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Lions team to play the Jets


There is a general contact page at the NSWRL website. I'm sure any comments would get to the relevant people.

John Monie

Jeffles said:
It's good to see John Monie on Newtown's side. It almost makes up for years of helping Wigan and Parramatta win trophies. Mr Monie is reclaiming moral high ground.

Every now and then i feel the need to do some good

PS i was really destroying Wigan and Parra. Look at them now. it was all part of my long term plan.


Jeffles said:
I know exactly what you said TCJ. I'd like to add that the implication you made is that Newtown's staff, board, etc is stuck in the past because it refuses to make sacrifices to adjust with the times. I totally rejected that. The club has gone into feeder club agreements, branched out with merchandising and marketed aggressively this decade. Match day operations have become more sophisticated and we now have more recognition in the community as evidenced by the Iemma Government's promise to put $250k into Henson Park.

What I argue is that you can move to the times and also preserve some of the iconic symbols of your history. it is a similar argument to yours only that I think the jersey is something you should not have to change and you think it is more acceptable.

Jeffles, face facts, if newtown did not go into a feeder agreement they would not exsist in the premier league.
The Iemma government bought $250k worth of votes! big deal
as for your match day operations, yes they have improved out of sight, the game day organiser should have more rein in the day to day running of the club, saying that, i sold raffle ticket to raise money for my junior club as a 10 year old in the late 80's, perhaps the jets may consider new fundraisers in the future.


I have faced facts re; the club. I was making a point about how the feeder club agreements show that Newtown is able to move with the times for the sake of its future rather than the misconception implied by your good self that it is clinging on to the past for the sake of it. .

As for the Iemma promise, that was not just given to us. It took months of lobbying to get that and would not have been acheived but for the nous shown by certain board members.


2 True Blues said:
It is pretty obvious to all that are reading your posts that " Seems to me " is more than often safely far from fact.

Re the " I am yet to read blah blah blah ETC " ..If you spent time reading through some previous posts over the years you will in fact see that I do possess an opinion. One that more than often infact differs from those other forum members. Though I further understand the likelihood of you being too young to be permitted computer access by your parents last year and you would not have read any.

Now to be honest, your previous posts Re the jerseys have been so far from the truth and have missed the mark by miles. It is blatently obvious you just do not understand. They have been laughable. However it was just a case of ignoring them, as I could not be bothered explaining things that should be obvious to you ( As an alleged Jets fan ) anyway.

PS.... Heres a little clue for you though. Jets moved on so much that they sacked Col MURPHY from the coaching role in sacrifice for them moving on. ( Something I objected to with passion at the time ), however they MOVED on. :crazy: :sarcasm: :crazy:

The continual increase in marketing, sponsorships, fans, merchandise is further credit to their efforts, a further example of moving on.

This has absolutely NOTHING at all to do with MOVING on etc. We were told we would never have to change our jersey. This was not adhered to. The sponsors that we have are obviously not as important in the eys of the NSWRL as the sponsors that a new side in this comp have from NZ.

Basically the NSWRL thought " It's only Newtown, let them change. The sponsors from NZ are more important and can cause us greater grief, so f**k the Jets. " And this to me is not accepable.

It is an insult to the club I love, and to it's fans and sponsors. Just as your posts are becoming an insult to common sense.
yes, the jets sacked Col Murphy. why? no answer given, let me give you my opinion, the roosters feeder arangment came along and the Roosters demanded who was to coach there players!!
thats my opinion.
the fact that Newtown were told they did not need to sacrific there jersey may well be true, I can only relay the information passed on to me when I rang the NSWRL. has anybody else on here rang them? if so please post the reply that you were given.
as for my post becoming an insult to comon sense, my simple reply to you you simple moron, do not read my post


Jeffles said:
I have faced facts re; the club. I was making a point about how the feeder club agreements show that Newtown is able to move with the times for the sake of its future rather than the misconception implied by your good self that it is clinging on to the past for the sake of it. .

As for the Iemma promise, that was not just given to us. It took months of lobbying to get that and would not have been acheived but for the nous shown by certain board members.
Jeffles, congratulations should be passed on to the board member in question


The board members in question have been acknowledged re; Henson Park. We are lucky to have good connections to Carmel Tebbutt that previously did not exist. Mr Refshauge lived in Stanmore but as Deputy Premier (and a native of Victoria) he was never up as to speed on the going on of the Jets as Carmel Tebbutt has been.

As for Col Murphy, we are covering old ground. It is already in the public domain what happened. Newtown unanimously recommended he stay but the Roosters had final say.


