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Kearney's DUBIOUS team selections/use of the bench YET AGAIN!

True EEL

That's what I said.

When did I ever say that? I think he's a good player, just not the playmaker or organiser we needed and his kicking game is average. He's one of the best defensive halves in the game, with good support and he runs well.

He's better than Morts at the things Morts is good at but without the halfback potential.

In hindsight this was a pretty silly comment from you wasn't it?

The dearth of talent is in the fact that the guys we've got to replace all the ones who are gone, are all worse footballers.

Do you see you're logic failure? Just because the players who left have their faults, doesn't mean they weren't part of a net talent loss.

You think far too much in terms of absolutes and this limits your ability to recognise how things relate to each other.

If that's the case then I'm sure you'll have no problem naming more than 16 fit Eels that are good enough to be playing first grade.

there is a LOT in this post where you are just simply reaching and putting words around your own views to make them seem better - i'm sorry that's just how this comes off

and how much have you bagged KK even this year in reference to The Great Ben Roberts?! be real about things will you????? and of course the loss of those players was a net loss in talent (and more to the point experience), but you are saying you cannot compare the two sides because of the loss of all this talent which is rubbish, especially when you have often criticised the players involved

and the last couple of lines of rubbish was only to pad your own ego...again by trying to demean the intelligence or comprehension of someone else in light of your own failed arguements.....:roll:

oh and ps. yes, i could easily name a squad of 16 or even 20 that are fit at the club and could play first grade, just have a look at the guys running around in our Wenty team, half of them have playerd first grade and there are a few in Toyota Cup who could handle it......i mean after all, your mate SK just named 17!!!!!
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Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
.....if we have such a bad squad why is everyone so excited because we are re-signing a lot of the squad

Because half of our crap players are crap due to inexperience. That's likely to sort itself out with time, especially because most if not all of the players we've recently re-signed are these same young blokes.

Eels Dude

The hypothetical is actually 'what if we'd won an even share of those close games', not 'what if we'd won all of them'.

It's a fair question.

We have won a few tight games this year though. The Warriors we beat by 6, The Titans we beat by 4 (with a last minute try) and the Cowboys we beat by 2 (with a last minute try). People seem to convenientaly forget that when saying we've been 'unlucky' in 2011.


Post Whore
We have won a few tight games this year though. The Warriors we beat by 6, The Titans we beat by 4 (with a last minute try) and the Cowboys we beat by 2 (with a last minute try). People seem to convenientaly forget that when saying we've been 'unlucky' in 2011.

Well, we f**king have looking at the past 6 weeks. :roll:


True EEL

Now, where's that mirror?


hey, if you think i'm doing that i still do it infinitely less than plenty of posters around here...outside of that, i offered you a genuine truce in a thread the other day....like i said there, take it or leave it......


Post Whore
hey, if you think i'm doing that i still do it infinitely less than plenty of posters around here...outside of that, i offered you a genuine truce in a thread the other day....like i said there, take it or leave it......

That's fine. I read the truce and am holding to it. Otherwise I would have called you names.
Doesn't mean I can't disagree with you.


Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
and how much have you bagged KK even this year in reference to The Great Ben Roberts?! be real about things will you?????

To be honest I reckon they're about on a par as far as total footballing ability goes, and I only bag Keating because he's gone and I praise Roberts because he's coming here. That should be pretty easy to understand even for somebody with Asberger's.

But Roberts has more of what we need than Keating does, so in the end I think it's a good 'swap' for us.

and of course the loss of those players was a net loss in talent (and more to the point experience), but you are saying you cannot compare the two sides because of the loss of all this talent which is rubbish

How is it rubbish if you just admitted it was a net talent (and as you say, experience) loss?

especially when you have often criticised the players involved

I criticise them because they're gone you f**king idiot. When they were here I praised them because they were Eels. WTF is wrong with you?

and the last couple of lines of rubbish was only to pad your own ego...again by trying to demean the intelligence or comprehension of someone else in light of your own failed arguements.....:roll:

Grow up hey?

oh and ps. yes, i could easily name a squad of 16 or even 20 that are fit at the club and could play first grade

Go on then...

just have a look at the guys running around in our Wenty team

You mean all those guys playing reserve grade at an NRL club team running 14th? The ones who just got belted by 50 points on the weekend?

half of them have playerd first grade

What grade are they playing now?

