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Insipred by the Nicholas thread: Best and worst commentators.


I was just about to say that I was surprised no-one's mentioned Roebuck.
Kerry O'Keefe, Roebuck and the foreign commentators that the ABC bring in are my favourites


I find that South African commentator hard to understand sometimes, and he makes mistakes. I think he's a shocker tbh.

Parra Guru

ok the worst is Tony Greig

followed by Ian Healy (ever since the 20/20)

And the South African chick on Fox Sports whe SA are playing at home!!

The best are Richie, Slats and Skull

Raiders Plight

Ian chappel is the worst. He's probably the most bitter negative commentator i've heard in any sport, never gives anyone a wrap. Still thinks he and his brother are gods gift to cricket.

I don't know why so many people hate taylor, his cricket brain is by far the best of any commentator, plus he's usually unbiased.


First Grade
Worst: Kass Naidoo

You'd think she has never watched a game of cricket in her life. The worst commentators are the ones who insist on stating the obvious at every opportunity.

Parra Guru

Lego_Man said:
Worst: Kass Naidoo

You'd think she has never watched a game of cricket in her life. The worst commentators are the ones who insist on stating the obvious at every opportunity.

Is that the South African one?? If so, she is friggin hopeless. I don't mind female commentary (as I am female), but I would rather hear a girl commentate that has a cricket brain rather than someone who is trying to imitate the 12th man CD's.

Didn't mind listening to Belinda Clarke and Lisa Keightly on ABC radio during the Sydney test.


the voice of grandstand! whats her name? Karen Tighe or something? She is great


Slater & Boycott are a great team, Benaud is the all time greatest. The Channel 4 team that covered the Ashes were about as good as it gets.

Liked Ray Illingworth and Freddie Trueman when they used to do the job and of course Johnners RIP.


What are your guys opinion on the Channel 9 team as a whole?

There has been a lot of criticism of them from this side of the Tasman after Sunday's loss to SA. The main problem people have with them is that they always talk everything Aus do up and they always talk the opposition down (other than Greig). Sunday night was particuarly bad when Aus lost. Personally I didn't notice it other than Healy but he is the worst in the world IMO.

Also Ian Smith said on radio that there is fierce competition for places on the 9 team and that there are a few personality clashes in the box. Could be stiring but I wouldn't be surprised if there was something to that.


Chappell and Healy are dreadful. Do either of them realise that there is another 11 players playing for their country and doing their best, that aren't Australian.

Chappell used to be good, but he has turned into a bitter man in the past 2 or so years!

Parra Guru

I don't mind Chappell because he's not afraid to speak his mind.

Healy is bad because he just thinks he's awesome and that he can say anything and people will find him entertaining. He was very irritating during the 20/20 match. Trying to gee it up way more than it deserved (as in the strokes that were played).

Greig is the worst because, like Healy, he is so far up his own @rse that he thinks everyone values the crap he comes out with. He loves seeing Australia lose but can never openly admit that he is barracking for the opposition. He also stuffs up a lot when trying to call the action which p!sses me off, and he spends a lot of time talking up players who are absolute donkeys. When you look at him and hear him speak, it's hard to believe he played cricket, let alone captained in tests.


El Diablo said:
so you don't rate Healy because he's pro Aussie but rate Greig because he's pro whoever Australia are playing :?

makes perfect sense

Well yeah sort of..

You have got to remember that I am pro whoever Aus are playing as well (other than England) and therefore Greig can be a breath of fresh air when compared to some of the others in the box.

It isn't just the fact that Healy is pro Aussie though. That is annoying but whats worse is that he always tries to predict what is going to happen next and speaks for the players. i.e he talks as if he knows what they are thinking. He also gets very excited far too often. Sometimes he will go mental when someone plays a nice shot and it goes straight to a fielder.

I think he may become better when the players he played with retire and he is less attatched to the team.

It will be interesting to hear him today. Maybe I will enjoy him more because Aussie aren't playing and he will have to be objective.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Greig is far worse. Defending chuckers and creaming his pants at the drop of a hat.

I find it rather sad that Ian Smith actually talks about Aus commentary on radio. Has this imbecile ot nothing better to do than talk about the 9 team?

I don't think 9 give a rats what some insignifigant Kiwi like Smith thinks. Especially seeing he's terrible himself.

Mr Saab

Parra Guru said:
Healy is bad because he just thinks he's awesome and that he can say anything and people will find him entertaining. He was very irritating during the 20/20 match. Trying to gee it up way more than it deserved (as in the strokes that were played).

healy was absolutely pathetic when commentating the 20/20. He was screaming down the microphone like it was 10 deep in the final 50m of the melb cup.
Even Slater at one stage said something along the lines of him getting a little too excited.

My favs :

I Chappell

Worst :



El Diablo said:
I find it rather sad that Ian Smith actually talks about Aus commentary on radio. Has this imbecile ot nothing better to do than talk about the 9 team?

He got asked to comment on them since they have been getting a lot of stick. It has carried on to today. Lots of South Africans ringing up radio and complaining.

Most Australians who I have seen comment tend to agree that a couple of them have become almost sickening with their bias.

9 probably don't care what he thinks, but they might care that quite a few people seem to agree with him.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Blaze said:
9 probably don't care what he thinks, but they might care that quite a few people seem to agree with him.


9 are going to revamp the whole thing because it upsets the Kiwi's :lol:

what are you smoking?

it seems also quiet sad NZ radio stations talk about 9's commentary and people ring up :lol:

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