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The timing of Maccas decision is a bit odd. Maybe the club was holding off releasing him untill the knew Fielden was in the bag?

The Whippet

Use would look pretty stupid if use didn't sign Fieldon.

Remember nothing is certain until it's on paper, unless your name is Aaron Moule, that's an exception.

The Whippet

It was a good idea at the time.

We still have a capable halfback in Chris Sheppard who was very good for us in 2003. Plus a lot of depth in our halves we've got guys like Keiran Kerr and Brett McConnell in Queensland Cup for us.


He was my Favourite player and to say i'm pissed is an understatement. But what's done is done and you have to look at the bright side.

1. Atleast he didnt leave us for another NRL club. I think Macca was always going to go to England and I expected him to go at the end of his current contract.

2. Carney should get a crack at one of the halves positions. Please Elliot DONT play Withers at halfback. He is a hooker and should be played there.

3. This should free upalot of money in our salary cap and make retaining players like O'hara some what easier.

4. If we get Fielden out of this then I'll be over the moon. A forward rotation of Fielden, O'hara and Weyman works for me.

Mal Meninga

It's Todd Carnage time!
But really - what's the connection between letting Macca go to Broncos and Bradford giving us Fielden? I don't see a link.
Wow. Absolutely stunned.

I don't really know what to think, but if we do get Fielden and if this fast-tracks Carney's role into first grade, then I'm not too upset over it at all.


it's pretty simple Mal Meninga. Fielden wants to sign with us, but we don't have room under the cap. Macca, one of our highest paid players wants to go to ESL, but he's still under contract. so you kill 2 birds with one stone by releasing Macca, thereby freeing up money to pay for Fielden.


Mal Meninga said:
It's Todd Carnage time!
But really - what's the connection between letting Macca go to Broncos and Bradford giving us Fielden? I don't see a link.

There may not be an actual link between the british clubs, but perhaps we could only offer Fielden a deal if we could free up some of the cap by releasing Marty.
Plus don't forget that Fielden 'apparently' had a farewell lap after the ESL grand final, hinting that he might've played his last game for Bradford.



First Grade
On WIN TV News tonight, McLinden and the coach announced McLinden's decision to leave the club for a three year deal with the London Broncos. McLinden has a clause in his contract which enables him to leave the club if an opportunity for him to play overseas comes along.

McLinden said he had had an interest in playing overseas for some time and had been working towards such an opportunity. He said he also did not think he had achieved all he had wanted to with the Raiders and he admitted that in part, he was leaving because of frustration. He feels he has been playing below par and hopes this new opportunity will be a fresh start.

The coach said the club had some depth in the halves, with Jason Smith arriving, Lincoln Withers, Todd Carney, Terry Campese and William Zillman. When asked what the club would do with the freed up salary cap, the coach said there was little that could be done, as there was no one left on the player market who could replace McLinden.

The report suggested that both McLinden and the club hoped that he may come back and play out his career with the Raiders after the 3 year deal with the London Broncos is over.


Yet another disaster in player retention. It also underlines how much raw talent our coaching set up wastes...............

I am totally shattered as well. Macca was my favourite player.

Plus the coach's statement didn't seem to suggest they are looking to sign another player... though if you interpreted it one way, he could have been saying the club is not looking for a replacement half - this does not rule out another player being signed I guess.

The only possible upside is that this may force the coach to promote the likes of Carney and Zillman.


greeneyed said:
Yet another disaster in player retention. It also underlines how much raw talent our coaching set up wastes...............
I don't see how this was a disaster in player retetntion... If there was a clause in his contract, then what can we do about it?

It really has nothing to do with management, and everything to do with Marty's decision, because if he has a clause, then there is nothing we can do about it.


greeneyed said:
The coach said the club had some depth in the halves, with Jason Smith arriving, Lincoln Withers, Todd Carney, Terry Campese and William Zillman.

I think this shows that he is leaning towards a Smith/Withers half combination wich IMO would be the worst in the league.

greeneyed said:
When asked what the club would do with the freed up salary cap, the coach said there was little that could be done, as there was no one left on the player market who could replace McLinden.

He is either keeping really tight lipped and containing his excitement about Fielden or getting him is just a pipe dream. Either way I hop the bi pom makes his way down to Canberra.


First Grade
Why is this a "disaster" in player retention when pretty much everyone agreed that he was not the playmaker for the Raiders future?

Virtually everyone was scratching their heads trying to figure out where to play him.

He's probably my favourite player, and the type of player I would have liked to have been. I am sad to see him go, but at least he didn't wear out his welcome, and he still appreciates what the Raiders have given him.

Best of luck Marty. The Antipodes is too small to hold your personality. 8)


I posted this in the NRL forum but I thought I'll post it here too.

Mclinden was my favourite player like he was to many raiders fans. I think because of that we seemed to criticise him less and blamed our poor attack on our "halves" and Brad Drew and not on Macca. '

The fact of the matter is Macca had one good game this year IMO. The opening round against the Dragons. By seasons end he was struggling to hold a spot on the bench.

We all wanted him to reach his potential. He was rookie of the year and the raiders are starving for the next Daley or Stuart. We all wanted it to be Macca. Fact of the matter is he was never going to be. If he was he would of already evolved into that player.

Withers, although not the answer in our halves will atleast guide the team better. Having said that I still believe he should stay away from the no.7 jersey. That should be taken by Carney. He has guided our PL team to the GF in 2003 and to the preliminary Final this year. He is a junior NSW rep, a junior kangaroo and we have no other option but to trie him at halfback. Jason Smith should now play at 5/8th. Croker to lock.

If we get Fielden I think we will be stronger next year. O'hara needs to lift, Weyman for his age is a freak and Stu is arguably the best prop in Britian on par with Morley.
greeneyed said:
When asked what the club would do with the freed up salary cap, the coach said there was little that could be done, as there was no one left on the player market who could replace McLinden.

Notice the 'replace' part. Fielden doesn't have to 'replace' McLinden because he plays in the forwards. ;-)

greeneyed said:
Yet another disaster in player retention. It also underlines how much raw talent our coaching set up wastes...............

You can't be serious... McLinden and McLinden only is to blame for wasting of his own talent. Don't get me wrong, he's probably my favorite player... or was, anyway. And yeah, while he was played all over the place, is that Elliot's fault that he didn't excel in one particular position? Seriously. He went missing all the time in games. It was frustrating, and it was probably his own fault. I'll miss him, but it's not the end of the world.