The absurdity of this post is unbelievable! It seems like you are taking it personally that Paully likes to play Madden and that people like paully are the reason that Madden isn't as good as it could be.
Although, I'm pretty sure your life is ruled by video games, so maybe I can understand your anger. I don't know.
What's absurd is:
1. You believing one would take a post on an internet forum as "personal" :lol: Get a life brother. I am sure Paully gives sweet FA as to what I think and the same applies with I.
2. You putting words in my mouth,
people like paully are the reason that Madden isn't as good as it could be.
You have taken the post as personal when in actual fact it isn't which blows me away given you have jumped right in shooting from the hip. The written word is easily misinterpreted and for what it's worth, Paully I am sure doesn't need his hand held here.
Step down from the soap box.
3. You coming up with "I'm pretty sure your life is ruled by video games" :roll: Ok. Got me.
You don't do this forum thing too well. At least try a little harder if your are going to jump all over someone.
4. Given you took the liberty of assuming a whole lot in that BS post, I will do the same.
If we are being honest, your still smarting from me calling you out as a phoney in the Auburn vs Oregon thread :lol: You now want to go out of your way to get even. Unlucky, you have failed again. You looked a fool there, you look the fool here. As long as your consistent I guess Alfie.
5. You end with,
Fitting. Truer words never spoken. You don't know do you Alfie? Your a bumbling fool who spews any BS off the top of his head and on to this forum when you get a spoon full of Internet Tough Guy from mummy.
Enjoy your Sunday afternoon. Look forward to more quality from you in the future Alfie.