What incoherent drivel. Big Friday?
Where does either of your scientists EVER menion "J.C."?! Show me Einstein EVER referencing "Jesus Christ"? Would appear you are the one incapable of rational thought, or at least rational argument.
Your response to my mentioning of Scientology basically sums up my opinion of pretty much every organised religion out there. And all your response does here is reinforce that. Moral absolutes? So your approach to blacks, homosexuals & shellfish eaters is?? Hypocrite.
If you notice my reference to to other dogma that brings all the "atheist" regimes. I wasn't singling ot christianity, merely highlighting it due to the subject at hand.
Greek manuscripts??? Ever heard of the Dark Ages?? The Inquisition?? Read about the mass destruction of non-complying literature???
.........didn't think so.
Your following of an imaginary friend will be the joke of future generations. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Incoherent drivel !Standard response water off a duck's back .
I simply stated
1.These 2 scientists formed a view that there is a God.Never mentioned they were Christian or believed as such.That is in response to the thread author.
The notion of a God is one of the basis tenets of Chrisianity ,the reason I also quoted these scientists.
Do not equate Scientology with Christianity,if you know anything about the basice tenets of Christianity.They are chalk and cheese.
I will give a couple of examples of those "misguided and gullible" scientists.
Dr Francis Collins Dir of the Human Genome Project.His group completed the sequence of teh human genome 3.1billion letters on our own DNA instruction book.He was an atheist in the 70s now a Christian.
Dr Boris P Dotsenko(once head of Nuclear physics) Kiev formerly USSR.A Christian who stated"I realised even the most brilliant scientists in the best equiped lab are still incapable of copying even the simplest living cell".
My approach to your statement is the same approach as Dr Collins and Abraham Lincoln and that is everyone is created equal and has an intrinsic value.That means whether they be black,white brindle,homosexual,metrosexual, bi sexual,atheists,christians,jews agnostics,you name it."love of fellow man" whatever.
So your description of me as a hypocrite,is like a lot of your assumptions dish water.
The other view if we are here by accident as a freak of nature a billion to one chance ,with a limited time span(planned obselence if you wish),then life is merely "froth and bubble.ie meaningless.One persons idea about morality and the law,can be just as legiist as a person who has an opposing view.
As to complying literature.I didn't realise historical Greek manuscripts were complying pieces of literature,when they had nothing to gain in references to J.C.
Else ole son,we may as well dispatch ancient history holus bolus.
I didn't realise that non Christians historians from around the J.C. time,who mentioned the death of J.C.were actually complying with the wishes Christianity'
Lucaian 120 after 180AD
Josephus 37-100Ad
Tacitus 56-120AD
They had absolutely zilch to gain,they answered to no one.
Your last para,LOL,that has been stated (and ridiculed )for centuries,and it not only survives but grows.Even Gorbachev an atheist of the highest order late Wife and daughter became Christians.Yeah sure ask the now 50million Chinese who have a belief ,which is more than the official communist Party).
Everyone to his beliefs,or non beliefs.I don't knock atheists,I classify myslef as an enquiring sceptic for that reason ,but respond when absolute statements are made.
BTW my main religion is rugby league,I must be misguided and gullible following the Sharks.