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Milne to debut tonight


Macko8 said:
yeah thankyou....ill pass em on to my son
you mustn't do alot of umm background research and you mustnt of seen frawley in action for the broncos,and haha i dont really understand wat you are saying???? you mite as well speak in jybrish fella.from wat i can see weyman hasnt done nothing for the club,his juz like carney....ohhhh these two are going to be future prospects of the NRL i havent seen much yet.....but hay still a long way to go yet...i really do hope they prove me wrong.....and for the last time leave FRAWLEY the F u C K alone..his done sh*t to you..when he gets some form together you'll b lost for words.....end of this!!!!!...(if u were in a scrum i'd knock you one)

You ever heard that saying about glass houses and chucking rocks???

werd too yore mutha........


First Grade
whoever the f u c k is bagging frawley ought to be SHOT...obviously youse aint seen wat he can do on the field,when his 100% fit.Which he hasnt been the past few games due to injury thats why he pulled out.....n quit making bullsh*t jokes eg his fingernail cracked.....pisses me off when some bastard seez sh*t like that....your not happy you get the hell on the paddock and see wat u can come up wif.

You're obsessed with telling people to 'get the hell on the paddocak and see wat (sic) u (sic) can come up wif (sic)'. Why is that Macko?

People around here are entitled to their opinions, you may disagree with Raider_69 but he has the right to put it forward.


thickos said:
You're obsessed with telling people to 'get the hell on the paddocak and see wat (sic) u (sic) can come up wif (sic)'. Why is that Macko?

People around here are entitled to their opinions, you may disagree with Raider_69 but he has the right to put it forward.

and your obsessed with saying frawley is useless..yet u name him in ur side this week???? i dont really care...if your not in the raiders army or sum big administrator of this site than u most well keep ur opinions to yaself....its faken bullsh*t. cant even have a f u c k e n say without some prick saying ohhh no take my opinion i know it all....pffffffrt raiders fan my arse!!


Post Whore
have a tissue you big girl
f**k me dead, cry me a river you fat f**kin baby

if you cant handle alittle heated debate with someone of a strong opinion then your in the wrong place mate, take a hike co-jack
As ive said, no one is doubting Frawleys ability when on the feild but the bloke is NEVER on the feild, hence he becomes useless and a waste of valuable cap money


First Grade
Macko8 said:
and your obsessed with saying frawley is useless..yet u name him in ur side this week????

If he is fit, yes. You aren't seeing the argument. If he is fit he could (key word: could) be very very good... but for every game he plays he misses four. I'm not saying we ditch him, what I am disappointed about is we paid big money for him and sadly the injury curse that plagued him at the Broncos will continue. I don't know if his injury troubles will continue, but who knows... they might.

Macko8 said:
i dont really care...if your not in the raiders army or sum big administrator of this site than u most well keep ur opinions to yaself....its faken bullsh*t.

Doesn't even warrant a response.

Macko8 said:
cant even have a f u c k e n say without some prick saying ohhh no take my opinion i know it all....pffffffrt raiders fan my arse!!

Here's an opinion for you: If you don't like my opinion, don't read it. Continue to live in your own little world where everyone is above criticism.

Walt Flanigan

I still think it's bottom shelf to get stuck into a bloke for something that is beyond his control. 69 you obviously have to have the last word every time regardless of weather or not your repeating yourself over and over again.


Post Whore
Walt Flanigan said:
I still think it's bottom shelf to get stuck into a bloke for something that is beyond his control. 69 you obviously have to have the last word every time regardless of weather or not your repeating yourself over and over again.

yep and as i gaze down at the team line up this week i see Frawley is AGAIN missing due to injury... hmmm whats that make it? 5 games and 12 off injuried now?
He has been nothing short of a monumental dud signing this year and not because of his talent, he has awesome potential but because to the bloke can never get on the park

You recon your employer would be pleased, or for that matter keep you on if you only turned up to roughy 30% of your working days?


Raider_69 said:
yep and as i gaze down at the team line up this week i see Frawley is AGAIN missing due to injury... hmmm whats that make it? 5 games and 12 off injuried now?
He has been nothing short of a monumental dud signing this year and not because of his talent, he has awesome potential but because to the bloke can never get on the park

You recon your employer would be pleased, or for that matter keep you on if you only turned up to roughy 30% of your working days?