Fact is all the 'first graders' in that side are either no longer competitive physically or never were up to it mentally.

and there are a few in Toyota Cup who could handle it

Maybe one day. Even their best player (Loko) has been very poor defensively in the top side. But he'll be better for the run.

......i mean after all, your mate SK just named 17!!!!!

I'm pretty sure he has to name 17.

But if you'll notice one of them didn;t play the entire 80 minutes of regular time.

I don't have a PhD but I'm pretty sure 17-1=16

Correct me if I'm wrong.
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True EEL

That's fine. I read the truce and am holding to it. Otherwise I would have called you names.
Doesn't mean I can't disagree with you.


that's fine. did you reply to the truce post?? if so i didn't catch it, just wondering, hence why i didn't know if you had read it and dismissed it or not......

i have never said you or anyone MUST agree with me, i just want to have my opinions allowed to be seen as valid personal opions with reprisal - that's all. so you don't have to agree, that's cool

True EEL

To be honest I reckon they're about on a par as far as total footballing ability goes, and I only bag Keating because he's gone and I praise Roberts because he's coming here. That should be pretty easy to understand even for somebody with Asberger's.

But Roberts has more of what we need than Keating does, so in the end I think it's a good 'swap' for us.

How is it rubbish if you just admitted it was a net talent (and as you say, experience loss?

I criticise them because they're gone you f**king idiot. When they were here I praised them because they were Eels. WTF is wrong with you?

Grow up hey?

Go on then...

You mean all those guys playing reserve grade at an NRL club team running 14th? The ones who just got belted by 50 points on the weekend?

What grade are they playing now?

Fact is all the 'first graders' in that side are either no longer competitive physically or never were up to it mentally.

Maybe one day. Even their best player (Loko) has been very poor defensively in the top side. But he'll be better for the run.

I'm pretty sure he has to name 17.

But if you'll notice one of them didn;t play the entire 80 minutes of regular time.

I don't have a PhD but I'm pretty sure 17-1=16

Correct me if I'm wrong.

damn it Pou Pou you really do take away a lot of good clean oxygen that could better utilsied by lots of other people sometimes.....

i don't really know where to begin to be honest, but the crux of your last post indicates (several times) that you do simply show heavy bias against players. play for Parra (or will at some point) = Good. not play for Parra (or no longer) = Bad. Yet you seem to equate this bias as some type of positive?!?!? this helps me understand why you have the views you have.

when i was say....5 to about 15, i used to think like this too.....that every Parramatta player was a legend and could do no wrong, but i started to think objectively after a while - and although i still have such tendancies to favour eels players at times, i have the ability to make objective, sensible decisions about things like their overall ability, form, and effectiveness.......you seem to have just acknowledged that you can't.....no wonder you can't make up your mind whether we have a good squad that is trying hard and is full of promising players or we have a squad of duds, worst in the comp and it's their fault - not SK's that we are going so badly.....:crazy:

and nothing is wrong with me PP, but there sure as hell is something wrong with you......and SK has to name 17 players, yes, but he didn't last week (at least for a while) and there are more than 17 players capable of playing first grade currently at out club.....just because someone plays NSW Cup most of this year doesn't mean they are not capable of playing first grade......just look at Ben Roberts mate, he is a shining f*#king example of this .!

Now go the f**k away!!!!!!! :crazy:


Post Whore
that's fine. did you reply to the truce post?? if so i didn't catch it, just wondering, hence why i didn't know if you had read it and dismissed it or not......