I guess the one burning question out of this is what happens at the corresponding game next year. I'm all for digging our heals in but what if we are over ruled, what do we wear if that ugly scenario eventuates. Is there a chance Newtown and Auckland negotiate a solution in the next year independant of the clowns running the NSWRL?


We've not thought ahead to next year but anything is possible - except probably wearing the jersey of another club.

I know I'll be pushing for Newtown to stick to one strip.


Just out of curiosity:

Has anyone sent feedback to the NSWRL, either by phone, letter or by email? If so, has there been a response.
Jeffles, face facts, if newtown did not go into a feeder agreement they would not exsist in the premier league.
The Iemma government bought $250k worth of votes! big deal
as for your match day operations, yes they have improved out of sight, the game day organiser should have more rein in the day to day running of the club, saying that, i sold raffle ticket to raise money for my junior club as a 10 year old in the late 80's, perhaps the jets may consider new fundraisers in the future.

TCJ: of course the Jets would still be in Prem Lge if they weren't in a feeder club deal. Cast your mind back to 2001.... The Jets were a stand alone PL team. They only won a couple of games all season, but they were still there.
The fact is that they would still be there, feeder club or no feeder club.

You seem very critical of the way the club is run on match days with the raffles etc. In comparison to the other stand along PL teams (Norths, Wests, Balmain etc) the way that the Newtown game days are run are far more professional then the other clubs mentioned. The NRL clubs still run "doubles on the main game", raffles etc. What do you suggest the club do to make money?

As for the jersey, who was it that you spoke to at the NSWRL? What did you ask them and what was their reply? Did you ask for clarification on why they wouldn't give the Newtown club an honest answer as to what was going on re: the Lions entry into the Prem Lge?


Jeffles said:
The board members in question have been acknowledged re; Henson Park. We are lucky to have good connections to Carmel Tebbutt that previously did not exist. Mr Refshauge lived in Stanmore but as Deputy Premier (and a native of Victoria) he was never up as to speed on the going on of the Jets as Carmel Tebbutt has been.

As for Col Murphy, we are covering old ground. It is already in the public domain what happened. Newtown unanimously recommended he stay but the Roosters had final say.

Jeffles, now let's get one thing straight, lets cut the crap and speak a little bit more honestly.
I do not know who you are or what your association with Newtown is.
Col Murphy was not recommended to stay on as coach, why do you think Col has wiped the club like a sh*tty bum? you obviously know more than me, Col in fact cant stand one board member in particular, for reasons I am unaware of, but have an inkling it was he felt he was betrayed by this particular director. with your contacts i am sure you know who i am talking about, Ricky Stuart in fact recommended and employed Paul Young to coach Newtown.
i have copped plenty on this forum about loyalty, history and pride, one Col Murphy epitomized the true Newtown spirit and yet he is very rarely seen at Henson Park.
LOYALTY, HISTORY & PRIDE, three key ingredients in which Newtown failed to extend Col


Newtown Jets fan said:
TCJ: of course the Jets would still be in Prem Lge if they weren't in a feeder club deal. Cast your mind back to 2001.... The Jets were a stand alone PL team. They only won a couple of games all season, but they were still there.
The fact is that they would still be there, feeder club or no feeder club.

You seem very critical of the way the club is run on match days with the raffles etc. In comparison to the other stand along PL teams (Norths, Wests, Balmain etc) the way that the Newtown game days are run are far more professional then the other clubs mentioned. The NRL clubs still run "doubles on the main game", raffles etc. What do you suggest the club do to make money?

As for the jersey, who was it that you spoke to at the NSWRL? What did you ask them and what was their reply? Did you ask for clarification on why they wouldn't give the Newtown club an honest answer as to what was going on re: the Lions entry into the Prem Lge?
NJF, I strongly suggest you, in fact that all who bag me attend the next general meeting Newtown have, if you are a member you will see that financially the club would not have the money to fund a fully fledged premier league side.
As for being critical of the game day operation, my quote was as follows, "as for your match day operations, yes they have improved out of sight, the game day organiser should have more rein in the day to day running of the club"
as for the money raising, as you said, try doubles, try anything, raffles are obviously the answer at the moment, but surly there is another avenue to be explored, what that is I'm not sure just yet, I will put some thought into it as I would urge all other jets fans to do so.
As for who I spoke to at the NSWRL, the gentleman's name I do not recall, rest assured my enquirers were not taken lightly, in fact he was very helpful, as previously quoted I asked as to why Newtown had to forfeit the right to wear there jersey, the reply was given that it is the home teams right to wear there traditional jersey, I never asked under what criteria Auckland gained omission into the league,
The point that is of most concern to me is that, Newtown , I am told, had been notified that an alternate jersey would be required, that information was passed on to a MR Dwyer of the newtown RLFC, in a previous post I stated his name as Greg Dwyer, I have since been informed his name is Glenn Dwyer.
Has anybody contacted Mr Dwyer and asked his side of the story? he is a very hard person to contact, so hard in fact one gets the impression he may be in hiding!
Has anybody seen a press release from Newtown to clarify there side of the story? I haven't!
Are Newtown hiding the truth?
the only scenario that will come out of this mess is that Newtown will lay blame squarely at the feet of the NSWRL and vice versa


