I have been Royal's fan since he proved his hands are infact hands and not feet. But White has turned in the most dominant display by a forward of ours this year. 16 hitups for 169 metres? (the most metres a forward of ours has made since Zeb in the corresponding game last year, and who knows how long before that) Good minutes? Cheap, young and a constant improver since he debuted? How the f**k can we deny him a contract if we seem so sold on getting rid of Jess (another who has done plenty to earn a contract.)
I am of the opinion that Smith has unrealistic impact oriented views of what a prop should be, this explains his man love for Wicks, Cannings, Moi Moi even Cross the overpaid hack. When not being able to recognise the inherent quality in cheap pick ups like White and Royal. For Shame Brian, get a clue.