Skinner said:Yeah, sadly, young Tommy did himself no favours yesterday. I thought his
performance was boardering on embarrasing. I just hope, for his sake, that
he can play himself into form in the rest of the series and cop a decent offer
from a club. I know he can be outstanding, I've seen him when he is.
Twizzle said:I would not bother to sign Leulaui, we already have premmy league half back
True EEL said:Twizzle said:I would not bother to sign Leulaui, we already have premmy league half back
and no offense to him - but that premmy league halfback is Tim Smith!!!!
the guy everyone is just slotting straight into first grade and expecting instant success - don't get me wrong i wish him well if that is what is going to happen, but i just think its the big expectations thing again????
Jake the snake said:Anyone can stand and pass (except for Witt who is just sh*t ) and Leulaui did just that and not much else, I think it would be very wrong to sign him up. Our future is with Tim Smith and Blake Green and although they may not start the season one of them will be getting a shot next year for sure. If we sign Leulaui up we will alienate these 2 players and both of them are off contract next year as well.
nooooooooooooooooo :shock: :shock: :shock:[/quote]eelsta said:PS In regards to Tim Smith I have one small concern. I saw him play this year and he runs a little bit like Adam Dykes and that scares me.
Eelementary said:I'm pretty confident thata fit Dykes is 100% better than Smith.
BAsh him ally uo like, but Adam Dykes is a fine player.