Jeffles said:
Just out of curiosity:

Has anyone sent feedback to the NSWRL, either by phone, letter or by email? If so, has there been a response.
yes i have, don't you read all the post?

unfortunately, Newtown do need to accept some, not all of the responsibility, the world doesn't revolve around Newtown RLFC, nor the NSWRL
one would like to think that in a perfect world, communication between two party's would be established and adhered to with greater understanding than has unraveled over the weekend.


Newtown Jets fan said:
TCJ: of course the Jets would still be in Prem Lge if they weren't in a feeder club deal. Cast your mind back to 2001.... The Jets were a stand alone PL team. They only won a couple of games all season, but they were still there.
The fact is that they would still be there, feeder club or no feeder club.

You seem very critical of the way the club is run on match days with the raffles etc. In comparison to the other stand along PL teams (Norths, Wests, Balmain etc) the way that the Newtown game days are run are far more professional then the other clubs mentioned. The NRL clubs still run "doubles on the main game", raffles etc. What do you suggest the club do to make money?

As for the jersey, who was it that you spoke to at the NSWRL? What did you ask them and what was their reply? Did you ask for clarification on why they wouldn't give the Newtown club an honest answer as to what was going on re: the Lions entry into the Prem Lge?
NJF, I strongly suggest you, in fact that all who bag me attend the next general meeting Newtown have, if you are a member you will see that financially the club would not have the money to fund a fully fledged premier league side.
As for being critical of the game day operation, my quote was as follows, "as for your match day operations, yes they have improved out of sight, the game day organiser should have more rein in the day to day running of the club"
as for the money raising, as you said, try doubles, try anything, raffles are obviously the answer at the moment, but surly there is another avenue to be explored, what that is I'm not sure just yet, I will put some thought into it as I would urge all other jets fans to do so.
As for who I spoke to at the NSWRL, the gentleman's name I do not recall, rest assured my enquirers were not taken lightly, in fact he was very helpful, as previously quoted I asked as to why Newtown had to forfeit the right to wear there jersey, the reply was given that it is the home teams right to wear there traditional jersey, I never asked under what criteria Auckland gained omission into the league,
The point that is of most concern to me is that, Newtown , I am told, had been notified that an alternate jersey would be required, that information was passed on to a MR Dwyer of the newtown RLFC, in a previous post I stated his name as Greg Dwyer, I have since been informed his name is Glenn Dwyer.
Has anybody contacted Mr Dwyer and asked his side of the story? he is a very hard person to contact.
Has anybody seen a press release from Newtown to clarify there side of the story? I haven't!
Are Newtown hiding the truth?
the only scenario that will come out of this mess is that Newtown will lay blame squarely at the feet of the NSWRL and vice versa


TCJ, I knew you had asked the NSWRL. I was after the responses of anyone else who had spoken to them.

As for what happened to Col Murphy, it has been established in the press that he did not get on with a certain board member. But the fact is that he was still unanimously recommended by the Jets for the coaching position to the Roosters. That is showing loyalty, pride and respect.
Jeffles said:
TCJ, I knew you had asked the NSWRL. I was after the responses of anyone else who had spoken to them.

As for what happened to Col Murphy, it has been established in the press that he did not get on with a certain board member. But the fact is that he was still unanimously recommended by the Jets for the coaching position to the Roosters. That is showing loyalty, pride and respect.

Wasnt one of the key reasons that the Jets broke off the joint venture with the Sharks due to them wanting to dictate who was going to be the coach of the jets? Seemed pretty strange that we excepted those conditons with the Roosters.


The Sharks wanted a lot more than that - change of name, badge, greater financial commitments, fewer Henson Park games, etc - and cumulatively it was unacceptable.

Die hard, have you contacted the NSWRL?