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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game


Shall we generalise this to be a bulldogs fans problem ? a club problem ? or generalise it to be a Lebanese problem ?

take ur pick lol


First Grade
This is what i find amazing. the 1% violent element of the bulldogs supporters who caused the fights on friday nights don't drink alcohol and they still do more damage then the supporters of other clubs who do drink alcohol.


Lego_Man said:
Generalisations would not be made if there wasn't a reason for them in the first place...

well there is no reason to make a generalisation. there are plenty of good lebanese people out there and there is a number of idiots. are you going to generalise the entire aussie community for the riots saying that we have none of us have time for other cultures.

by the way i have sat next to the kennel (former bulldog army area) both the games this season and they have all been very well behaved, despite being 90% lebanese.

where are the lebanese bulldogs fans on here, i want to see there reaction to your generalisation. you have no right to say that a whole community is a blight on the game.

The Dominator

All this arguing is totally pointless. Every team has a bad element of fans. I have witnessed racist/hostile/provocative opposition fans at pretty much every Dogs game i have been to for the last few years. I have also witnessed dispicable violent and intimidatory behaviour from Bulldog's supporters.

All of this is a symptom of a wider social problem which reared its ugly head in the form of the Cronulla riots. So far, the rugby league community has proven itself to be totally useless at solving these problems. Sensationalist reporting, a limp response from the NRL and a general willingness to turn this into a blame game is of no use.

Stop turning this sh*t into a bulldog bashing frenzy, and help them solve the fuc*ing problem.


dodge said:
So NO Wests Tigers fans are to blame for what happened on Friday night? At all?

How can you sit there and say that? Because you're team won the premiership and you think you've earned the right to be arrogant?

Believe what you will. I was there, I know what I saw.

Yeah righto, one eyed.. no matter who the dogs played that night, there would have been trouble.

Do you ever see these shanagigans at any other clubs games???

Face it, your some of your fans are a low life misfits, just like some of the players. Back slapping each other when a player was seriously hurt.. now thats what I call sportmanship.


dodge said:
So NO Wests Tigers fans are to blame for what happened on Friday night? At all?

How can you sit there and say that? Because you're team won the premiership and you think you've earned the right to be arrogant?

Believe what you will. I was there, I know what I saw.

Yeah righto, one eyed.. no matter who the dogs played that night, there would have been trouble.

Do you ever see these shanagigans at any other clubs games???

Face it, some of your fans are low life misfits, just like some of the players. Back slapping each other when a player was seriously hurt.. now thats what I call sportmanship.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
hybrid_tiger said:
I didn't say that, did I. Go back through my posts and quote me where I said it.

f**k, you are thick as pig sh*t. Seriously.

The problem is you not accepting that your club mas a major, major problem in terms of behavior at games. My club does not have this problem. Until you accept this, you need to STFU on this issue.

I WILL believe what I want and I happen to believe that you are full of absolute sh*t. As per usual.

Yes, there is a major problem with the behaviour of certain fans at our games. Yes, elements of these fans would be supporters of my club (sincere or not). Yes, something needs to be done about it.

No, we aren't the only ones and certainly weren't on Friday. No, we (the club itself) can't really control what happens outside apart from suggesting/demanding extra security.

Finally, no we should not be deducted points. Yes something needs to be done. And also, yes, Tigers fans were heavily involved in the fracas inside the ground on Friday. Deny that, and you're a liar.


dodge said:
So NO Wests Tigers fans are to blame for what happened on Friday night? At all?

How can you sit there and say that? Because you're team won the premiership and you think you've earned the right to be arrogant?

Believe what you will. I was there, I know what I saw.

Yeah righto, one eyed.. no matter who the dogs played that night, there would have been trouble.
Do you ever see these shanagigans at any other clubs games???
Face it, your some of your fans are a low life misfits, just like some of the players. Back slapping each other when a player was seriously hurt.. now thats what I call sportmanship.


Dodge, simply answer this question. Why is it always the dogs who are involved in the fracca (nice euphemism)?


dodge said:
Yes, there is a major problem with the behaviour of certain fans at our games. Yes, elements of these fans would be supporters of my club (sincere or not). Yes, something needs to be done about it.

No, we aren't the only ones and certainly weren't on Friday. No, we (the club itself) can't really control what happens outside apart from suggesting/demanding extra security.

Finally, no we should not be deducted points. Yes something needs to be done. And also, yes, Tigers fans were heavily involved in the fracas inside the ground on Friday. Deny that, and you're a liar.

The expert will find you out.

Once again Dodge...got pics of the arabic women being attacked by Wests fans?

What about this other pic you have...lets see it.


Balmain_Boy said:
Dodge, simply answer this question. Why is it always the dogs who are involved in the fracca (nice euphemism)?

why is it that we are always the ones that are scrutinized more by the media. its because we are easy targets. yes there is trouble at bulldogs games but there is also the same stuff at other matches. only problem is it gets half a column on page 29 of the paper.

