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Post Whore
im on the poso side here
Hrundi is right, we had no idea where to play him and now that he is gone although its sad, it now opens the door for carney who is our future


First Grade
This imo explains macca's poor form in the later part of last season.

Our most potent weapon gone :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Who's next ???

you are an ****hole Elliot :twisted: :twisted:
you are all ****holes management :twisted: :twisted:

My opinion of these ****holes takes another dive. They are the most incompetant ***holes in the NRL.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


First Grade
raiders_boy said:
greeneyed said:
Yet another disaster in player retention. It also underlines how much raw talent our coaching set up wastes...............
I don't see how this was a disaster in player retetntion... If there was a clause in his contract, then what can we do about it?

It really has nothing to do with management, and everything to do with Marty's decision, because if he has a clause, then there is nothing we can do about it.

The same clause was in Mark Gasnier's contract too, but St George didn't let him go. The club clearly wanted to release him, it seems to me. I guess you could say that this means it was a success from management's perspective... they didn't want him and he has gone.......

I don't agree myself that he should have been "let go"; I also vividly recall McLinden's comments after a day with Matthew Johns.... he was stunned about all the coaching tips he got... like where to stand and how to kick as a half....... something our coaches weren't able to give him.


First Grade
Greenraider said:
right now i feel like bay :?

we should all feel like bay ... this is the tip of the proverbial Iceberg.

As I said in aonther post I heard more than some of you guys are aware of from a Dragons supporter on the weekend. His source is reliable.

If any of you guys think this is good for the club have a f**king good look in the mirror.

Hawkins/Funer/Elliot are the worst thing that ever happened to this once proud football club.

We are an absolute joke and should be treated like such by supporters from other clubs.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Bay56 said:
This imo explains macca's poor form in the later part of last season.

Our most potent weapon gone :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Who's next ???

you are an ****hole Elliot :twisted: :twisted:
you are all ****holes management :twisted: :twisted:

My opinion of these ****holes takes another dive. They are the most incompetant ***holes in the NRL.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Did you read the article? He had a clause... he wanted to use it. How is it their fault? I mean really...


First Grade
I Bleed Green said:
Did you read the article? He had a clause... he wanted to use it. How is it their fault? I mean really...

If you want to defend these ****holes thats up to you IBG ... they will never get mine. They are friggin amateurs that wouldnt know how to run the proverbial chook raffle.

I'm f**king angry ... this is no way a football club should be run.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


First Grade
Tidus Raider said:
He has guided our PL team to the GF in 2003...

He was playing SG Ball in 2003. One of the reasons I was dumbfounded by people wanting him as starting half in 04(Way to big a gap between SG Ball and FG to jump in one year).


First Grade
Can't beleive so many of you are up in arms over losing Macca.
Time to come to terms with the fact that Macca was shite in 90% of the games he played. Had massive potential but only ever showed glimpses of it.
He had become a waste of a decent amount of cap money IMO.
If we get Fielden I'll be over the moon but i fwe don't we have more money for signing consistent players like Schif.
Funny how you won't give Elliot another chance but you would give Macca yet another year.
Bay56 said:
I Bleed Green said:
Did you read the article? He had a clause... he wanted to use it. How is it their fault? I mean really...

If you want to defend these ****holes thats up to you IBG ... they will never get mine. They are friggin amateurs that wouldnt know how to run the proverbial chook raffle.

I'm f**king angry ... this is no way a football club should be run.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Look, I'm not saying that management are great and all of that, I don't have my head buried in the sand. However, I just fail to see how they're to blame in this situation. As for greeneyed's point about Mark Gasnier having a clause in his contract, that is incorrect. He had no clause in his contract about it, he flat out asked for a release, which St. George denied because he had no clause in his contract. McLinden did. If McLinden hadn't had that clause in his contract, I highly doubt he would have re-signed last year, so we wouldn't have even had him this year.

If he wanted to go, if he wanted that clause in his contract, then I fail to see how that is anyone else's doing besides Mark McLinden.


First Grade
Chief_Chujo said:
Can't beleive so many of you are up in arms over losing Macca.
Time to come to terms with the fact that Macca was sh*te in 90% of the games he played. Had massive potential but only ever showed glimpses of it.
He had become a waste of a decent amount of cap money IMO.
If we get Fielden I'll be over the moon but i fwe don't we have more money for signing consistent players like Schif.
Funny how you won't give Elliot another chance but you would give Macca yet another year.

Wiki, Davico, M.Monas, J.Monas, Macca, Lolesi ...... just to name a few.

Dont you see a trend Chief ..... we are the next parra .... blind harry cculd see this.

:evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:


First Grade
Greenraider said:
we are the next parra
lets not say things we cant take back :p

I wont need to take anything back greenraider.

