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Jennings to the Roosters?


Here?s my take on Michael Jennings? career with Penrith

He?s a very exciting player to watch when he?s on song and he has provided us with plenty of ?wow? moments, his kick return against the Roosters will be something I?ll never forget. Generally when we were winning, he found a way to put more points on the board and carve up the opposition. He was definitely a crowd pleaser and the kind of player who brings people through the gates.

However, make no mistake about it, Michael Jennings have never been a game changer while playing with the Panthers. Sure he has made some great plays, showed plenty of speed and has scored a bundle of tries when the game is out of hand. Truth is though that the club has generally performed poorly during his tenure and while this can obviously be attributed to a whole host of reasons, the reality is that Jennings? presence did little to turn the club around. When the game was on the line or when we were behind and needed our superstars to lift the team, Jennings was generally nowhere to be found. He never really went looking for the ball in key moments (ala Pritchard) and he was never the kind of player who could lift his team mates and have a significant impact on the performance of the team.

Furthermore, he has had his fair share of off the field issues, showing up drunk to training, poor attitude, etc. I don't think he was ever a leader or a marquee player that you could build a club around. Also, he was injury prone, most of us remember how time and time again he would come up from most tackles quite gingerly after picking up some sort of niggle, he is a sportcar in that regard. I also question why his performances at SOO never translated to club footy, that raises question marks for me.

He was given an outlandish contract and I don?t blame him for that, nevertheless he has never been worth close to that contract, even when he was on song, at his best he was a try scorer and provider when the team was doing well. As I said, I can?t remember seeing him come up big in big moments, nor did his presence seem to lift the team from the cellar.

This loss will seem more significant because he was a crowd pleaser, the flashy outside back who scores tries, wowed us with his speed and put bums on seats. However when you look at this fiscally, the move makes absolute sense. Jennings has never been a player who lifted us from the cellar and his contract would ensure that we would be handicapped to add any other significant pieces to compete for a title.

The biggest thing that hurt him was 10 or so games in. He needed a stint in NSW Cup to develop the basics more.


Spot on. It's not his fault Leary had no idea. I will say this though he is not alone though. Others are a overpaid underperforming. Others should also go if we are serious about this.

Big man

Gould should be hung and quartered, he has decimated this great junior rich club, it is obvious he has sold the old 5 year plan rhetoric, 5 years will ensure he has a job for the full term, after all you can't get rid of the architect until the jobs complete.


I'm starting to come around to the idea that if Gould was serious about fixing the club he had to send Jennings away. Michael Gordon has barely played for us in two years. Lewis is the only one I'm really annoyed about but I'm accepting that one in good faith.

Luke Bowden

First Grade
Saw Jenko interviewed on Fox sports, he seemed really bummed to be not playing for the Panthers. I he seriously did not want to leave.

I hated watching it.


Gould should be hung and quartered, he has decimated this great junior rich club, it is obvious he has sold the old 5 year plan rhetoric, 5 years will ensure he has a job for the full term, after all you can't get rid of the architect until the jobs complete.

I know man. We were doing so well before Gus came along and spoiled everything. We had a master coach in Elliott who got punted for a no name. I mean, has Cleary ever even taken a team to the finals?

We had an awesome CEO in Leary. That guy never dropped the ball. We had big name players lining up to come to the panthers, and never lost any of the talent we produced. Our stars loved being here so much they were willing to sign long term contracts for much less than market value.

I miss the dominant Panthers of old, when every club feared playing us.

F**k you Gould.
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Saw Jenko interviewed on Fox sports, he seemed really bummed to be not playing for the Panthers. I he seriously did not want to leave.

I hated watching it.

He had the option to stay. Remember when Gould got the big 4 in for a meeting before the pre-season? He told them if something wasn't done about their contracts, one of then would have to go. This situation isn't of their making, but they had the ability to help fix it.

Luke Bowden

First Grade
Jennings will forget about Panthers really quickly when he wins the premiership, don't worry.

Now where is he going? You can't possibly be referring to that team of overpaid, whingng, individuals they call the Roosters, God knows they'll never win a comp.


He must be going to the Storm or Bulldogs now, dam maybe the Roosters realise they are overpaying him as well. Cant wait to see some of the headlines from h Chooks this year, made for publicity with SBW and now Jennings, oh and you still wont win the premiership this year.

penrithmob 65

I know man. We were doing so well before Gus came along and spoiled everything. We had a master coach in Elliott who got punted for a no name. I mean, has Cleary ever even taken a team to the finals?

We had an awesome CEO in Leary. That guy never dropped the ball. We had big name players lining up to come to the panthers, and never lost any of the talent we produced. Our stars loved being here so much they were willing to sign long term contracts for much less than market value.

I miss the dominant Panthers of old, when every club feared playing us.

F**k you Gould.
Your points are valid it was not great under leary and elliott.But at this point all we have seen is a bigger downwards spiral.We are going into this season having lost all the strike players. A backline that is going to struggle to score any points.Supporters are clinging to the Thurston fantasy.


Staff member
He had a contract with his manager, from all reports his manager is a tosser of the highest order too. If Jennings took the pay cut the manager could have taken him to court.


I'm starting to come around to the idea that if Gould was serious about fixing the club he had to send Jennings away. Michael Gordon has barely played for us in two years. Lewis is the only one I'm really annoyed about but I'm accepting that one in good faith.

I agree the more I think about it. In this day and age your highest paid player cannot be a centre, an underperforming centre at that. There is a story in the tele today about how the Rooster played last season $300,000.00 under the cap, now for this season they Have Maloney, Jennings and Sonny Bill on top of some young talent.

We are really in a rebuilding year now, even moreso then last season. Im sure some familiar faces will be seen to start the season but Cleary wasn't afraid to bring young players through at the Warriors so I don't see why he would be with us like some of the pessimist are suggesting.

Big man

He had the option to stay. Remember when Gould got the big 4 in for a meeting before the pre-season? He told them if something wasn't done about their contracts, one of then would have to go. This situation isn't of their making, but they had the ability to help fix it.

Every club has three or four players earning over 500k, they are your game changer type players, currently the Panthers have none, how can you hope to compete with an average player list. The irony is, he is letting go of local marquee talent like Lewis, Gordon and Jennings to sign a superstar in JT, but someone like JT will look at the clubs roster and then up his fee if he has to play with an average roster. Then they will try and use JT like Petro to sign other players, where they will again pay overs for players because they have a shite roster, in three years the Panthers will be in the same position, having huge back ended contracts, but this time paying players who have no local and cultural relationship with the club.


He had a contract with his manager, from all reports his manager is a tosser of the highest order too. If Jennings took the pay cut the manager could have taken him to court.

Are they now spinning the "blame the manger" yarn. Why the F don't they just admit they did not want Jennings - AT ALL, AT ANY Reasonable price.

It is not wrong or bad to admit that they Jennings doesn't fit their plans.