El Diablo

Post Whore
innsaneink said:
What about this other pic you have...lets see it.

if he cared for his club he would give it to police so they can identify the culprits

do you care, dodge?


mattyg said:
why is it that we are always the ones that are scrutinized more by the media. its because we are easy targets. yes there is trouble at bulldogs games but there is also the same stuff at other matches. only problem is it gets half a column on page 29 of the paper.

No. There isnt.

Any trouble at canberra today Raiders /Knights fans?
Any trouble at Aussie... Rooster fan?
Any trouble at WIN, Panthers, Dragons fans?


mattyg said:
why is it that we are always the ones that are scrutinized more by the media. its because we are easy targets. yes there is trouble at bulldogs games but there is also the same stuff at other matches. only problem is it gets half a column on page 29 of the paper.

You're hardly scrutinised. Admittedly I wasn't at the game, but a mate has filled me in on what he saw. Said he'd never seen the like before. It's a very poor argument to claim it's because they scrutinise you. The scenes I saw on video DON'T happen at every game.


who knew about the fights at the roosters souths game last year? ohh thats the second game involving roosters that there has been major fights at. there is fights at parra games often. as soon as something happens with bulldogs the media go overboard. someone today said "bulldogs riots" last night. by the way for those of you that didn't know, this is the first time since rd 3 2004 that there have been fights at a bulldogs game.

i never said that fights happen at EVERY other game, i said at other games. what about the souths fans attacking the ref last year as he walked off the field. that was hardly front page news.

as soon as they can link something to lebanese youths they cream themselves the papers do.


The amount of victim mentality and denial on this thread by Bulldogs supporters is disgusting.

I was at the game and I can tell you, I will never bring my fiance, sister, mother etc to a bulldog game.

I am sick of the "minority ruining it for the good ones" arguement. You know why? Because the minority is catching up to the majority in numbers. We are not talking a handful. We are talking hundreds, even thousands of scum Dogs supporters starting sh*t.

Walking back to the car was definitely an experience. It was not the usual banter between fans. It was teenage goons looking for a fight. And lots of them.

It is getting to the stage where I won't be able to have a beer at a dogs game because I wouldn't usually cop that quietly - outnumbered or not.

I have many good friends which are bulldogs supporters and was with two of them at the game on friday. They can face the truth that their club is the disgrace of the league. Its a shame the fans in this thread can't do the same.

Do not be surprised if the major sponsor of the Bulldogs withdraw their support after Friday's performance by their fans.


dodge said:
Bay 121. Left through the exit directly opposite the Superdome, Was in P3, which took almost an hour to get out of. I have photos of the game too, one of the brawl as well.

Anymore questions you insolent f**king pig?

dodge you silly bastard, you're just digging yourself in a bigger hole
you're an appologist and a clueless git to boot.

as a few people have already mentioned, post the pics or action them with the club or the police.
the tigers fanatics where i was sitting video taped and sent the footage along to the club to action.

no one in the fanatatics got baited, we called the police over who scattered the spinless rambo wannabie who started haning around bay 142 in the 70th minute of the game.
stiring up sh*t

if it took an hour getting out of the ground, you would have seen the cop cars and wagon trying to get access back into the ground.
fights in the carparks and yobbo types in blue and white jerseys green p plates, hanging out of the their cars abusing anyone and everyone in tigers colours.

instead, you make strange claimns, don't back them up.
shy away from them and run around in more circles than daniel fitzhenry playing five/eight.


they wern't our fans..our "fans" don't get into fights. im just not going to let losers say that the whole lebanese community is a blight on the game. im not even lebanese and im saying this.

did you hear on the news and in the papers about the cricket fans who smoked pot in our row, and smuggled in 2 bottles of rum and a bottle of vodka to the 2nd final? before you ask i did report the incident to police. its this kind of reporting that gives the bulldogs fans the sh*ts.

every time something happens there is a huge media beat up over it. none of us are denying that there is problems at our games. the club has done basically everything in there power to stop this crap. and by the way we are victims, because we have to put up with these fans giving the majority of us a bad name.

if you choose to not go to a bulldogs game ever again then dont, thats your choice. this argument came up 2 years ago after the roosters game and we have been up there both years with the highest or 2nd highest home crowd average in sydney. my brother who is 14 is not scared to go to a bulldogs game. he wore a parramatta jersey and we walked right around the whole stadium after the game and nobody even looked at him to start trouble.

it seems that none of you tigers people can handle a loss, the celebrating that happens outside the stadium after the game is nothing new to me. it happens everytime we win. they were not looking for a fight. maybe if you went to a dogs game before you jumped on the bandwagon you would be used to us celebrating.

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