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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game


mattyg said:
i never said that fights happen at EVERY other game, i said at other games. what about the souths fans attacking the ref last year as he walked off the field. that was hardly front page news.

as soon as they can link something to lebanese youths they cream themselves the papers do.

the ref getting pleted wasn't front page news, but it did make the backpage.
and write ups for the rest of the week.
i think they found the person who did and gave them a life ban.

and just going off what i saw on friday night the mix of dud bulldogs supporters going off apperance would be 70% arab males and 30% anglos in 15-25 yr age bracket.

on the flip side of all this, last year at the tiger home game at telstra against the dogs, my friend and her brother both turkish, and bulldogs supporters sat IN the tigers fanatics section.
and my friend still talks about how much fun she had.

you recon a tigers supporter would be able to say the same sitting in the middle of bulldogs group?
i think it's unlikly.


look im not saying that there are no problems with lebanese supporters. im saying that goons like that lego guy generalising them in the way he did was totally uncalled for. Hazem El Masri is the best off field bloke you could ever meet, he is a credit to the game, im sure most of you have to agree with that.

yeah i enjoyed the tigers game last year despite the scoreline, i had a chat with some tigers support during half time and we talked the rest of the game. after the siren went i shook his hand wished him luck in the finals and he said yeah bad luck you have injuries etc etc.

all i am trying to say is its not only lebanese people who have issues. again, the people who caused the crap at the cricket were aussie, just like me. how come that wasnt plastered all over the front page and news bulletins for a whole weekend so far.

the bulldogs club have been working with the police and anyone who causes trouble at our games will be banned for life. we already have ban's in place and its going to keep happening. its unfair for radio broadcasters to come out and say that on field aggresion led to the fights in the crowd. its not touch footy, rugby league is a tough sport and to link the crowd with the on field antics is an absolute disgrace.

oh, and there was alot of tigers supporters next to and just behind the kennel area on friday night and there was not one fight there. the fight was at least 20 bays across.


You're comparing a couple of people sneaking grog and pot into a cricket game to a large group comitting verbal and physical assault?



i could not sit in my seat, i was showered with grog, people were smoking pot in the seat next to me, there were guys standing up and falling all over us, there was almost a fight between the 2 guys sitting next to me. there were also fights throughout the ground during the day, and i'd say a hell of alot more than 19 people were ejected, and that was in just the first innings.

i would feel more safe if there was a fight going on between two drunk losers across the other side of the ground than if there was that sh*t going on next to me.

if it was so bad on friday night how come the police have hardly anything to investigate because nobody has come forward to them. if you got caught up in "large group commiting verbal and physical assault" then how come the police don't know about it?


whatever you want to say. im denying that we are given a fair shot by the media, and im also denying that the lebanese people are a blight on the game. its comments like that which causes fights in the first place. me, or anybody i have ever been to a bulldogs fan with has NEVER been scared at a game. I was told to "f*** off" by an 11 year old tigers fan on friday night, and here is everyone saying the attacks were unprovoked. i honestly dont care if you's wont come to our games again, its only going to make the atmosphere favour us more. our club has done everything in the past 3 years to stop crap from happening. go and have a look at the kennel any of you who think that its becoming the majority of bulldogs fans who are starting trouble. im not going to say anymore, i've said enough.


this argument is going around in circles, you all are getting nowhere, dodge is jst being a stubborn prick


I think it's sad that Lebanese people get stereotyped and given a bad reputation when a bunch of idiots decide they want to cause trouble at a Footy game. I was born here, my parents were born here but my grandparents were born in Lebanon so I have a fairly good understanding of the Lebanese culture (mainly the Christians as I have never actually mingled with Muslim Lebanese) As a result I can safely re-assure you that I have never come across Lebanese parents who will not discipline their kids and punish them for their wrong doings, so whoever said that parents are to blame because they stick up for their kids is being ridiculous. I can also state with confidence that most Australians with Lebanese backgrounds consider themselves Aussies. The ones that were born over-seas and came here later or early in life respect and love this country as if it was there own.
It is unfair for the entire community to be looked at as malicious and violent thugs/rapist/terrorists when it truly is just minorities who have no respect for this country, its people and its law.
Now about the incident last Friday….what a shame. What a shame that people are intimidated to attend NRL matches. What was once seen as an enjoyable day out with family and/or friends is now something that people acknowledge as a cautionary prospect. I do think it will be unfair for the club to be deducted points, why should the team get punished for the stupidity of plain clothed hooligans who attend games yet clearly do not support the code? I think they will just laugh at the fact that points were deducted or the teams are playing to an empty stadium (a completely unfair disadvantage to the opposing team, I will be very upset if my Eels ran out to an empty stadium in Rd 10 just because of those idiots).
It is obvious that the necessary action needs to be taken immediately and sooner rather than later. Only allowing season ticket holders and members to attend games seems to be an ideal solution. (Props to the person who thought of it)


MrCharisma said:
I love the ignorance in this thread... I love how everything is now started by the Bulldogs.

