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Jason Stevens was a prayer uttering thug


I am not against religion or god, just the relevance to the modern world of christianity is no longer there. This was pretty nicely summed up by Friedrich Nietzsche when he said:

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"

What he ment by this is not that God is dead in any real sense, but that the idea of god was a nice one, even if false, and that it no longer holds any source of wisdom as the world order and morality had changed, and that in so doing mankind has removed all requirement to follow the established morals and values.

This idea is validated when looking at things that are incomprehensible to established order, like the holocaust, genetic science, free love, drugs, et cetera.

This is where books like "A Brave New World" and "1984" pick up from (and the taste for movies like the Matrix and Terminator), as we look for new media other than the bible to come to grips with the world as it is.

Reading about Lot sodomising doesn't help in this day and age.

Manu Vatuvei

I don't really know if there is a God, but I do know that some extremely sound ethical ideas have been discarded for no coherent reason by secular society because they are regarded as being linked with Christianity. People say religious brainwashing is scary, but there's nothing as scary to me as the way that various plainly unethical behaviours are condoned by a society that has "brainwashed" itself in to thinking said behaviours make sense somehow.

Incredibly broad and vague statements about humanity as a whole on the NRL forum ftw


Just to correct some of the myriad of incorrect things I've read:

The council of Nicaea (yes... that is the correct spelling Goddo) ended in a mojority position that Jesus was divine. But even if it didn't that would do nothing to disprove Christianity, the majority position doesn't correlate with truth.

Quoting Bertrand Russell, Karl Marx or Friedrich Nietzsche doesn't prove anything either. In fact if you look at the way these guys ended up I don't think their belief systems are ones you should take too much out of. Particularly Russell who talked about how his world view lead to "grim, unyielding despair" or how Nietzsche spent the last years of his life in the loony bin.

Christianity as something that helps you personally is useless. It is either true or it isn't. If it isn't, it's a waste of time. If it is, then it's the most important thing you can ever find out about. Relativising it as something that is good for some and not for others is not what God is about.

The Bible has not been disproven. On a wooden, overly literal reading of Genesis then the Earth is probably 6000 years old. But the Genesis account does not actually specify times. And there is no guarantee from the passage that the earth was created in 6 literal days, it could be a poetic device.

At any rate nobody was actually there 6,000 years ago to test it out. The science points away from it but prevailing scientific theories are often shown to be false or incomplete centuries after they enjoy dominance. There is no guarantee that the world is 4.5 billion years old, that the universe is 13.8 billion years old or that we evolved from a primordial soup. It's just the best guess science has achieved to date ( I have an honours degree in science just by the way).

If you want to figure out whether Christianity is the real deal or not, read the Bible, and start with the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read into why they're thought to be historically reliable books and canvas a vast range of views when doing so. And most importantly, figure out for yourself if who Jesus is and whether he is God or not.


Just to correct some of the myriad of incorrect things I've read:

The council of Nicaea (yes... that is the correct spelling Goddo) ended in a mojority position that Jesus was divine. But even if it didn't that would do nothing to disprove Christianity, the majority position doesn't correlate with truth.

Which means what? That you know what the truth is??

Quoting Bertrand Russell, Karl Marx or Friedrich Nietzsche doesn't prove anything either. In fact if you look at the way these guys ended up I don't think their belief systems are ones you should take too much out of. Particularly Russell who talked about how his world view lead to "grim, unyielding despair" or how Nietzsche spent the last years of his life in the loony bin.

You left out this>>> imo

Christianity as something that helps you personally is useless. It is either true or it isn't. If it isn't, it's a waste of time. If it is, then it's the most important thing you can ever find out about. Relativising it as something that is good for some and not for others is not what God is about.

Ok so it's either true or it isn't?

The Bible has not been disproven. On a wooden, overly literal reading of Genesis then the Earth is probably 6000 years old. But the Genesis account does not actually specify times. And there is no guarantee from the passage that the earth was created in 6 literal days, it could be a poetic device.

So is that true or isn't it?

