Saw the Madge presser, the game was barely discussed, something I saw in Mary’s end days.
He spoke about us having 12 out and senior players to lead. He spoke about youngsters and him and the club knowing what they are doing.
Spoke about Hastings and Gildart arriving.
Not a single journalist took him on and asked him why the squad is actually sinking at a faster rate than years gone past.
No one asked him what players or type of players we were looking for.
He battled on but spoke in coach tongue and the mood was sombre and quite depressed. He said if things changed, we’d go better temporarily but not in the long run unless we followed the course.
The problem is, we don’t actually see any benefits whatsoever of the master plan and hope remains at an all time low without any actual evidence. Not a skerrick.
No DNA left at the scene.
It’s all being run on faith like a religion.
The wireless lads were talking about Sheens just arriving and taking over like I was. Apparently Brooks can understand him. Ffs…