I'm waiting for the next headline where there is a brawl say at the North Queensland Vs. Sharks game where it's started by the Bulldogs

And you can talk about ignorance.

Fact of the matter is there may well be a brawl at say the Cowboys vs Sharks game, but the odds are that there won't, but will it be premeditated??? & same goes for any other game played anywhere else, even including Bulldog games away from Telstra, & near by grounds (close enough for these scum to get to) but, the odds of violence at Bulldog home games are very high.

We have seen this time & time again. I bet if Friday nights incident was the first at the ground involving Bulldog fans there would not be this much uproar.

Violence in sport here and all over the world will always exist, but for the amount of crowd incidents we have had in the NRL, I would bet the Bulldogs fan are involved more times than all other clubs combined.

I can understand many of the decent Bulldog fans hurting over this, but face facts, until you yourselves help rub out your scum supporters, you will suffer along side them. Ignorance to me is some of your lame attempts to defend them.


MrCharisma said:
Instead of the standard defence of "I didn't do it", it'll be "it was the Bulldogs"

And you have your fans who put you in that hole to thank.

It has now become for the Bulldogs club & their fans a case of guilty till proven innocent.


jimmy_the_greek said:
it dosent matter if it was our home game, in round 3 2004 we got blaimed for retaliating when a rooster fan had started it...

Who would believe you other than a bulldogs fan? This is not the thread you should be making that comment in.


dodge said:
You believe what you will. My club will suffer for this. The 99% of decent supporters will get shafted and rorted, and continually mind you, because opposition fans will go out of their way to bait our fans to induce more points deductions. The 1% dickhead element has ruined it yes, but we weren't alone in what happened on Friday night. Are you lot taking the fact you think it was 100% Bulldogs supporters causing trouble as cold comfort for such a pathetic on field display? You didn't see us going on like this when you hammered us 54-2.

Have a nice day boys, have fun believing everything the media tells you too. It's a good look.

I would bet its alot more than just 1%, a whole lot more.

We don't need the media to tell us anything, your fans keep doing it for them. Your club deserves everything it gets, unfortunately good decent supporters get caught in the crossfire.


First Grade
Miss_Eels said:
I think it's sad that Lebanese people get stereotyped and given a bad reputation when a bunch of idiots decide they want to cause trouble at a Footy game. I was born here, my parents were born here but my grandparents were born in Lebanon so I have a fairly good understanding of the Lebanese culture (mainly the Christians as I have never actually mingled with Muslim Lebanese) As a result I can safely re-assure you that I have never come across Lebanese parents who will not discipline their kids and punish them for their wrong doings, so whoever said that parents are to blame because they stick up for their kids is being ridiculous. I can also state with confidence that most Australians with Lebanese backgrounds consider themselves Aussies. The ones that were born over-seas and came here later or early in life respect and love this country as if it was there own.
It is unfair for the entire community to be looked at as malicious and violent thugs/rapist/terrorists when it truly is just minorities who have no respect for this country, its people and its law.
Now about the incident last Friday….what a shame. What a shame that people are intimidated to attend NRL matches. What was once seen as an enjoyable day out with family and/or friends is now something that people acknowledge as a cautionary prospect. I do think it will be unfair for the club to be deducted points, why should the team get punished for the stupidity of plain clothed hooligans who attend games yet clearly do not support the code? I think they will just laugh at the fact that points were deducted or the teams are playing to an empty stadium (a completely unfair disadvantage to the opposing team, I will be very upset if my Eels ran out to an empty stadium in Rd 10 just because of those idiots).
It is obvious that the necessary action needs to be taken immediately and sooner rather than later. Only allowing season ticket holders and members to attend games seems to be an ideal solution. (Props to the person who thought of it)

It's not the Lebanese Christians who create the problem, it's the Muslims. And whoever is the boofhead that keeps deleting my posts...if i state that rugby league has a problem with muslim lebanese, that is my right. When was the last time you saw a white, aboriginal, indian or asian supporter assaulting women at a football match?