You would be pissed off before you can even spell the word PISSED OFF.He definately has potential but.............................potential on the sideline is no good to the team.I guess his toe nail is still in plaster.


Post Whore
ausraider said:

You would be pissed off before you can even spell the word PISSED OFF.He definately has potential but.............................potential on the sideline is no good to the team.I guess his toe nail is still in plaster.



Raider_69 said:

haha yeah thanx pal. yea you F U C K E N
little spoilt BRAT......your prolly one of those little weizel type poofs..that stand in the army and yell sh*t out and when the going gets tough you run and hide, i'd love sooo much to put a hit on you.should plan that actually..no but you wouldnt even touch a footy ball you sook!.....keep talking little big man cause i havent even started yet...


Post Whore
Macko8 said:
haha yeah thanx pal. yea you F U C K E N
little spoilt BRAT......your prolly one of those little weizel type poofs..that stand in the army and yell sh*t out and when the going gets tough you run and hide, i'd love sooo much to put a hit on you.should plan that actually..no but you wouldnt even touch a footy ball you sook!.....keep talking little big man cause i havent even started yet...

your a F U C K E N ( :lol: ) disgrace mate, now im not the one to go on about spelling as im hardly mr spellathon 2005 but mate... have you had ANY form of education? I mean sh*t, my neighbour, in his 4 years old glory can spell better than you... :lol: you'd love to put a hit on me aye? Someone you've never met or known. Do you think maybe you take this place a tad too seriously? :lol: Get a life mate... but then again Id love you to put a hit on me too, comedic value of seeing a bloke clearly suffering down sydrome trying to put a hit on would awesome. Little big man? Dude, does the word oxymoron mean anything to you?


Raider_69 said:
your a F U C K E N ( :lol: ) disgrace mate, now im not the one to go on about spelling as im hardly mr spellathon 2005 but mate... have you had ANY form of education? I mean sh*t, my neighbour, in his 4 years old glory can spell better than you... :lol: you'd love to put a hit on me aye? Someone you've never met or known. Do you think maybe you take this place a tad too seriously? :lol: Get a life mate... but then again Id love you to put a hit on me too, comedic value of seeing a bloke clearly suffering down sydrome trying to put a hit on would awesome. Little big man? Dude, does the word oxymoron mean anything to you?

R69 what a champion of a reply.Macko8 if you can't get a life FFS go looking for one.By the that word oxymoron is way too large for Macko8, (hint you might find it in the dictionary if you know how to use it.)lol cheer up mate, it's only tuesday.And FFS don't be so serious.:x


Raider_69 said:
your a F U C K E N ( :lol: ) disgrace mate, now im not the one to go on about spelling as im hardly mr spellathon 2005 but mate... have you had ANY form of education? I mean sh*t, my neighbour, in his 4 years old glory can spell better than you... :lol: you'd love to put a hit on me aye? Someone you've never met or known. Do you think maybe you take this place a tad too seriously? :lol: Get a life mate... but then again Id love you to put a hit on me too, comedic value of seeing a bloke clearly suffering down sydrome trying to put a hit on would awesome. Little big man? Dude, does the word oxymoron mean anything to you?

hahahaha man one of ur best pal one of your best.....that comeback???was juz as bad as elliots lineups....if not bader. yeah ive never had any form of education nah never. lol and oxymoron???yeah im not really sure wat that means?? nah i dont take this place too seriously....it juz really pisses me off when i see halfwhitted f**kheads(urself) on here talking GARBAGE...i really dispise those kinda people. thats why i'd like to put a hit on ya, i dunno knock some sense into you?? maybe you would shut ya pie hole...and ur telling me to get a life??? hay i gotta life i work 5 days a week..play footy weekends(put hits on fairys like yourself)..support the best team in the world..the raiders!!!(unlike urself...who doubts the players whenever you can) enough said LET it go...be a good lad and clear off now....cheers