No I didn't, but took it on board. I don't expect it of anyone, but I appreciate that type of gesture. More power to you for doing so.

i have never said you or anyone MUST agree with me, i just want to have my opinions allowed to be seen as valid personal opions with reprisal - that's all. so you don't have to agree, that's cool

That's the problem. Your opinions will always be allowed, but if people disagree with them, or think at times you're a dickhead, so be it.

Lighten up champ. Very little you say, I agree with. So what? TBH, I think most of the time you DO just talk crap.
On the other hand, You think most of the time I just talk crap. Maybe I do. So be it. It's an internet forum. We're all going to disagree.

By the way, over all the years, there's probably just one or two people (of the dozens and dozens) on these forums that I wouldn't want to have a beer with.
You're not one of them, yet.
Some of my best footy friends have been made through these pages.

All in all, just chill, even when people don't agree with you. It takes practice, but I'm sure you'll get there.
Now STFU, and get back to talking shit like you're so good at. :lol:


PS. One of those people I wouldn't have a beer with is PJ Marshall. He's a complete knob.
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I agree Poupou, Ben Roberts is a great aquisition and will be great at 5/8th for us next year. Have to disagree with you on KK though, he is just a plodder and DA was right to get rid of him.


Our defence has improved slightly. But keep in mind over the last 8 weeks when our defence has supposedly improved out of sight we have played a LOT of wet weather footy which generally results in very low scoring games.

In our last 9 matches we've conceded about half the points we did in our first 9 games, that's a massive improvement in my book, and if we compare our defence to the top 5 teams, we compare pretty favourably I reckon.

Points conceded last 9 games:
Melbourne................74 points
St George Illawarra...143
North Queensland.....190
If defence is about attitude, then our attitude can't be questioned.
Remember also that our players are learning new defensive systems, it was always going to take time to come together and next year when our new signings arrive, we'll have our framework in place.

Another interesting thing about the last 9 weeks is that in 7 of those weeks we've actually made more metres than our opposition, including Manly, St George and Brisbane, the sad part is the team that makes more metres usually wins the match, well about 80% of the time they do.

As far as our attack goes, we were always going to struggle considering,
Last year our top 4 tackle busters were: Jarryd Hayne, Feleti Mateo, Krisnan Inu and Eric Grothe.
Last year our top 3 playmakers were: Jarryd Hayne, Feleti Mateo and Kris Keating.
That's a lot of strike power we're missing and none of these players we lost were replaced adequately.


Post Whore
In our last 9 matches we've conceded about half the points we did in our first 9 games, that's a massive improvement in my book, and if we compare our defence to the top 5 teams, we compare pretty favourably I reckon.

Points conceded last 9 games:
Melbourne................74 points
St George Illawarra...143
North Queensland.....190
If defence is about attitude, then our attitude can't be questioned.
Remember also that our players are learning new defensive systems, it was always going to take time to come together and next year when our new signings arrive, we'll have our framework in place.

Another interesting thing about the last 9 weeks is that in 7 of those weeks we've actually made more metres than our opposition, including Manly, St George and Brisbane, the sad part is the team that makes more metres usually wins the match, well about 80% of the time they do.

As far as our attack goes, we were always going to struggle considering,
Last year our top 4 tackle busters were: Jarryd Hayne, Feleti Mateo, Krisnan Inu and Eric Grothe.
Last year our top 3 playmakers were: Jarryd Hayne, Feleti Mateo and Kris Keating.
That's a lot of strike power we're missing and none of these players we lost were replaced adequately.

Great f**king post.
We may not be winning games, but the platform is there to take this improvement further.
All we need to do is add a couple of pieces of the puzzle to the jigsaw, and I think we've already done that.



Keating is ordinary, Roberts is the better 5/8.

Bulldogs fans were giggling in their pants when they signed KK, but Eels will get that back 2 fold with Roberts. There are ALOT of Bulldogs fans unhappy to see Roberts go.


Great f**king post.
We may not be winning games, but the platform is there to take this improvement further.
All we need to do is add a couple of pieces of the puzzle to the jigsaw, and I think we've already done that.

True, but don't expect the numpties on here to recognise it, they rely on Gould to tell them what's happening on the field. Funniest thing is Gould makes up more shit to try and sound technical than some of the tools on here.:lol:


Post Whore
In our last 9 matches we've conceded about half the points we did in our first 9 games, that's a massive improvement in my book, and if we compare our defence to the top 5 teams, we compare pretty favourably I reckon.

Points conceded last 9 games:
Melbourne................74 points
St George Illawarra...143
North Queensland.....190
If defence is about attitude, then our attitude can't be questioned.
Remember also that our players are learning new defensive systems, it was always going to take time to come together and next year when our new signings arrive, we'll have our framework in place.

Another interesting thing about the last 9 weeks is that in 7 of those weeks we've actually made more metres than our opposition, including Manly, St George and Brisbane, the sad part is the team that makes more metres usually wins the match, well about 80% of the time they do.

As far as our attack goes, we were always going to struggle considering,
Last year our top 4 tackle busters were: Jarryd Hayne, Feleti Mateo, Krisnan Inu and Eric Grothe.
Last year our top 3 playmakers were: Jarryd Hayne, Feleti Mateo and Kris Keating.
That's a lot of strike power we're missing and none of these players we lost were replaced adequately.
Great post mate, but it will probably be picked apart by the agenda brigade.

Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
In our last 9 matches we've conceded about half the points we did in our first 9 games, that's a massive improvement in my book, and if we compare our defence to the top 5 teams, we compare pretty favourably I reckon.

Points conceded last 9 games:
Melbourne................74 points
St George Illawarra...143
North Queensland.....190
If defence is about attitude, then our attitude can't be questioned.
Remember also that our players are learning new defensive systems, it was always going to take time to come together and next year when our new signings arrive, we'll have our framework in place.

Another interesting thing about the last 9 weeks is that in 7 of those weeks we've actually made more metres than our opposition, including Manly, St George and Brisbane, the sad part is the team that makes more metres usually wins the match, well about 80% of the time they do.

Yeah but why don't you explain why in the past 9 weeks when we've been going good Kearney was on the phone to Wayne Bennett every week but in the 9 weeks before that he was only talking to him every fortnight?

It's because you can't, that's why!


Post Whore
So you want us to believe an off the cuff remark is evidence that DA deserves little or no credit for his achievements? That'll do me. He was being modest mate, allowing the players to take the accolades - as the good coaches do. That quote is taken out of context so often by those trying to justify DA’s sacking it's not funny.

Regarding Daniel Anderson’s coaching record, the FACTS are:
2000: Eels Assistant NRL Coach (under Brian Smith)
2001: Warriors NRL Coach - taking them to their first ever finals series.
2002: Warriors NRL Coach - taking them to their first ever Grand Final (Runners Up).
2003: Warriors NRL Coach - Prelim Final (from 6th).
2004: Sacked mid-season.
2005: St Helens RLFC ESL Coach - Minor Premiers
2006: St Helens RLFC ESL Coach - Premiers (from 1st)
2006: St Helens RLFC ESL Coach - Challenge Cup Winners
2007: St Helens RLFC ESL Coach - Runners Up (from 1st)
2007: St Helens RLFC ESL Coach - Challenge Cup Winners
2008: St Helens RLFC ESL Coach - Premiers (from 1st)
2008: St Helens RLFC ESL Coach - Challenge Cup Winners
2009: Eels NRL Coach - Runners Up (first coach to do it from 8th in McIntyre System).
2009: Eels NRL Coach - 12th

I have nothing against SK and, as an avid Eels supporter, I wish him every success but IMO for the club to sack a coach with Anderson’s record for a rookie is suspicious to say the least. And on top of that, those like myself who were not happy about the decision now have to swallow this crap every week about SK building a dynasty whilst previous coaches (with MUCH more experience) were put to the sword for results similar to what SK is achieving. I am happy to give Kearney time. I was happy to give DA time and MH before him but, in the meantime, SK supporters are going to have to suck it up and take the criticism while the results do not reflect the promises made. Trying to deflect attention from the poor results by blaming previous coaches wears thin after a while. I truly hope it all turns out [blue &] golden in the end but so far, I am less than impressed with the direction the club is heading.

Go the Eels!


It wasn't so much the fact that Anderson admitted he didn't know what he did differently to get the team sparked. It's the fact that it happened, suddenly, and seemingly without reason. This shows me that he tried various different methods (as evidenced by his early season, which was similar to what we are doing now) and couldn't quite find a winning combination. Now, that in itself is fine - every coach has the right to tinker and keep trying new things (which I believe goes for Stephen Kearney too, wouldn't you agree?). But to me the issue arises when you tinker and tinker and tinker - and concede defeat by eventually relaxing everything you were building towards (in other words, a structured and disciplined style of play) and letting the blokes play flashy, second-phase football. Yes, it ended up working wonders. But that's not so much the issue for me - it's the fact that he suddenly stopped that approach and went for a 180 degree turn.

Now, maybe it was the board telling him to do it. We'll never know. But if he goes about doing business one way and all of a sudden turns around and gives an idea of "I am not sure what is going on", not only does it seem unprofessional, but it tends to suggest he lost control. Obviously it was bound to happen in one way or another - it's no secret the board didn't want him. To me, his admitting that he didn't know why the team clicked was the signal of a man who had been defeated. That is what worried me about his tenure (which was inevitably cut short).

Daniel Anderson has a wonderful record in ESL. In the NRL he has made two Grand Finals for zero wins, and won one Minor Premiership. A great resume, sure - but the telling factor is that he has not won a competition yet. Brian Smith would have a similar record to Anderson's in terms of Minor Premierships and reaching Grand Finals, but I don't think many here would suggest we should sign him up.

I know that on the face of it, signing an NRL rookie coach flies in the face of that argument. But Kearney was hired primarily to overhaul the club from the top down. I think he is the right man for the job.

I have nothing against Anderson and respect him greatly. I think he deserved better. But he was mysteriously sacked from the Warriors, and all these rumours about him alienating star players have plagued his career to date (I think they are crap, by the way). I don't think he is the man to re-build a club (and I know how people hate that word, but after Hagan was happy to let everyone go and sign nobody to replace them, re-build is what we must do). He is certainly a man who can give a club success if the resources are there, but in my opinion he has never really had to re-build a club from the top down (the Warriors had a great juniors base and a brilliant roster, as did St. Helens; Parramatta was his greatest challenge, and he lacked genuine halves, but he did well in his first year). Obviously Kearney has never had to do it, either - but he has been in the same system that Bellamy has implemented, and he is a guy who, from his playing record as a player only, deserves the utmost respect. He has shown his leadership by showing Tahu the door and refusing to pay overs for Blair (great call in my eyes).

But perhaps the most telling factor is the lack of a halfback. Kearney was extremely lucky that by the time he came on board Sandow was off contract and we had buckets of money to throw at him. And I know that in 2010 there weren't any decent halfbacks available. But, to Daniel's misfortune, he was, sadly, unable to wrestle a decent halfback from anywhere else. Surely there was someone out there who would have been a better option than Robson and/or Mortimer - yet we went without. Please understand I am not blaming Anderson 100% for this - but surely, he must accept some of the blame. Yes, Mortimer and Robson made the Grand Final and yes, he felt they deserved to be rewarded. But I think Anderson is a far more shrewd and astute judge and coach than I, and if I could see this combination was no good, then I would wager he must have, too - and he should have made enquiries about depth.

Mate, I value your views and thank you for being able to maturely debate the whole topic with me. I really do - it is refreshing to be able to have a differing opinion and be able to rationally debate it with someone.

But at the end of the day we'll never know whether Kearney was/is the man for our club until he leaves (whether he leaves in 10 years after being successful or three years after getting a better offer). One thing is for sure - go the mighty Eels forever!