That logic might work if this were a simple 1+1=2 type equation, but it's not. There's a ton of other factors involved (and also, i'd hope that BluesClues would have the authoritative say on team selection, and not have to run it past the board every week ;-)). Plus, coaches are human and make errors and have favorites, etc.
And of course, 'valid' comes down to interpretation, too. For one person, Inu being left out because he doesn't train as hard as the others might be a valid reason, but for someone else it might not be.
Imagine if Babe Ruth had been dropped by the Yankees because he had a tendency to stuff his face with hot dogs (sometimes 6 or 7, and that's full American hot dog, bun and all) right before a game, and couldn't give a damn about nutrition. Inu probably doesn't have Babe Ruth talent (plus, two completely different sports in two completely different eras), but if it's only that he doesn't train as hard as the rest of the boys, then that's not a valid reason in my books. He doesn't look like he avoids training--there are other players in the squad who look like they might avoid training a wee bit, but still get to play FG week in, week out.
I think Usain Boult doesn't train as hard as most of the other sprinters out there, either...
Maybe when BluesClues (if we miss the 8 this season i might change that to NoBluesClues) showed up first day on the job Inu thought it'd be funny to give him a wedgie...
ETA: Btw, i do like what you did there, hitman. Some fine extrapolation!