It doesn't matter whether it is rent from 2008 or 2009 - if the Knights pay the rent first without sorting out the compensation matter they are essentially throwing away any bargaining power they have. Taking it to the courts could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and take years to settle.There is still a court process to deal with that if compensation can't be reached to the satisfaction of the Knights guys...
But fair enough, if the Knights want to use it as leverage for getting money from HV, then you can't be critical of HV using their own leverage of sending a bill wanting their money with the threat of keeping the Knights using the stadium either.
It works both ways right?
Still no mention from everyone as to why there wasn't a set compensation agreement before work commenced.
Still no recognition that compensation from 2009 shouldn't have anything to do really with fees owed from 2008 apart from " leverage ".
Well two can play that game, and it seems to me, that both sides are as bad as the other.
So you are now at least recognising that the Knights are doing the right thing in withholding the rent payment until they settle how much compensation they are owed? It mightn't be right way to do it, however it is the smart way to do it.