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Matty Johns / the new ACA with Farrah

Jason Maher

Thing is,. Johns said to him his team was soft once and it obviously didnt fire farrah up enough. So he dropped it a few times. I dont know just dont think it was neccesarry, Farrah knows they havent been going good. And your right tonight they werent that flash. I just dont like people sticking the boot in. Whats Farrah supposed to do ..You say he got defensive, Is he suppose to say yeah we are soft.That would be terrible leadership. Not a tiger supporter just didnt like the angle Johns took. Happy to be in the minority oh and Hiney...yeah Batman..and its HINDY mate learn to spell your heroes nickname.

Perhaps, if they weren't softcocks, they could use the taunts to fire them up, like we did the choker taunts in 2010...


i haven't seen it, but i've been told by more than a few people (who are still new to the whole football/media thing) that it was the best interview matt johns has done.
That's like saying it's the best length of the field try George Rose has ever scored.

To mention it once and get a response is ok. To keep saying it and then plonking in the old "Benji hates Robbie" thing is just arrogant. Farah acted perfectly, sat the egotistical wanker on his arse. I note that Johns had no come back - and his only proof was "I have heard from a mate" bullsh*t.

Notice how gutless Johns was when Robbie pressed him on who his source was? Farah dessicated the twat in that interview, and anyone who thinks that was a good interview are f*cked in the head.

So what? Players should only go on TV if they are getting their asses kissed? Good on Johns, he said it in the interview - he was just asking what every Tigers fan wanted to know

And they've lost two more since then
Why should Farah have to answer a twat who doesnt listen? Johns asked a question, farah answers. Johns asks the same question TWICE MORE and basically called him a liar on live TV. Farah should have snotted the merkin.

Bran Van, whats the point of going on TV to be called a liar?

Johns is a sh*t inteviewer who needs to sensationalise everything or act the smart arse. Good interviewers set it up and let the subject tell the story.


On NRL on fox John's has given Farah a rap for the way he conducted himself but i don't think Farah handled himself well at all.

Answering questions with questions or if not that answers like "well i'm sure people have their opinions on you too" shows Farah just didn't have any real answers.

No question a side being led around by him and Benji should be doing a lot better than they are.


True. But Johns already asked the question and Farah answered it. Johns deserved answers like that for carrying on with it.


FFS Loustrat, hindsight has proven Johns right. He was right to imply Farah was a liar because he was. They've done nothing since then to prove Johns wrong. They deserve to be 0-6. They reshaped their roster from last year and it's significantly worse.


BUMP - after the Tigers reaction to the sad passing of Sonya Farah - particularly Benji's - one needs to reflect on the arrogant twat that is Matthew Johns. Farah's reaction is seen in a new light.

BUMP BONUS - The previous post - in the same new light - just happens to show Bunniesman up to be a clueless f*ckwit - yet again.!

Joker's Wild

BUMP - after the Tigers reaction to the sad passing of Sonya Farah - particularly Benji's - one needs to reflect on the arrogant twat that is Matthew Johns. Farah's reaction is seen in a new light.

What has the weekends results got to do with how the Tigers played 3-4 weeks ago?

Johns said they were soft and they were playing soft at the time. Pretty fair cop imo given how easily they are still leaking points


First Grade
The point was made to me a long time ago in regards to Johns with the utter rails run he gave Hindmarsh a week or so after he and Farah had their back and forth. Thankfully he has toned down the sensationalist drivel since this happened anyway and the show is better for it though one may argue it still needs less Doogs.

As for Goldenrod, click to view his post history, it is a legacy of dubious opinion, sexual confusion and f**kwittery
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What a stupid bump. Are you trying to attribute the Tigers soft performances in the opening rounds to the condition of Farah's mother?


First Grade
I think Loudy is referring g to News Ltd driven rumours that Benj & Rob hate each other. Not the soft stuff.

Could be wrong


I think he's saying the comments made by Johns regarding the rift between Benji and Farah were proven to be false based on Benji's reaction on sunday.

To be fair to Johns, it was hardly a rumour he started and its been doing the rounds for a while.


What has the weekends results got to do with how the Tigers played 3-4 weeks ago?
I dunno.What has my post got to do with how the Tigers played 3-4 weeks ago?

Johns said they were soft and they were playing soft at the time. Pretty fair cop imo given how easily they are still leaking points
Is that all he said? Wow - must have been a short interview.

He was also crapping on about internal rifts sapping the heart out of the club. Hence the bump.

What a stupid bump. Are you trying to attribute the Tigers soft performances in the opening rounds to the condition of Farah's mother?
The bump on your head is stupider.

[youtube]DaUGIv1sK_s[/youtube] The questioning starts earlier, with Johns hammering on about being soft, but go to 2:30.


I don't necessarily think Benji's reaction disproves it though, whether or not they like each other, doesn't change the fact that they spend a lot of time together. Benji is incredibly close to his mum also, Benji and Farah have been playing together for years, of course Farah's mum's passing was going to hit close to home.


The latest events really have nothing at all to do with the Farah/Johns exchange.

Every person on here knew of the Benji/Farah rumours before Matty asked him about it. As an interviewer he was entitled to ask him about it. Certainly it looks like the rumours (surprise) are unfounded. Move on.

Joker's Wild

Righteo Misty, fair enough. To be fair your post wasn't making your point clearly and the majority of the posts in this thread refer to the "Soft" comments from Johns, not his mention of a rift between the 2 star players.

Like Haffa said, the rumours about a rift between Benji and Robbie were around long before said interview and it was reasonable to ask the question given how shit the Tigers were playing


What would prove it? Their sex tape??????

Rumours are rumours - and both Benji and Robbie has denied it ad nauseum, but no one let it go. ONe would have thought after the abysmal gutter journalism in November about Robbie wanting out - just when his mum got her diagnosis - would have seen the end of it. Yet Johns persisted.

Farah earned my admiration during that interview. WTF is a rumour anyway? Anyone can start one. Remember the Gus and Freddy sexual encounters rumour?

Johns should have had more decorum and professionalism - especially the age of the rumour and the lack of proof.
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