips)
Seat 4: Tim Alens (24108 in chips)
Seat 6: coopster_001 (1981 in chips)
Seat 7: Rickman46 (2377 in chips)
Seat 8: CHIPJEDI_88 (61895 in chips)
sam.samuel.1: posts the ante 50
trick7476: posts the ante 50
lnfish: posts the ante 50
Tim Alens: posts the ante 50
coopster_001: posts the ante 50
Rickman46: posts the ante 50
CHIPJEDI_88: posts the ante 50
CHIPJEDI_88: posts small blind 200
sam.samuel.1: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to coopster_001 [6c 6s]
trick7476: folds
lnfish: folds
Tim Alens: raises 400 to 800
coopster_001: raises 1131 to 1931 and is all-in
Rickman46: raises 396 to 2327 and is all-in
CHIPJEDI_88: folds
sam.samuel.1: folds
Tim Alens: calls 1527
*** FLOP *** [Tc Ts Jh]
*** TURN *** [Tc Ts Jh] [5c]
*** RIVER *** [Tc Ts Jh 5c] [8d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Tim Alens: shows [8c Ad] (two pair, Tens and Eights)
Rickman46: shows [6h Ah] (a pair of Tens)
Tim Alens collected 792 from side pot
coopster_001: shows [6c 6s] (two pair, Tens and Sixes)
coopster_001 is sitting out
Tim Alens collected 6743 from main pot
Rickman46 finished the tournament in 6th place and received $1.08.
coopster_001 finished the tournament in 7th place and received $0.87.
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7535 Main pot 6743. Side pot 792. | Rake 0
Board [Tc Ts Jh 5c 8d]
Seat 1: sam.samuel.1 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: trick7476 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: lnfish folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: Tim Alens showed [8c Ad] and won (7535) with two pair, Tens and Eights
Seat 6: coopster_001 showed [6c 6s] and lost with two pair, Tens and Sixes
Seat 7: Rickman46 (button) showed [6h Ah] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 8: CHIPJEDI_88 (small blind) folded before Flop

And bunniesman, stop posting to me you f**king corkhead, there's nothing you can add that I'm the slightest bit interested in.

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