I own ESPN 2004 and that was better than Madden 2004
I now own Madden 2005 coz ESPN is not out in australia yet (well i cant find it)
when ESPN 2005 does come out, i will be swapping with Madden 2005, coz ESPN have had a better NFL product than EA for the past 3 years.
However - i'd have to disagree that neither is the best sports game of all time.
Either Jonah Lomu Rugby, or PES4 (Pro Evolution soccer4) are the greatest sports games of all time, closely followed by Tiger Woods 2005.
I watch more NFL and RL, than i watch Soccer and union combined so, dont think i am biased.
But i play ps2 more than anything, and for video game that best represent their reflective sports - JLR or PES4, are the icing on the cake.
However when ESPN and EA team up next year with Madden2006 - that will be one hell of a game!!!!!