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Johns, partner 'being stalked'



The Newcastle Knights halfback has gone to court to seek an Apprehended Violence Order against the women, who police say have bombarded them with abuse.

According to court documents obtained by The Daily Telegraph, the sisters allegedly made more than 50 phone calls over 10 days to Miss Mahoney, calling her a "s**t", a "prostitute" and telling her she was being "watched".

They are accused also of sending Ms Mahoney a letter saying: "I see dead people! Dead people see you!"

According to court and police documents obtained by The Daily Telegraph, the sisters allegedly said they were "watching" Miss Mahoney and called her a "s**t" and "a prostitute". The couple have applied for apprehended violence orders against the sisters, claiming they are in fear of their safety. Charges of stalking and harassment have been laid.

The sisters, who live at Orange in the state's Central West, yesterday denied being obsessed fans of the Newcastle Knights star.

They claimed they were the victims of a "set up" despite the calls allegedly being traced to their mobile and home phones.

The sisters intend to plead not guilty to charges of using a phone to harass and menace, and intimidation with the intent to cause fear, when they face Orange Local Court this month.

According to the documents, Ms Mahoney received the first call on her work voicemail on May 14.

A female voice allegedly said: "I'm watching you, stay away from Newcastle." By 10.30pm she had received almost 20 calls.Four days later one message warned Ms Mahoney to "stay away from my boyfriend". Obscene language was used and Ms Mahoney reported it to police.

About 25 calls were made on May 20 and Telstra placed a trace on Ms Mahoney's phone. The next day she received a letter at her workplace. In red and black type it said: "I see dead people!!!! Dead people see you!!!! You are a bad bad woman.

"We know you really well. Your name is Catherine Mahoney, your secrets you must soon tell. Forever yours from the grave".

Telstra allegedly traced the calls to the sisters' mobile phones. Ms Mahoney and Johns told police they did not know the women.

Police allege one sister had Ms Mahoney's number in her phone directory.

The sisters spoke to The Daily Telegraph yesterday hoping to clear their names.

One, a dedicated Newcastle fan, claimed to have been in daily phone and e-mail contact with Johns over the past year. She said Johns sent her presents and she had posted him a CD and book.

Once he allegedly spoke on the phone for 14 hours.

The other said she only recently began following rugby league.

Both denied they were obsessed with the player.

The Daily Telegraph



Kaz, if you can find out the day these two nitwits go to court, i'd worship you.

Now there's a court case I would go watch.


One, a dedicated Newcastle fan, claimed to have been in daily phone and e-mail contact with Johns over the past year. She said Johns sent her presents and she had posted him a CD and book.


Both denied they were obsessed with the player.

I love these two lines. Hmmm..."I've been harassing him on the phone and sending emails everyday for the past year. I've sent him a CD of me saying 'I love Joey...I love Joey...' and a book with many pictures of myself naked in various positions. I have a 12x8 of him without a shirt on and I kiss it passionately before I go to bed every night. But I'm not obsessed with him...not in the slightest."

Did you see the picture of them? I'm guessing the blurring of the faces was for our own protection...


Why would they make the calls from their own phones, knowing full well that it would be traced and they would be charged? It doesn't add up. Obviously it is a set up.


m0j0 said:
One, a dedicated Newcastle fan, claimed to have been in daily phone and e-mail contact with Johns over the past year. She said Johns sent her presents and she had posted him a CD and book.


Both denied they were obsessed with the player.

I love these two lines. Hmmm..."I've been harassing him on the phone and sending emails everyday for the past year. I've sent him a CD of me saying 'I love Joey...I love Joey...' and a book with many pictures of myself naked in various positions. I have a 12x8 of him without a shirt on and I kiss it passionately before I go to bed every night. But I'm not obsessed with him...not in the slightest."

Did you see the picture of them? I'm guessing the blurring of the faces was for our own protection...

I don't know if this is one of the funniest things i've heard/read or :oops: absolute scariest :shock:


Johns-All-Day said:
Why would they make the calls from their own phones, knowing full well that it would be traced and they would be charged? It doesn't add up. Obviously it is a set up.
People do stupid things every day. They probably didn't think it'd be traced. And who would keep stealing their phones without them knowing it??


First Grade
Why would they make the calls from their own phones, knowing full well that it would be traced and they would be charged? It doesn't add up. Obviously it is a set up.

but they were saying that joey talks to one of them heaps and sends her pressies and stuff like that. which makes me belive that they are just sad people who are definatley obssessed. and like tigermite said, some people are just plain dumb.

when i first read about this i thought they would prob be 15 yr olds but they look fairly old?! well not old but you get what i mean.


First Grade
By the looks of the women, and the fact they're from Orange, tells me they're dumb enough to do this... :roll:


m0j0 said:
Did you see the picture of them? I'm guessing the blurring of the faces was for our own protection...
UT's going to be upset with you. I can just see him printing this picture out at the internet cafe :lol: :lol: :lol:

Into 6 left long opens over a crest, 30, 6 right into 3 left plus long don't cut tightens to 1, into a short 1 right plus and short 2 left minus tightens at junction (junction 2 at 0.6kms) 20


Johns-All-Day said:
Why would they make the calls from their own phones, knowing full well that it would be traced and they would be charged? It doesn't add up. Obviously it is a set up.

Cantherine's phone number was found by police in one of these nightmares mobile phone directory. Set up.... i think not :roll: Surely they could come up with something better then that....actually doesn't look like it


First Grade

no wonder they had to do it...they weren't getting any.....look at them... that is seriously wrong


I think its scary that they managed to get her mobile number.

And why do it anyway? It's not going to achieve anything.


I think a few of you need to go easy on your rude comments. Did you ever consider that these girls might be members of this forum and read what you're saying? They could be innocent you know. Let's wait till the court case. I hope the truth comes out, sooner rather than later.