Nice response and well researched by the look of it but for the life of me I can't understand why "common sense" is being rendered almost irrelevant by some people.
I sure as hell didn't get to my age without relying on common sense and plenty of it because without it I could have well and truly ended up in all sorts of shit just like many of the kids I grew up with.
Old saying if it smells like shit it probably is and that is the value of common sense and being able to understand potential outcomes.
For all we know if the charges are true it could well be that some other female dodged a bullet by using common sense on that night and no doubt if the men are guilty that this behaviour could be in fact repetitive on their part and in fact many other women might have dodged a bullet as well.
If that is the case you have to ask why that might be.
But the assertion is that women meeting blokes is an inherently dangerous act. There is obviously some risk involved, but it should be no different to most other things, like the example I used when you drive a car. There is always a chance something could happen, but that doesn't stop people driving.
How many men and women are hooking up on dating sites, pubs, parties etc and do so without incident? Should women exercise as you say "common sense" by locking themselves in their homes for fear of getting raped? Does that "common sense" notion apply to men who also meet strangers? Who's to say they're not in danger also?
I get elements of your argument and I agree that common sense should always apply, I just have a big problem with the original statement which infers a woman going home with a man (or in this case 2 men) somehow show poor common sense. That completely dis-empowers women from doing what us blokes try and do all the time.
When the situation is reversed, blokes are copping high 5's from all their mates, not having to answer whether they exercised good common sense.