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Ivan Cleary One Step Away from the Dragons!!


After this week we should hear something I reckon as they still have Cutters playing in the GF and if JD is in the mix for the gig they are waiting till it's over not to ruin any prep work for a huge game ahead.

Watching the Cutters win on Sunday and the way the players were hugging him and his reactions made it look like he has a lot of respect from the players and they love playing for him. If Saints don't offer him the gig or a step up to what he is doing then I am sure someone else will.
JD should have already been spoken to about the future coach and direction of the club. I think he knows the plan hence why he hasn't been distracted and is focused on the state cup. My bet would be he remains as coach of the cutters and assistant to Cleary.


Yes I would prefer Toovey over clearly, he demands respect from the players and gets results.

He might demand respect from the players but what happened to some of the players and the locker room by the time he left?

He inherited a very good side, to his credit he maintained it at first but wasn't able to build a dynasty, and lost a lot of key players.


Social media rants have subsided / official season is over....I'm sorry to say it, but I don't trust the Board to do what is needed. They learnt nothing after the Price fiasco and then repeated it signing Mary Rookie to 3 year deal. Everyone knows where we are and what we need....everyone except the Board.
I almost think it was lucky the board signed him for 3 years. If they signed him for 2 the board probably would have re-signed him on an extended deal for further seasons at the end of last year after the finals. We could have been stuck with him for longer.


Cleary would be preferable for head coach but I wouldn't be devastated by Toovey.
So long as JD remains as assistant coach I will be happy.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
Would rather JD than Toovey. Seriously did anyone see any Manly player looked fussed when he left. They were glad to see the back of him. They even praised Baz after the 1st training session saying how much they learnt and how they enjoyed their training. It's as if they would have said that whoever joined (except Mary or Price we only get the duds).

To be a legend of the club as a player and not wanted as a coach even after having a decent couple of seasons (unlike Mary), he must have pi$$ed off a few people. You would think he would get some pretty favourable treatment being a legend and Grand Final winning captain.


Would rather JD than Toovey. Seriously did anyone see any Manly player looked fussed when he left. They were glad to see the back of him. They even praised Baz after the 1st training session saying how much they learnt and how they enjoyed their training. It's as if they would have said that whoever joined (except Mary or Price we only get the duds).

To be a legend of the club as a player and not wanted as a coach even after having a decent couple of seasons (unlike Mary), he must have pi$$ed off a few people. You would think he would get some pretty favourable treatment being a legend and Grand Final winning captain.

As far as I know it wasn't so simple as that. A large part of the playing group was unhappy about Glenn Stewart not being offered a contract. In hindsight, from a purely game perspective, it was the right decision. Politically it may have screwed him. Then there were the players with gambling problems. Even after all that, last year he still did far better with what most think was a weaker roster than Barrett had to work with this year.

I would prefer Cleary and a few other coaches (Brian Smith, Daniel Anderson if allowed by the NRL) but I don't think Toovey would be a bad option.


One Bob Fulton has a quite a large role to play at Manly, Toovey wanted to run the entire show, Fulton didn't like that so he moved him on and brought Barrett in


I would prefer Cleary and a few other coaches (Brian Smith, Daniel Anderson if allowed by the NRL) but I don't think Toovey would be a bad option.

Mate I think we all unanimously agree that even the grounds keeper at Kogarah would be a better option than Mary........................I seriously hope this delay for political correctness is because Mary is fired otherwise I'll be watching Lawn Bowls in 2017.....................


Please for the love of st.george ... paul just call it a day and well maybe respect you for it one day not straight away but soon enough


First Grade
Never thought for one second that anyone else besides McGregor would be the Dragons' coach next season.

The Club is in total disarray.

Coffs dragon

So the rumours seem to indicate that Cleary was approached and finally declined the offer put forward by the Dragons. We really are in a mess when a coach desperate for a NRL coaching role knocks us back & then the club simply create some BS and spin committee story. The problem starts at the top and until that is removed or fixed, then this club is on a down hill spiral.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
So the rumours seem to indicate that Cleary was approached and finally declined the offer put forward by the Dragons. We really are in a mess when a coach desperate for a NRL coaching role knocks us back & then the club simply create some BS and spin committee story. The problem starts at the top and until that is removed or fixed, then this club is on a down hill spiral.
Sad but so true. What a joke of a club they have become.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
Just spoke to someone who knows the Cleary family well and he has a daughter in year 12 and lives up at Penrith. He won't be moving til she finishes year 12. This could be why Mary is coach for next year with Cleary to come the following as she confirmed he has been talking to Saints and the Dogs but the Dogs have now committed to Des.


Just spoke to someone who knows the Cleary family well and he has a daughter in year 12 and lives up at Penrith. He won't be moving til she finishes year 12. This could be why Mary is coach for next year with Cleary to come the following as she confirmed he has been talking to Saints and the Dogs but the Dogs have now committed to Des.

A lot can happen in 12 months, could be other opportunities by then.

I find it hard to believe he couldn't find a way around the living arrangements if he truly wanted the job.

It wouldn't help that a bloke like Peter Mulholland left after 1 year, and as Grouch outlined in another post that he actually spoke to him and he said there were a couple of very difficult people to deal with at our illustrious organisation, (= he couldn't get out of the joint quick enough).

PM knows a lot of people throughout the NRL and I'm sure word would filter back if someone is looking at a position within the smouldering wreckage of the Dragons at how much our management are stinking the place up at the moment.

That's why they only sign up ex club stalwarts because the poor bastards don't know any different.


Just spoke to someone who knows the Cleary family well and he has a daughter in year 12 and lives up at Penrith. He won't be moving til she finishes year 12. This could be why Mary is coach for next year with Cleary to come the following as she confirmed he has been talking to Saints and the Dogs but the Dogs have now committed to Des.

It is very hard to believe this reason for not signing for 2017 and beyond. Surely if he was keen, Cleary would have did some extra travel in 2017. I mean why even have the discussion with the Dragons when he knew it would involve either extra travel or a move.

I believe there is more to this than what is said. Maybe the terms were not suitable to Cleary e.g. Cleary wanted a bigger say in things like recruiting, pathways management and selection of his coaching staff. It is very apparent that the Board have their old boy favourites sitting very comfortable in well paid positions - the most important priority!