Just on those now infamous comments...I've always thought the indictment of Anderson over them was very harsh. As we've seen since his sacking, he's not one to push himself in the media (in terms of explaining the comments) and I personally thought that those comments referred not to a lack of understanding of the football, more a simple admission that off the field he hadn't changed what he was doing with the side...that he was still doing what he'd done all year and wasn't sure why we suddenly clicked when it hadn't worked to start with.
I also think that last year the players let him down horribly. Yes, he made a poor decision to back Mortimer instead of Keating but honestly, bar that I don't think he did a lot wrong...it was just the cattle couldn't or wouldn't perform. And lets face it, every coach has backed the wrong horse at least once and KK wasn't doing a lot in 2009/2010 to push his case.
I think Kearney, like Anderson, has a huge job in front of him and I will always feel that Anderson was the better man for the job. That's just a personal opinion...Anderson has a very good track record even including last year, and experience, and rebuilding a club needs that. I fear for him, a little. I'm not sure how a rookie coach can be expected to rebuild us from the ground up, which is what needs to happen. Anderson saw that, he started to do it, and was sacked for it because it cost us on the field. This club will suffer a couple of bad years, barring a miracle like 2009. That's part and parcel of rebuilding. You don't re-sign dead wood like Mateo and Inu just because there's no one better available. Then you're just stuck with the same dead wood. People blame Anderson for the squad we have, and yes, he is partly to blame. But I don't think it's fair to indict him when he only got halfway through his plan for the club before he was flicked. I only hope that Kearney is afforded the time he needs to do what has to be done with this club, and isn't white anted by a useless front office. Sometimes, it's not about the results.