And this bloke.
He ought to be ashamed of himself as well. Every year, and month to month, he is making the NRL more and more a dictatorship.
The NRL is basically run as a police state, and Gallop is the dictator.
Whether it be player's contracts, punishments and suspensions on behalf of clubs, telling players what they can and can't do off the field - whatever it is, Gallop is in the thick of making his administration of the game a total dictatorship.
And not only is he the dictator, but the whole administration of this game reeks of complete double standards in many of their situations, no different to how Matthew Johns and Brett Firman are being treated differently right now by the media.
One rule for some, ignorance for another.
I completely agree with the player who came out today saying that Gallop will never stop group sex.
I mean there's swingers clubs everywhere for f*cks sake. For males, females, everyone. There's sex clubs in most major cities, and its definitely not uncommon for a group of people to have consensual sex in private situations.
How or why Gallop thinks he can prevent it from happening, is beyond me.
What if it was 4 women on 1 man?
What if it was 4 men altogether?
Oh wait, maybe Gallop will ban NRL homosexuality next as well. Because there's a few players who are probably re-thinking the consensual group sessions they have with their boyfriends as of now because dictator Gallop says group sex is now a no - no :lol:
Geez last week, a bloke I know - a carpenter of all things - had his girlfriend surprise him with a group session with 2 other girls. Ok , don't ask how I know these things :lol: - but seriously, it just shows that not all " GROUP SEX " situations need to be banned.
Then again, because he is a carpenter, and it was 3:1 girl/boy ratio, no one seems to care.
But hey David, stamp your foot.