My proof is simply the ridiculous logic that would lead someone to think that anybody would bother lieing about playing HAROLD MATTHEWS UNDER 16S. ffs. If I was going to lie I'd make it a lie worth telling. I'd say I'm a current star 1st grader and I can't reveal my identity.
NOONE lies about what they did as a 15 year old, it's not worth the time it takes to think up the lie.
I had a brief period in Harold Matthews, the top comp for 15 year olds. I wasn't as good as I thought I was, I broke my ankle, there ended my hopes and dreams of playing in the NRL. The end.
So you can track me down and stalk me...
My proof is simply the ridiculous logic that would lead someone to think that anybody would bother lieing about playing HAROLD MATTHEWS UNDER 16S. ffs. If I was going to lie I'd make it a lie worth telling. I'd say I'm a current star 1st grader and I can't reveal my identity.
NOONE lies about what they did as a 15 year old, it's not worth the time it takes to think up the lie.
I had a brief period in Harold Matthews, the top comp for 15 year olds. I wasn't as good as I thought I was, I broke my ankle, there ended my hopes and dreams of playing in the NRL. The end.
What year did you play and was it for Souths?
great come back :sarcasm:
2005 and not Souths. It was a western Sydney team.What year did you play and was it for Souths?
I broke my ankle, there ended my hopes and dreams of playing in the NRL
But the crutches from my broken leg did impress a girl I liked
I wasn't as good as I thought I was.
Ankle is part of the leg dickhead.If you're gonna lie goldenrod, at least lie consistently ;-)
Dear god. That idiots ramblings has become part of LU lexicon. I weep for this you're mixed up goldenrod. You see I was asking what position because in your last post, you mentioned your first girlfriend. So if you were in the centre, does that mean someone was shoom shumming you from behind?
Dear god. That idiots ramblings has become part of LU lexicon. I weep for this forum.
My crutches made the girl I like think I'm a big tough guy. This made her my first girlfriend. This made me lose my virginity.