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Joey swears officials got it all wrong -SMH


Jobdog said:
So by saying that, you're also saying that abusing referees is totally acceptable. And you wouldn't think that your captain should be suspended for abusing an official. Whats the difference between Andrew Johns saying it and Trent Barrett saying it? Its because its Andrew Johns that you want him suspended

You have no grasp of reality on this issue. Willow, if my interpretation is correct (and it should be since he spelled it out), was saying that he WOULD expect punishment. A penalty at the very least, if not more action.

Quite frankly, if Clinton Schifcofske used that sort of language towards an official I would be appauled and would understand if the referee sent him off for it. Johns is no different. That sort of behaviour is simply not on, no matter how shiny a picture you try to paint of it.

If the NRL do not take action, they will be giving tacit approval to abuse of officials, and I am sure none of us want that to happen.


Live Update Team
He said that he WOULD expect punishment, but never at any stage did he say that he would expect him to be SUSPENDED. He mentioned being marched 10 metres and an after match apology. I didn't see a "I'd have no problem if he got suspended"


even though it was a referee mistake no need to carry on like C grade player playin bush football maybe he could have handled it like a professional like he is pity he done that next time they play i will turn the volume down so my son cant hear the potty mouth when he cops a bad call. maybe he will say sorry when johnny howard says sorry:roll:


Assistant Moderator
Jobdog said:
So by saying that, you're also saying that abusing referees is totally acceptable. And you wouldn't think that your captain should be suspended for abusing an official. Whats the difference between Andrew Johns saying it and Trent Barrett saying it? Its because its Andrew Johns that you want him suspended
Wtf are you are on? LOL!
I said nothing of the sort.

I have consistently said that players are not entitled to abuse match officials. I extended this to the Dragons to shut up the other dummy.


This defence of Johns is absurd, the point is players are not entitled to verbally abuse match officials regardless of whether the call is wrong. As players contest 80% of refs calls because they believe they have been hard done by if the Johns behaviour is allowed the game would degenerate into a farcical verbal abusive contest over every damn decision.

It's always been a fact that every team suffers from bad calls, the stage of the game the call is made is irrelevant, FFS many GF's have been lost on just such things and players have had to, and have, copped it without verbally abusing the ref. Why should Johns or Newcastle be entitled to behave differently?

This has become a big issue in the NRL only because Johns has brought it all down on himself with his continual and persistent displays of petulance and bad sportsmanship after every loss. If he can't handle it then he should just piss off to the UK now and spare the rest of us from his drama queen hissy fits because I believe the majority of fans have simply had a gutful of his histrionics.


First Grade
In the wash up of the game, Newcastle did get a good rub of the green. An obvious knock on was missed by the Knights on their 10-20m that was called back. Nobody in their right mind could say that was knocked back. Is it any more crucial to the game?

The Carney take out of a player running through to what should have been a try was another decision...

I think Johns should back down, realise he is being a tool about this... Yes a decision went against him. But at least it was a consistent error. He happened to El Masri earlier in the year and was called the same way.

He went way over the top, the abuse is not acceptable and inappropriate. I can't beleive Hagan and Harrigan can support him on this... He is being a w@nker.


Live Update Team
Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
In the wash up of the game, Newcastle did get a good rub of the green. An obvious knock on was missed by the Knights on their 10-20m that was called back. Nobody in their right mind could say that was knocked back. Is it any more crucial to the game?

The Carney take out of a player running through to what should have been a try was another decision...

I think Johns should back down, realise he is being a tool about this... Yes a decision went against him. But at least it was a consistent error. He happened to El Masri earlier in the year and was called the same way.

He went way over the top, the abuse is not acceptable and inappropriate. I can't beleive Hagan and Harrigan can support him on this... He is being a w@nker.
Not to mention the Steve Bell knock on in the lead up to Matt Orford's try ;-)

We could go on about several decisions going against either team on Friday night til the Cows come home, but it wont change the end result. As much as it hurts to say, the Knights did hav plenty of chances to win the game, but kept on dropping the ball.


Pretty much the whole RL world can see that Joey is a disgrace, and are sick to death of his behaviour

Shocking sportsmanship
Absolutely no class
Spolit brat behaviour

And as for the Johns apologists in the media - "just showing his passion" etc - what a crock - champion players take the good with the bad and act like adults

Let's face it, if he didn't play RL he'd just be white trailer trash with no intelligence, class or morals (i.e. living the Newcastle dream !)
CrazyEel said:
This defence of Johns is absurd, the point is players are not entitled to verbally abuse match officials regardless of whether the call is wrong. As players contest 80% of refs calls because they believe they have been hard done by if the Johns behaviour is allowed the game would degenerate into a farcical verbal abusive contest over every damn decision.

It's always been a fact that every team suffers from bad calls, the stage of the game the call is made is irrelevant, FFS many GF's have been lost on just such things and players have had to, and have, copped it without verbally abusing the ref. Why should Johns or Newcastle be entitled to behave differently?

This has become a big issue in the NRL only because Johns has brought it all down on himself with his continual and persistent displays of petulance and bad sportsmanship after every loss. If he can't handle it then he should just piss off to the UK now and spare the rest of us from his drama queen hissy fits because I believe the majority of fans have simply had a gutful of his histrionics.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Jobdog said:
So by saying that, you're also saying that abusing referees is totally acceptable. And you wouldn't think that your captain should be suspended for abusing an official. Whats the difference between Andrew Johns saying it and Trent Barrett saying it? Its because its Andrew Johns that you want him suspended

Jobdog, I have no idea how you got that inference whatsoever from what Willow has said. It's been fairly clear to 100% of non Newcastle fans here.

How many accounts DOES Paul Harragon have here? Stranger, Job Dog, Red & Blue Knight... NIB must be paying well.


Leagueguy said:
Didn't Harrigan send Tallis off for his suggestion he was a cheat. Was this not as bad?

He called him an f'n cheat in Origin in I think 2001 and was rightly ordered off.

There is a line in the sand and both Johns and Tallis in these situations transgressed it and both should have mandatory punishments.
"Asked to confirm whether Johns had told the touch judge he was a "f---ing c---", Simpkins replied: "That was the report from the touch judge. He was cautioned to that effect."

Are you kidding me???? Cautioned!!???? You can't get much worse abuse than that - an automatic send-off is the very least that should have happened. There wasn't even a penalty given!!!!!

Yeah, the decision was very controversial, and cost the Knights an opportunity for a last-gasp win - I'd wanna swear too. But FFS that is the most softc#ck response from Simpkins imaginable. It appears the aura of the worlds greatest player is too much to dare mess with.

This situation says more about the referee's actions than those of Johns.


Thankfully, Paul Harragon and his cronies/log ins don't represent the NRL Match Review Committee.

Grade three contrary conduct.

An outstanding decision.


Guest host?

He'll be THE host.

That petulant article of his where he said he wouldn't apologise, Hagan's outlandish support of him swearing IMO added a couple of grades to that decision. Rightly so.


El Diablo said:
put your money on him being a guest host on the footy show this week
:lol: I extend my sympathies beforehand to all who willingly undertake to watch that show this week and put themselves through such an embarassing dribbleathon. I'l give it a big miss thank you very much :D


Johns could kill a ref, and the NRL, Knights and their fans would help the prick hide the body.

Yes players swear at referees all of the time, and dont' get suspended. Johns does and gets 4 weeks. Yeah the NRL does help Johns don't they?