Look, I'm a Farah fan, but I think you've got a point. I recall in 2005 when he was compared to Elias, he said something along the lines of "obviously I'd rather be known for my own style of play..." instead of just lapping it up and being stoked that he was talked of in the same breath as a club legend. Can't recall where he said this, was an audio interview towards the end of the season, maybe even after the grand final... Can't give you a source and frankly, I'd forgotten about it until you bought into this thread.
Yeah, I think the guy's got some tickets on himself. But I also think he's pretty good most of the time, and most of what comes across as arrogance is just being his own biggest critic (mixed in with a teensy little bit of believing his own hype)...
I'd rather lose Benji than Farah if the roster is going to fall to pieces.
Totally agree, I'd take Farah, not that I think we will ever lose either over this.
I have met both these blokes on several occasions and don't agree with many statements knocking Farah. He is as genuine as they come and yeah if he doesn't want to have his genitles rubbed by a fan he will turn his back and he certainly is his own harshest critic, people that don't know sh1t about really playing league call it sooking, the same way Thurston or Cam Smith may sook.
Benji is a major problem for this club. Great when he's on, but when he's not the entire team goes down with him. I could not ever imagine Shines coming down on Benji for one of his stupid ass plays, actually quite the opposite, he would have to take it out on the players around him and those actions tend to spiral out of control and take a dam long time to fix.
I also could not imagine Benji looking up to Farah as a leader and quite possibly also want the captaincy. "if I'm the captain of my country than why nit my club" he's done nothing to show leadership, not even while as captain of NZ.
I'm not totally sure what to make of this, is it just a roumor???