Post Whore
Macko8 said:
hahahaha man one of ur best pal one of your best.....that comeback???was juz as bad as elliots lineups....if not bader. yeah ive never had any form of education nah never. lol and oxymoron???yeah im not really sure wat that means?? nah i dont take this place too seriously....it juz really pisses me off when i see halfwhitted f**kheads(urself) on here talking GARBAGE...i really dispise those kinda people. thats why i'd like to put a hit on ya, i dunno knock some sense into you?? maybe you would shut ya pie hole...and ur telling me to get a life??? hay i gotta life i work 5 days a week..play footy weekends(put hits on fairys like yourself)..support the best team in the world..the raiders!!!(unlike urself...who doubts the players whenever you can) enough said LET it go...be a good lad and clear off now....cheers

boyo your a tough man, working 5 days a week! Playing footy on the weekend?! how ever do you cope!!!
Mate i doubt you've ever put a hit on in your life, you go the brain power of a leather shoe... i have been following them for more than 12 years, consider im only 18, thats a long time. What right do you have to question anyone's support? There are 100's of ways to support the club.

your best mate Craig Frawley spends 70% of his time on the sidelines... its a waste of money, a waste of time and worst of all for him a waste of potential... why bother with a bloke like that when we can use the 200k he is one to upgrade blokes like Milne, Ale and Chalk? You know, guys who actually f**king play?

In this entire debate, you have yet to put up any form of intellectual or football related points to back your case that the critism labelled Frawley a waste of money and dud is unwarented

BTW its worth noting, ive been banned from this place countless times, warned even more, got into thousands apon thousands of verbal stashes with raiders fans and opposition fans alike, called just about everything under the sun, if that doesnt drive me away, i wanker telling me to "clear off" wont do the job either


haha f**k ur a funny bloke. yeah lol wat a coinsidence aye im 18 as well and ive been supporting the raiders for 12-13 years as well....i consider this a big achievement too aye. yea i like to consider myself a tough bloke...yeah it gets pritty tough sometimes im sooo f**ked from work but i still manage to put a few hits on in satdy footy.ohhh so ur mr bad boy of this site ....i dunno maybe ive met my match??very unlikely though. i know you'll write back but i have a life so i aint going on with anymore of this garbage..if ur ever in the neighbourhood,drop by to one of Cabramattas training session...guaranteed you wont come back.


Post Whore
Macko8 said:
haha f**k ur a funny bloke. yeah lol wat a coinsidence aye im 18 as well and ive been supporting the raiders for 12-13 years as well....i consider this a big achievement too aye. yea i like to consider myself a tough bloke...yeah it gets pritty tough sometimes im sooo f**ked from work but i still manage to put a few hits on in satdy footy.ohhh so ur mr bad boy of this site ....i dunno maybe ive met my match??very unlikely though. i know you'll write back but i have a life so i aint going on with anymore of this garbage..

cheers mate, i do like to try and provide the reggies here with some comic releif... boyo i think maybe i should stop, seems im getting your abit hot under the collar and young being such a big strong one man wrecking machine, i dont think thats a good idea... Mr Bad Boy... hmm dunno about that, would have to ask admin but i suspect id be in mix somewhere :lol:

Cabramatta... sorry champ, you'll just have to surpress that inner anger of yours. I avoid that hell ridden sh*t hole of a town at the best of times

Macko8 said:
if ur ever in the neighbourhood,drop by to one of Cabramattas training session...guaranteed you wont come back.

Ohhhhh deary me, what ever shall i do? im quaking in my boots! :lol:
Death threats, im really packin it now!... boyo, i havent had one of those since wel... yesterday :) :lol:


Cabramatta is my home town Mr 69.:(

Sounds funny a bloke from St Clair bagging Cabra, although I'd hazard a guess and say your probably better equipped than most to judge on a hell ridden sh*t hole.:lol:


Post Whore
legend said:
Cabramatta is my home town Mr 69.:(

Sounds funny a bloke from St Clair bagging Cabra, although I'd hazard a guess and say your probably better equipped than most to judge on a hell ridden sh*t hole.:lol:

Raider_69 loves st clair
and st clair loves me!!! Well acually most of it hate me but meh :lol:

Sorry leg but Cabramatta has got far to many wannabe gangsters and wankers running around. Granted there are a minority of nice normal people such as yourself but for the most part its very mehish

Granted St Clair is not exactly Wonderland (though it is close to the former theme park) but its not as bad as id take 30 years in St Clair before id take 2 years in Cabra :mrgreen:

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