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Post Whore
MarkInTheStands said:
But hey what do I know, I am just some Chump who gets everyone else the information.

Mark, cut the theatrics. You know very well your information is highly prized and respected, and also appreciated by most, if not all.
And we thank you always for it, even if you don't know it.

Suitman said:
Mark, cut the theatrics. You know very well your information is highly prized and respected, and also appreciated by most, if not all.
And we thank you always for it, even if you don't know it.


Here here

fish eel

MarkInTheStands said:
There are other Factors, I am sure, but continual Tax increases with laws that limit the time spent on the Machines is another thing, but really lets not beat about the bush. What ever the cause, we need to understand that we are no longer the Rich Leagues club we have always been touted as. Maybe we can realise that some of what the club has been saying for the past 3 years in regards to events and loss of revenue has some merit.

Cop the tip Mark, Pokies are past their used by date. The world is closing in on them. Put aside the taxation issue, I think over the next couple of years we are going to see more policy movements by governments against pokies, lead b the commonwealth.

If taxation doesnt kill them, a federal government will a conscience will. The Prime Minister has already had discussions with Tim Costello about how state governments can be made less reliant on pokie revenue.

The other thing that needs to be mentioned is that having a poker machine isnt a right, it's a privalege granted to an elite few by the government. Not everyone can get one, You need a license, which, in effect, has been a license over many years to print money. Governments have every right to tax that IMO.

I would also wonder how many of us, go to the club on Non-game days and spend money in the venue, even if it is not with Gaming, on food and drink and general entertainment (I hear the lounge on level 3 is quite nice).

I do. It's a short walk from my home. I would be interested to see some patronage figures. I've gone to buy dinner mid week and the joint has, on occasion, been like a morgue. I dont know my that is. Personally, I dont find it the most welcoming or enjoyable club to visit, but thats just my opinion.

But hey what do I know, I am just some Chump who gets everyone else the information.


I'm not sure why you got so defensive there, nobody is having a go at you. You're always well up for these type of discussions anyway....
fish eel said:
Cop the tip Mark, Pokies are past their used by date. The world is closing in on them. Put aside the taxation issue, I think over the next couple of years we are going to see more policy movements by governments against pokies, lead b the commonwealth.

If taxation doesnt kill them, a federal government will a conscience will. The Prime Minister has already had discussions with Tim Costello about how state governments can be made less reliant on pokie revenue.

The other thing that needs to be mentioned is that having a poker machine isnt a right, it's a privalege granted to an elite few by the government. Not everyone can get one, You need a license, which, in effect, has been a license over many years to print money. Governments have every right to tax that IMO.

This I know.

fish eel said:
I do. It's a short walk from my home. I would be interested to see some patronage figures. I've gone to buy dinner mid week and the joint has, on occasion, been like a morgue. I dont know my that is. Personally, I dont find it the most welcoming or enjoyable club to visit, but thats just my opinion.

This I know, having being there for a few Supporters clubs meetings it isn't the most happening place in town.

fish eel said:

I'm not sure why you got so defensive there, nobody is having a go at you. You're always well up for these type of discussions anyway....

I guess that it is I am just not UP at the moment.


MarkInTheStands said:
There are other Factors, I am sure, but continual Tax increases with laws that limit the time spent on the Machines is another thing, but really lets not beat about the bush. What ever the cause, we need to understand that we are no longer the Rich Leagues club we have always been touted as. Maybe we can realise that some of what the club has been saying for the past 3 years in regards to events and loss of revenue has some merit.

I would also wonder how many of us, go to the club on Non-game days and spend money in the venue, even if it is not with Gaming, on food and drink and general entertainment (I hear the lounge on level 3 is quite nice).

But hey what do I know, I am just some Chump who gets everyone else the information.

Firstly, Im sure that you get that information for yourself and chose to share it with us. No one is actually forcing you to do it, dont act all hard done by.

Secondly, I use the club on a regular occurance (but if the pokies dont start paying me back I will stop!) :lol: But as I have mentioned before, I think even with recent renovations they have put all their eggs into one basket in catering for one demographic. They really do need to have a look at how Wenty leagues is set up. They also have an abundance of poker machines, but do so whilst providing a family, social oriented atmosphere with plenty of seats and lounge area with live entertainment. (altho the food in the Bistro can be majorly improved).

Stagger eel

Staff member
MarkInTheStands said:
There are other Factors, I am sure, but continual Tax increases with laws that limit the time spent on the Machines is another thing, but really lets not beat about the bush. What ever the cause, we need to understand that we are no longer the Rich Leagues club we have always been touted as. Maybe we can realise that some of what the club has been saying for the past 3 years in regards to events and loss of revenue has some merit.

I would also wonder how many of us, go to the club on Non-game days and spend money in the venue, even if it is not with Gaming, on food and drink and general entertainment (I hear the lounge on level 3 is quite nice).

But hey what do I know, I am just some Chump who gets everyone else the information.

this is the big factor behind my continual song and dance about revenue making or lack off in the football club.

on a side not to that, I also heard a little whisper that the money we're getting from Radio Rentals fell well short of what Mounties were giving us. not sure whether that's true or not but it is concerning if it is.


