What the f**k are you on about I don't call for mods when somebody has an opinion different to me.
That sums up slow paced FPS games, only the campers and noob tubers like large maps.
That sums up slow paced FPS games, only the campers and noob tubers like large maps.
Yeah gotta say there's a big difference between not camping and running out in the open like a genius. That said, he's pretty much on the money about Homefront.
Modern Warfare 3 has got a release date: 08.11.11
Looks legit, and it fits with their yearly schedule. I know what my money is going on that week though.
You realise arguing on the Internet has nothing to do with sexuality, right?
Soooo... Blind Eye + Assassin + Dead Silence & we are pretty much back to the reason Black Ops died? At what point in a war do people have so much bloody cloaking ability?
Killstreaks ruined multiplayer.
It's pretty hard to get killstreaks in barebones pure :lol: