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KRL deletions



I just checked in to Kiwi RL and all the messages were deleted. Does anyone know what happened?

Willow, you're one of 2 managers there. I noticed that lately almost all the members were made AM's, since the mass banning a few weeks ago.
Maybe KRL isn't worth worrying about or saving anymore, but I think the problem is when everyone is an AM, you can't tell who does something drastic like deleting all the messages.


That is one strange forum. I only looked a handfull of times but must say it had me intrigued.
The deletions must have been very recent because I'm certain I was reading posts around this time yesterday.


Assistant Moderator
It happened yesterday. I didnt makea fuss about it at the time because that's what the little sprogs get off on. Told Ozbash and we had a chuckle about it.
It was fun while it lasted... here's to the memories...



Maybe I'm flogging a dead sheep here Willow, but the problem was everyone was being made an AM, since the mass banning of a few weeks ago. Who was making every new member an AM again? Was it Tommyteako?

My suggestion - a coup while there's still time: you as a manager demote everyone to member, (and make me a full manager if you like), and let's start the thing over again with more selectiveness in picking managers.


Assistant Moderator
Yes, you are flogging a dead sheep but I'll make you a manager mate. She's all yours. :D


lol, be careful with that sheep !!
i havnt been there for a month or more now so i have no idea..

such is anarchy....



Anarchy has failed, Ozbash. I have seized control, with Willow's help, and have begun to make a few changes. I haven't decided on a management style yet, or a direction for the forum, but I hope to make it the best forum around.;)

Ozbash, you are invited back to provide a dose of your famous humour. How about reviving the Weekly Ozbash from WORL days? Anyone else here is invited to join and contribute.

I have no idea what I'm doing but I hope to have fun with it. We'll see if dictatorship can succeed where anarchy has failed.


Assistant Moderator
Steve, as long as the trains run on time, you'll hear no complaints from me.


I should have made that a "benevolent dictatorship."

Strange, though, I thought that new members and posts would have been pouring in to the new, Canadian, KRL by now.


I'd like to see some of that good-natured humour over at the New KRL, addict.


<table cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 width="100%" border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=6></td></tr> <tr> <td align=left>&lt;NOBR>New this week&lt;/NOBR></td> <td align=middle>Messages</td> <td align=middle></td> <td align=middle>Members</td> <td align=left></td> <td align=middle>&lt;NOBR>&lt;/NOBR></td> <tr> <tr> <td>kiwi rugby league</td> <td align=middle>29</td> <td align=middle></td> <td align=middle>2</td> <td align=left width=1>&lt;NOBR>manager&lt;/NOBR></td> <td align=middle></td></tr> <tr> <td>rjworldsportsnews</td> <td align=middle>8</td> <td align=middle></td> <td align=middle>0</td> <td align=left width=1>&lt;NOBR>assistant manager&lt;/NOBR></td> <td align=middle></td></tr> <tr> <td>World of Rugby League</td> <td align=middle>618</td> <td align=middle></td> <td align=middle>6</td> <td align=left width=1>&lt;NOBR>member&lt;/NOBR></td> <td align=middle></td></tr> <tr> <td>FootyShow</td> <td align=middle>564</td> <td align=middle></td> <td align=middle>27</td> <td align=left width=1>&lt;NOBR>member&lt;/NOBR></td> <td align=middle></td></tr> <tr> <td>legends world of sport</td> <td align=middle>171</td> <td align=middle></td> <td align=middle>4</td> <td align=left width=1>&lt;NOBR>member&lt;/NOBR></td> <td align=middle>http://groups.msn.com/legendsworldofsport/_whatsnew.msnw</td></tr> <tr> <td>Sports Bar</td> <td align=middle>8</td> <td align=middle></td> <td align=middle>0</td> <td align=left width=1>&lt;NOBR>member&lt;/NOBR></td></tr></tbody></table>
The New KRL is gradually becoming a force in the forum world. It's building momentum like a snowball rolling down a hill, to use a Canadian metaphor.


I wish I knew how to cut and paste that My Groups page without all those &lt;nobr&gt; letters messing it up when I send the message. In the message window beforeI hit send, those aren't there. I should have asked this in the Go Ahead Ask Us Anything thread, but does anyone know how to avoid this problem?


The momentum at http://groups.msn.com/kiwirugbyleaguehas slowed somewhat. If anyone here would like to go and post there that would be great. If anyone has ideas on what to do with it please speak up. If anyone thinks they'd like to have a crack at running it, let me know - I'm running out of ideas.


<table class=ThmBgStandard cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr class=ThmBgUnknown1> <td width="100%"><img height=1 width=1></td> <td> <table class=ThmBgUnknown1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td width="100%"></td> <td class=ThmBgHighlightLight>
</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 width="100%" border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td> Welcome to theNew KRL (under Canadian management)
steve, why is the mooses balls under its chin ?</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>


I hate to discuss this with a woman - or is it really ozbash? As a Canadian I should probably know what that thing is called, but I don't.