At any rate nobody was actually there 6,000 years ago to test it out. The science points away from it but prevailing scientific theories are often shown to be false or incomplete centuries after they enjoy dominance. There is no guarantee that the world is 4.5 billion years old, that the universe is 13.8 billion years old or that we evolved from a primordial soup. It's just the best guess science has achieved to date ( I have an honours degree in science just by the way).

So the world isn't flat-check

If you want to figure out whether Christianity is the real deal or not, read the Bible, and start with the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read into why they're thought to be historically reliable books and canvas a vast range of views when doing so. And most importantly, figure out for yourself if who Jesus is and whether he is God or not

At last we get to the real reason behind your post full of "corrections"



Eaglebuzz.. saving the world from Non-Christians with his science degree.. :lol:


Just to correct some of the myriad of incorrect things I've read:

The council of Nicaea (yes... that is the correct spelling Goddo) ended in a mojority position that Jesus was divine. But even if it didn't that would do nothing to disprove Christianity, the majority position doesn't correlate with truth.

Thanks spell check. I don't have the best spelling. Yes, it ended as a majority position, but how many there were thinking otherwise? How long did it take to come to that conclusion? Why the need to incorporate Roman and pagan symbols and ideas and dates? If it was so evidently true, why the need for the meeting? Rewrite the story much?

Quoting Bertrand Russell, Karl Marx or Friedrich Nietzsche doesn't prove anything either. In fact if you look at the way these guys ended up I don't think their belief systems are ones you should take too much out of. Particularly Russell who talked about how his world view lead to "grim, unyielding despair" or how Nietzsche spent the last years of his life in the loony bin.

I didn't quote Marx.

So your argument is that because Nietzsche and was a nihalist and he had mental health issues his point doesn't count? Plenty of intelligent people who have contributed to society have ended up that way. Doesn't make their discoveries or ideas any less significant.

Can you present a logical case against Russell's teapot argument? Can you see the massive flaws in the logic of belief in a deity it presents? that is what is called "the leap of faith" to accept something that is very unlikely to be fact. For me personally, I sit on the fence as an agnostic, but generally think if there is a god, none of the 5 traditions are necissarily right. The Greeks might have been right. The Flying Spaghetti Monster might have been right. Don't know, no way of knowing. It just seems to me like religion preys on those insecure in their existance. Most people never think this deeply about things either.

Christianity as something that helps you personally is useless. It is either true or it isn't. If it isn't, it's a waste of time. If it is, then it's the most important thing you can ever find out about. Relativising it as something that is good for some and not for others is not what God is about.

I thought God was about belief in a deity that created the universe. As an agnostic, I like the budhist take on it most of all, that it is a form of beutiful idea. Fits nicely within the grand unifying theory idea Einstein suggested (and others have been working on for 80 years).

The Bible has not been disproven. On a wooden, overly literal reading of Genesis then the Earth is probably 6000 years old. But the Genesis account does not actually specify times. And there is no guarantee from the passage that the earth was created in 6 literal days, it could be a poetic device.

We come back to the point of which bits should be literally interpreted and which are figurative? The church has changed its opinion on this more than a model changes clothes.

Will you conceed that the old testiment started as a way to explain the unexplainable, to recorded traditions, customs and codify laws backed up by fear of an omipotent force?

Don't covet thy neighbour makes sense in a small community in peril. It creates social disorder. I understand the no hoofed animal thing. They go off really quickly in the desert. Hajibs make sense to me too, having been to the middle east, sensible clothing. I understand how these customs are important to a people, and they like to attach them religous significance to protect them. This was why the Church was so unhappy about "soldier worship" following the great war (esp Manix in Australia). They saw it as a threat.

At any rate nobody was actually there 6,000 years ago to test it out. The science points away from it but prevailing scientific theories are often shown to be false or incomplete centuries after they enjoy dominance. There is no guarantee that the world is 4.5 billion years old, that the universe is 13.8 billion years old or that we evolved from a primordial soup. It's just the best guess science has achieved to date ( I have an honours degree in science just by the way).