I am in a fit of rage at the moment after coming home from a hectic day and hearing this news. I might therefore not be expressing my views properly.

This bucnh of ****holes will never get my respect.

The unffortunate thing is that I'm almost 100% certain that Elliott will be re-signed by the club. I think by that time I will have had just about enough.


First Grade
Wiki - Couldn't compete with 400 grand a season. Awesome player but not worth that much. If they had offered him anymore then 300 I'd be pissed off.

Davico - Fair enough. Management f**ked up here.

M.Monas - No cap room in 03. We had to sign the players we knew were peformers. Didn't know that with Monnas thanks to O'donnel.

J.Monas - We offered him 250 grand. Way more thne the little turn coat piece of shit is worth. This is tha fault of an slimy little rat bastard not management.

Macca - Already explained that I think he was a waste of time.

Lolesi - Finchys Dad's fault. Paid him way over what he was worth when he was shite. When he got good we offered him what he was actually worth.


Post Whore
Chief_Chujo said:
Wiki - Couldn't compete with 400 grand a season. Awesome player but not worth that much. If they had offered him anymore then 300 I'd be pissed off.

Davico - Fair enough. Management f***ed up here.

M.Monas - No cap room in 03. We had to sign the players we knew were peformers. Didn't know that with Monnas thanks to O'donnel.

J.Monas - We offered him 250 grand. Way more thne the little turn coat piece of sh*t is worth. This is tha fault of an slimy little rat bastard not management.

Macca - Already explained that I think he was a waste of time.

Lolesi - Finchys Dad's fault. Paid him way over what he was worth when he was sh*te. When he got good we offered him what he was actually worth.

ill agre with that except for wiki, he was offered crap by us, not a great way to treat a club legend, we offered him about the same as Monaghan which is a slap in the face. more should have and could have been done for Muss

All in all i blame management for Davico, Muss and Monaghans departures, Lolesi went where the money was, macca wants to travel and at the time, Mick monnas didnt seem to be a good option


First Grade
Chief ... you can make all the excuses you want pal you aint convincing me.

A well run club doesnt have these problems. Thats the bottom line.

Elliott is not a coach that a player would find an attraction or an incentive to stay or come .... he is just a plain very ordinary coach. As far as Hawkins and Furner .... you know my views.

When a club loses a player like macca you know something is desparately wrong. If you cant see that Chief there's not a lot I can do to help you.


IanHindmarsh said:
I know he's under contract till 2006, but since Dennis Moran has signed a contract with Wigan Warriors for next season, London seem to think they will be signing McLinden for the start of next season.


Anyone heard any more bull?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


First Grade
Raider_69 said:
Chief_Chujo said:
Wiki - Couldn't compete with 400 grand a season. Awesome player but not worth that much. If they had offered him anymore then 300 I'd be pissed off.

Davico - Fair enough. Management f***ed up here.

M.Monas - No cap room in 03. We had to sign the players we knew were peformers. Didn't know that with Monnas thanks to O'donnel.

J.Monas - We offered him 250 grand. Way more thne the little turn coat piece of sh*t is worth. This is tha fault of an slimy little rat bastard not management.

Macca - Already explained that I think he was a waste of time.

Lolesi - Finchys Dad's fault. Paid him way over what he was worth when he was sh*te. When he got good we offered him what he was actually worth.

ill agre with that except for wiki, he was offered crap by us, not a great way to treat a club legend, we offered him about the same as Monaghan which is a slap in the face. more should have and could have been done for Muss

All in all i blame management for Davico, Muss and Monaghans departures, Lolesi went where the money was, macca wants to travel and at the time, Mick monnas didnt seem to be a good option

Raiders_69 .... forget about the reasons. I can give you a million reasons why this why that blah blah blah

Its the trend thats the problem ... this club seems to be making incorrect decision after incorrect decision .... I've used the analogy before "we are on a train thats heading to dumbsville via idiotsville. All the signs are pointing in the wrong direction and the sooner we get of thistrain the better.


First Grade
On ABC Canberra TV news:

Coach Elliott says he "can't say I'm over the moon about it" [McLinden leaving] but wouldn't hold anything against McLinden and wouldn't want to stand in the way of this opportunity.

McLinden said it is all something of a shock and I'm still coming to terms with it.


There is more to this than meets the eye in my view.


First Grade
Bay, I understand you being disappointed about losing Macca (and I know you're a whole lot more than that, let's not beat around the bush), but if Macca was only prepared to sign a contract that gave him an out clause, what more could management have done? At the end of the day, the are not able to force him to sign a contract that he didn't want to.

I agree with you about there being more that could be done with his personal development, but the fact remains, if he signed a contract that allowed him to leave the club to play overseas, they were dutybound to honor it.

And let's not forget also, we almost lost him to ESL a few seasons ago, we were very lucky to have kept him back then.