<center> <table cellpadding=10 border=5> <tbody> <tr> <th> <center> <h1>THE MOOSE</h1> <h5>the largest member
of the deer family</h5></center> </th> <th> <center>

<center> <table width=658> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center><u>Where the moose lives </u></center>
Moose live in all parts of Canada and in Alaska in forests and marshy areas. During warmer months the moose is found near lakes and marshes. When winter comes the moose moves to forested areas.

<center><u>Appearance </u></center>
The moose is an funny-looking animal with very long legs, big hooves, a humpback and a very short tail. It has large ears, a wide droopy nose and an overhanging top lip. A long flap of fur-covered skin (called a bell) dangles under the chin.
<center>female (cow)

larger picture </center>
The adult has a dark brown coat. The young are reddish brown. The males are taller and heavier than the females. The moose can grow to be over 3 meters (8 to 10 ft.) in length and a shoulder height of over 2 meters (5 to 7 ft.). Males can weigh 600 kg. (over 1200 pounds). Because moose are such large animals they have to eat alot of food every day.
<center>bull moose

larger picture </center>
Males have large wide antlers. A rack of antlers can range from 120 to 150 cm. across (4 to 5 ft.). The Alaskan moose have the largest antlers - more than 2 meters (6 ft.) wide.
Each of its feet has two large hoofed toes and two smaller toes.
<center><u>Adaptation and protection </u></center>
During the winter the moose feeds on berries, twigs and branches. They will eat the bark of trees and paw through the snow to get at the grass and twigs under the snow.
Moose can move fast, even when it is wet and muddy. The two large toes on their hooves spread wide apart to keep the animal from sinking.
They are good swimmers. Moose will also lie in shallow water to get away from biting insects or to cool off. Their tails are too short to swish the flies away.
As winter approaches moose grow a thicker coat.
The males use the big strong antlers for protection and for fighting other males. A mother will fight to protect her young by kicking with her sharp powerful hooves.
The moose has poor eyesight and relies on a keen sense of smell. It stops and listens often while eating.
<center><u>Food </u></center>
Moose eat water plants that grow in lakes and marshes. They will wade in the water up to their shoulders to eat water lilies and weeds. They stick their heads underwater to get at the roots and stems of underwater plants. They also feed on branches and leaves of trees (willow, birch, aspen trees).
<center><u>Enemies </u></center>
Man hunts the moose. Moose meat is very tasty. Wolves and bears can kill a moose.
In the winter when moose are weak from hunger they are attacked by wolves. Moose cannot escape their enemies if they are in deep snow.
<center><u>The young (calves) </u></center>
The female has one or two calves. They are born in the late spring (end of May or early June). They have reddish brown coats. By fall their coats are dark brown like the adults.
<center>a calf

larger picture</center>
The young are unable to walk for a few days. By the time they are two weeks old they are able to walk about with the mother and search for food. By fall the calves stop drinking their mother's milk. The calves stay with the mother for about a year - until she is ready to give birth to new calves.
<center>female moose

larger picture</center>
<center><u>Other facts </u></center> <ul> [*]The male is called a bull, the female is a cow and the young are calves. [*]Moose make a strange whistle-like call and grunting noises. [*]The moose can be seen eating during the day and night, but they are usually out at dawn and dusk. [*]Moose often live alone. [*]They try to avoid humans. [*]A moose will go crashing through the trees when frightened. [*]An angry moose can be very dangerous. (photo - a charging moose) [*]In September and October the bulls use their antlers to fight each other to win females. Then in late fall the bulls' antlers fall off and new ones grow.[/list]
</center> <center>CANADIAN ANIMALS
</center> <h3></h3>
information from the Wildlife Fact-File
more info of the moose at Canadian Wildlife Service
photos of moose in Jasper N.P.
photo credits:
female - G. and B. Corsi, California Academy of Sciences
bull moose - Don Getty, California Academy of Sciences
Berkeley Digital Library
moose calf - Leroy Anderson, US Fish and Wildlife Service; DLS National Image Library
female moose - Canipe, Steve. female2.jpg. 9/19/2001. Pics4Learning. 25 May 2002
moose charging - Harrison, Pam. charge.jpg. Summer 2001. Pics4Learning. 25 May 2002



it is ozbash (bloody mrs keeps ticking the auto sign in)
thanks for the info, i am now a better informed person.

did you know that we have feral canadian moose,mooses,mooseses in nz.?
dunno how they got there, but yes, we are a moose friendly country....



I did not know that. Are they in Aus too? Do you have deer too?

Have you seen one, Ozbash? I've seen a couple while driving, and stopped once to take a picture of it. I was later told moose will charge, but the one I stopped for was a female, which don't have antlers, and I think are less likely to charge.

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