So you are a creationist? Or do you believe that god tampers with the science, or that the science is wrong? Best guess science is better than here say and conjecture from over 2000 years ago from people likely to have been homeless schitzophrenics (see I can discredit people because of mental illness too).

It may well be that our entire perception of reality is called into question as Descartes pointed out... "cogito ergo sum". If you want to go down that road of saying "maybe this is wrong maybe that is wrong" the same logic applies to Christianity. And we come back to the point were we can't know one way or the other. Agnostic.

If you want to figure out whether Christianity is the real deal or not, read the Bible, and start with the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read into why they're thought to be historically reliable books and canvas a vast range of views when doing so. And most importantly, figure out for yourself if who Jesus is and whether he is God or not.

I have read the bible. But I have also read many other books, including the Torah and read up about biblical history in several analytical books to put it in context, and I think it is hocus pokus. Jesus was a historic person, but there are too many holes in the story, and conflict between the 4 testiments, writen between 30 and 120 years after his death. But people should read as much as they can before they make their mind up.
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Coolumsharkie and Goddo I refer you back to my post on page 3 about this thread being a waste of time. Nobody has a grand revelation in league forums, or any other forums for that matter. I will rapidly run out of patience answering you if my posts are systematically quoted and disseminated between paragraphs, it will take forever and accomplish nothing.

I don't have a position on the creationism / evolutionism argument. I'm open to wherever the evidence points. I don't think the bible was written as a science book and I also don't think the jury is in yet on evolution. To elaborate on that in any sort of detail will not work in a forum.

I will say on reading the Bible though that if you can't tell when to read it figuratively and when to read it literally you haven't read it that well. I admit it is nuanced and not exactly contemporary but if you know how to read it then most of what you say comes out in the wash. Including the comment about conflict between the 4 gospels... if you're going to claim to be well read yet you can't differentiate between a gospel and a testament (notice the 'a') then I find it hard to believe you.

Coolumsharkie I only claim to have access to the truth because of the Bible. If there is no God or God hasn't revealed himself to us then we have no chance of knowing the truth. I only meant that if the majority of people believe something in any instance that doesn't mean that they are right. It wasn't a specific reference to Nicaea. Similarly with the celestial teapot argument, nobody could know God unless God makes the effort to be known. That's what I believe the Bible is and why it is important to read it.


Jason Stevens is a goose, so is Mark Geyer. I am sure God, Jesus, Allah, Buddah and the King Kong would agree.


First Grade
Seriously, you had a pretty sh*tty life for a while, things were tough - but you turned it around. You should be commended. But extrapolating this to credit questionable historical figures 2,000 years ago - when we know history is manipulated by winners - is too big a stretch.

There is one thing we need to understand ... those of us from western civilisation.

We are raised and educated to believe that our puny human brains can understand everything. If we can't understand it with our grey matter, it can't be true. Through school, universities and even on the job, we are pursuaded that we must understand everything with our minds.

To put it plainly, if God is true, and He created the heavens and the earth, than don't expect to understand Him. That's where 'faith' comes in ... I don't understand everything about God, and never will, but I'm willing to trust Him.


Jason Stephens was a typical example of the hypocrisy of prayer mongering godgobbers.
He would go on about being a high and mighty moralistic christian with all the typical godgobbing rhetoric about being a good well behaved man etc,etc,.,.,.,and then he would go off his rocker and stomp on opponents faces.
What a mongrel Stephens was.And he is now the laughing stock of every Aussie bloke because of his weirdo pathetic sexual hang ups.

wow youre an unbelievably massive tool, it so nice that decide to join these forums just to post your aggressive rantings, everybodies entitled to their opinion but you dont seem to understand that, tool:lol:

Blind Freddy

There is one thing we need to understand ... those of us from western civilisation.

We are raised and educated to believe that our puny human brains can understand everything. If we can't understand it with our grey matter, it can't be true. Through school, universities and even on the job, we are pursuaded that we must understand everything with our minds.

