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Jennings to the Roosters?


Don't think? Is that correct or a typo, Mick?

Admin must have known that losing our biggest name this close to the season start would have as negative effect on fans and memberships. They've either got something juicy in the works to correct that asap or they're playing a very long game and accepting losses now.

Or they've completely lost it. Maybe the way forward for us fans is to check ourselves into the asylum, too.

Woohoo! Panthers certainties for the premiership!

Luke Bowden

First Grade
Does it suck...yeah it does.

Is it bad we have lost our three best players...yeah it is.

But damn that Jennings contract was toxic and needed to go.

Both Luke and Michael are getting on in years and were able to find better opportunities elsewhere and good on them and I wish them the best.

We brought in guys who I personally think can contribute right now and some may need some developing to bring out their full potential i.e. Pangai & O'Donnell.

But after this year I don't think we are better placed to build a sustainable team

This statement sums up my thoughts exactly.
As much as I liked Michael jennings turn it on , now we know that there are no cap implications from 2014 I like this deal.

Losing Jennings will hardly hurt our season at all but losing his enormous contract has major mid term implications.

Losing top players and fan favourites is hard , but the team hasn't been performing. It needed blowing up and bringing in new attitudes.


First Grade
Am I the only one who finds it surprising that the Roosters have lazy $500,000 to spend three weeks out from the start of the season?

I'm not to pennies fan, but to me this is the big issue. WTF is going on that allows a half million purchase 3 week out from kick off.


I am a St George fan but a strong Penrith is good for the game of Rugby League so can someone please enlighten me as to what is happening at Penrith?

Now I know Gus is no idiot and he obviously has a plan up his sleeve. Does anyone have an inkling as to what it might be? Do you think the Thurston rumours are true? or are they simplyt looking to distribute the cap more evenly across the squad of 25?
I am a St George fan but a strong Penrith is good for the game of Rugby League so can someone please enlighten me as to what is happening at Penrith?

Now I know Gus is no idiot and he obviously has a plan up his sleeve. Does anyone have an inkling as to what it might be? Do you think the Thurston rumours are true? or are they simplyt looking to distribute the cap more evenly across the squad of 25?

From my perspective the team needed freshening up.

Jennings on the money he was on was a thorn in our side.

We were never going to win a title having a centre on that type of money.


Yeah we will sign Thurston for 2014 and have to offload Grant, McKendry, Coote and Mansour to make it happen.

Exchange Mansour for Austin and you have it right. The plan has to be no locals. We will have 3 local regulars next season. A disgrace seeing we won 16, 18's and 20's in 2007.

Big Mick

Don't think? Is that correct or a typo, Mick?


I re-read it. Didn't seem to make sense.

Was meant to say I think going forward we have enough cap room and talent with juniors coming through that we can build a platform for sustainable success.

Panther Pete

Am I the only one who finds it surprising that the Roosters have lazy $500,000 to spend three weeks out from the start of the season?

You are definitely not the only one Thirsty, but the roosters have always seemed to be able to buy the big money players!! On Jennings, he simply was not worth the reported $700k a season. And if he does go to the roosters and carve up, a lot of that will be to do with the fact he will now be playing outside a decent half back. So now Luke Lewis and Jennings have changed clubs mid contract, why can't Thurston do the same and start with us this year????


First Grade
If only it were that easy.

If you believe as I do that Billy Slater is the world's best fullback, if not player; then Jennings has similar attributes (besides height and weight) - pace, acceleration, eye to hand co-ordination, etc. With some lateral thinking - it would not have been impossible.
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If you believe as I do that Billy Slater is the world's best fullback, if not player; then Jennings has similar attributes (besides height and weight) - pace, acceleration, eye to hand co-ordination, etc. With some lateral thinking - it would not have been impossible.

Not mpossible , but you don't give a player 690k + 25% of any cap increase because he might be a good fullback.


First Grade
Not mpossible , but you don't give a player 690k + 25% of any cap increase because he might be a good fullback.

Fair point, but you guys could have given it a go in 2013, while hawking him around for 2014 if it didn't work. Better then paying the BBQ chooks a shite load of cash to take him. I would say, you will probably lose George and Robert as well.


I didn't hear the Gould interview but if we have got out of the Jennings deal only topping up in 2013 then that is a terrific outcome.

We will now have the Jennings cash plus the cash from at least half a dozen or more players who will not be resigned beyond 2013.

We will surely know the outcome of the Thurston negotiations in the very near future.


I didn't hear the Gould interview but if we have got out of the Jennings deal only topping up in 2013 then that is a terrific outcome.

We will now have the Jennings cash plus the cash from at least half a dozen or more players who will not be resigned beyond 2013.

We will surely know the outcome of the Thurston negotiations in the very near future. My mail is he is 90% going to be with the Panthers from 2014.

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