Post Whore
Stagger eel said:
this is the big factor behind my continual song and dance about revenue making or lack off in the football club.

on a side not to that, I also heard a little whisper that the money we're getting from Radio Rentals fell well short of what Mounties were giving us. not sure whether that's true or not but it is concerning if it is.

If true, that is truly a deep rooted problem.
It tells me people are struggling to do their job properly.


Stagger eel

Staff member
Suitman said:
If true, that is truly a deep rooted problem.
It tells me people are struggling to do their job properly.


I must stress it is just speculation but just what i heard.


MarkInTheStands said:
That is a Discussion for a whole other thread that has Run its course.

well cut back to my first part of my response then, if the latter 'comment' other has been done to death in another thread, sorry, but I dont have time to read the whole board :?
Nikki said:
Firstly, Im sure that you get that information for yourself and chose to share it with us. No one is actually forcing you to do it, dont act all hard done by.

You know what, your wrong. If people didn't ask for 60% of the info here, I wouldn't go get it. Because I honestly don't care about some of it. I could quite happily sit in my seat and get on with my duties at work or concentrate on my home life other than call, but I try to help out and it would seem if I didn't this board would tumbled into wild speculation the likes of which are heard on the AM band. Sure the only thing forcing me to get the info is my Psyche. That Obsessive Part of me that likes things to be correct and informed.

Have a look at a recent example like the Merge Thread. That played on my mind for 4 weeks.
Kazz said:
Would never be one to argue or disagree with you, but I was told something totally different by someone who works in the 'office' and that in fact season tickets were actually down on last year - but either way, they keep pulling the same crap like making us go to 'home' games at ANZ they will be down a hell of a lot more in time to come - the general consensus around us at the dogs game, people were NOT HAPPY JAN !!! :D

Okay so to respond to this, (again re post above).

I have had the information from 2 or 3 sources. If you chose not to believe those sources then that is fine, I also know new people who have come on board to become season ticket holders, especially after our late season push. So the Experience I have is contra to yours guess, and I have the person in charge of Season Tickets tell me to a direct question, those figures.

Secondly to the Enjoyment factor of the fans. I understand most were not happy with their seating allocation, there have been a number of complaints but the club has responded with the Parramata e-news letter in stating that an NRL stuff up has caused most of these problems, and after they ensure that problems do not occur at Parramatta Stadium this Friday night they will be working to ensure round 9 works much more smoothly for the fans.

Other than that the fans need to harden the hell up a bit in my personal opinion. They act as though they are the major source of income to the club. But quite frankly they are not, in my opinion we make more money playing in the league, (3.25 million or more) than we do from Season tickets (Around 825,000). In previous years we could have taken that 825,000 or so and thrown almost half of it away on Playing at Parramatta Stadium for a year. So then the fans income to the club directly (not through the pokies or Buying a jersey as that is all indirect cash which is accounted for in other numbers) was approximately 465,000 which was guaranteed at the start of the year. However with the move to ANZ for two games. Just two games. It is my understanding we made our entire yearly hire fee for Parramatta Stadium back, plus if we go well enough in attracting supporters to the game, we get a cut of the gate takings, and this costs us Nothing except to play 2 games there. The first game we got over 22 thousand people (25,000 approx) which means people would have been turned away from Parramatta Stadium for this game. Yet they got to see the game at ANZ,

So to summarise, We got Money, it cost us Nothing in actual money terms and More People got to see the game. Now I am really trying to find a bad point for the fans, if indeed our seating gets fixed for round 9.

Now Hellsy has the only valid point I have heard so far for not liking the move and that is Based on laws enacted by the Office of Fair Trading. Which states we advertised for all our games to be played at Parramatta Stadium, yet 2 games were moved after people had already made that commitment. However, I believe the law states that you can't change a product without offering either a Partial refund or adding additional value to the sale. From which I understand the 2 extra "Free" Away Games, at the venue are. But I am sure someone will test this claim the Office of Fair trading.

For me it comes down to understanding what we need to do to keep watching Parramatta Eels Football, if moving two games to ANZ is what we need to do to keep it viable, then I say we do it. If the article in the Telegraph is right (Please note I have never seen said article but just the thread on this board) that we move 5 games to ANZ instead (Which is going to be very hard after we announce that we will be at Parramatta Stadium for 10 games a year for the next 5 years), then I know we are doing it for the Benefit of the Parramatta Eels Football and so the fans get to see us play.

In 1981 they burnt down Cumberland oval to ensure they got Parramatta Stadium to Play at, the Downside was that they had to play at belmore for 4 years. Now our club is ensuring we play at Parramatta Stadium for the next 5 years and the only downside is we play 2 Blockbuster games at ANZ stadium. . . .

Have the Parra Fans gone soft in 21 years.

(waits for this one to spark a multitude of angry posts).

fish eel

Informative post Mark. Just 1 points.

I think an impression is being created that 'most' people had their seating stuffed up at ANZ. Granted, there appears to be a good deal of people who did have their seating stuffed up, my experience on the day tells me they got it exactly right. The people in front of me at Parra were there, I was sitting next to the same people and had usual suspects behind. Seat right on halfway like Parramatta - and I didnt hear complaints. Just my game day experience, and if I didnt read this forum I wouldnt know about the stuff ups.


dennis wants all to become members of the Blue n Gold army so he can clarify them as members but they will not have any voting rights which suits him as they pose no risk to overthrowing the emporer !!!