To put it plainly, if God is true, and He created the heavens and the earth, than don't expect to understand Him. That's where 'faith' comes in ... I don't understand everything about God, and never will, but I'm willing to trust Him.

I think you'll find the majority of planet Earth (which is unfortunately very Scientific illiterate) has throughout the ages and today sadly leaned in the other direction, towards the mindset "I don't know how that happened, It must of been God".

Here's the deal, Science proves and disproves it's ideas all the time, that's what the whole basis of what Scientific method is.

They/we (yes I work in a field of Science) don't just blindly say we had a Big Bang or we slowly branched off and evolved from the apes to form a new type of monkey called humans over thousands of generations (that's right we are all an intelligent breed of monkey). There's mountains of concrete evidence to back it all up, granted you've got to have some scientific knowledge to grasp it all.
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I try not to rely on everything I hear or heard,without doing some research.I don't bag anyone for believing or not believing.
Nor do I rely always on science all the time eg the weather bureau that stuffed up beautifully for the foecast last weekend 4 days fri-monday.All supposedly wet,all ended up sunny.

Then there is the argument of the universe.It is becoming accepted there was the big bang,that happened 15billion years ago.So something was created or formed out of something.There must have been a cause,what?,It is just as rational to believe that something was behind it,as to say it just happened.
There are just as many astronomers,scientists and even biologists who believe,as those who don't.Why not 100% non belief.

Then something I found out about the J.C matter:historical.The New Testament is based on 5,200 early manuscripts or pieces of manuscripts all written in the original Greek,These were found in the known world from Rome to Alexandria.These manuscripts deviate little from each other.Apart from a few minor discrepancies the meaning of the text doesn't not change.The bulk of these manuscripts agree word for word with one another.There is apparently no ancient document that even approaches the New Testament in manuscript integrity and evidence.
Again afragment of teh Gospel of john dated A.D.130 was found in egypt.Today this papyrus is in the John Rylands Library Manchester England,and no scholar thinks this is an original.They would say it is a copy of the manuscript written 30-50 years before.

The historians all non Christian Lucian 120-after 180AD referred to JC as a philosopher
Josephus 37-100A.D referred to his amazing deeds.
Tacitus 56-120A>D.he suffered the extreme penalty at the hands of the procurator P.Pilate.

Then I read a comment by the former "hatchet man' of the Nixon admin,Chuck Colson,implicated in the Watergate scandal,pointed out the difficulty of several people maintaining a lie for an extended period of time.

FWIW Colson's comment:-
"I know the resurrection is a fact,and the Watergate proved it to me.How? Because 12 men testified they had seen J.C. raised from the dead,and then proclaimed it happened for the next 40years,never once denying it.Every one was beaten ,tortured,stoned and put in prison.They would not have endured that if it were not true.
Watergate embroiled 12 of the most powerful men in the world-and they couldn't keep a lie for three weeks .Your'e telling me 12 apostles could keep a lie for 40 years? Absolutely impossible".

Again bagging people for belief or non belief is just plain dumb.Leave it up to the individual to decide,and the originator of this thread is a waste of space.
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again, the only point being put forward by those promoting belief in god is based around mysticism and denial.

Again, all I am pointing out is that no one knows if there is or isn't, and if someone claims absolutely there is or isn't they are talking out of their arse.

Rockin Ronny

The council of Nicaea (yes... that is the correct spelling Goddo) ended in a mojority position

Nice work, Einstein. Criticise someone's spelling by means of a spelling mistake.

Is this what Godbotherers describe as "God working in mysterious ways". :lol:

Rockin Ronny

again, the only point being put forward by those promoting belief in god is based around mysticism and denial.

Again, all I am pointing out is that no one knows if there is or isn't, and if someone claims absolutely there is or isn't they are talking out of their arse.

Spot on.

Also, the other great horsesh*t Christian proclamation:
Good things are due to Jesus. But bad things are just God's mysterious ways - and we shouldn't question it.

The refuge for morons and the gullible.