Lego_Man said:
It's not the Lebanese Christians who create the problem, it's the Muslims. And whoever is the boofhead that keeps deleting my posts...if i state that rugby league has a problem with muslim lebanese, that is my right. When was the last time you saw a white, aboriginal, indian or asian supporter assaulting women at a football match?

Well said.


Riot squad gets Bulldogs season ticket
By Justin Norrie Police Reporter
March 20, 2006

THE ranks of NSW riot police will be doubled to 100 and dozens of riot officers could be deployed at Canterbury Bulldogs games to target brawling fans, under a plan being canvassed by the NSW Police Commissioner.

Ken Moroney has told the Herald that 750 police graduates, to be introduced to front lines next year, will also allow him to boost forensic police numbers from 650 to 820 by next year.

"Apart from the riot squad, the area that is expanding exponentially in police work and has more demand than any other is forensics," Mr Moroney said. "I'd like to keep increasing it by 5 to 10 per cent each year."

Mr Moroney revealed more plans to boost numbers at the state's crime command, which runs specialist units such as the fraud squad, from 800 to 1000 in three years to stem a rise in white-collar and cyber crime.

But he said the extra 750 police would be partly accounted for by the "200-odd officers" - or 1.4 per cent of the state's 14,650-strong police force - on long-term sick leave.

The most pressing concern was the expansion of the riot squad and the possibility of using it at Bulldogs games after violence on Friday night, he said.

"I want to use that 750 increase to add at least another 50 officers to the riot squad - that's a minimum - and hopefully more," Mr Moroney said. "Myself and [the Police Minister] Carl Scully will meet with the Bulldogs and the NRL on Wednesday and we'll talk about what the club can do … and about the option of riot police who have special techniques for that sort of violent crowd behaviour."

Witnesses described a ferocious attack by up to eight young men wearing Bulldogs jerseys on three older Wests Tigers fans outside Telstra Stadium on Friday night after a game. Police made only one arrest during the game, but spectators recalled seeing two brawls in the stands, one of which they said involved up to 50 people.

Yesterday police issued court notices to four people on charges of affray after reviewing television footage of one brawl.

Mr Moroney said the parties to Wednesday's crisis meeting would also consider such measures as segregating Bulldogs fans and banning for life any found guilty of violence.

He was supported by the Premier, Morris Iemma, who described the behaviour of some Bulldogs fans as "shameful".

Violence has marred many Bulldogs games in recent years. In 2004 the club was given a suspended punishment of four points after a brawl between its fans and Roosters supporters.

In a statement issued yesterday the Bulldogs chief executive, Malcolm Noad, said it would be unfair to characterise the club by the actions of "a small bunch of idiots" but warned his fans that "we face the very real possibility of a loss of points and a heavy fine if further crowd problems occur".

But the Opposition's spokesman for police, Mike Gallacher, said the Government's announcement was a stunt: "This isn't 750 new police; it's merely an additional 150 after factoring in the 600 officers Labor slashed and did not replace."


in other countries they make sides play homes games behind locked gates.

same should happen to the dogs.


mattyg said:
whatever you want to say. im denying that we are given a fair shot by the media, and im also denying that the lebanese people are a blight on the game. its comments like that which causes fights in the first place. me, or anybody i have ever been to a bulldogs fan with has NEVER been scared at a game. I was told to "f*** off" by an 11 year old tigers fan on friday night, and here is everyone saying the attacks were unprovoked. i honestly dont care if you's wont come to our games again, its only going to make the atmosphere favour us more. our club has done everything in the past 3 years to stop crap from happening. go and have a look at the kennel any of you who think that its becoming the majority of bulldogs fans who are starting trouble. im not going to say anymore, i've said enough.

If you really cared about your club, and whats going on with its fans....you would care.
Raider Ultra said:
It's quite simple, segregate the crowd at Dogs games.

segregate them at either end of telstra ,then the cowards can fight amongst themselves, and then let them out 20 min after the game is finished as well, so the normal people can get away with out any hassles

Originally Posted by mattyg
whatever you want to say. im denying that we are given a fair shot by the media, and im also denying that the lebanese people are a blight on the game. its comments like that which causes fights in the first place. me, or anybody i have ever been to a bulldogs fan with has NEVER been scared at a game. I was told to "f*** off" by an 11 year old tigers fan on friday night, and here is everyone saying the attacks were unprovoked. i honestly dont care if you's wont come to our games again, its only going to make the atmosphere favour us more. our club has done everything in the past 3 years to stop crap from happening. go and have a look at the kennel any of you who think that its becoming the majority of bulldogs fans who are starting trouble. im not going to say anymore, i've said enough.

very strange attitude :roll::roll:

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